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Posts posted by Demonbane775

  1. i 2nd this i way also thinking about removing the clip to so u can change it..


    *Gunautismo intensifies*


    But yes, being able to use different size magazines would also be nice. SOmething else that would be great but probably can't happen without the GECK is being able to swap from semi to full auto on guns like the Assault Rifle with a button press instead of it being two different modifications to the gun. Accuracy and precision when you need it, stopping power when you need it. JUST LIKE A REAL LIFE ASSAULT RIFLE.

  2. I absolutely adore the gun mods system in Fallout 4. But coming over from New Vegas, playing as a sniper, there's something very missing.


    Why can't I swap out scopes and muzzle attachments on the fly?


    There's times when my recon scope doesn't cut it and I want a night vision scope. But the night vision scope is only useful under very specific circumstances (A: at long range, B: at night) as it'll blind the f*#@ out of you during the day (As it should).


    Similarly, there's times I'd like a silencer on my gun. But again, there's only a specific set of circumstances under which a silencer is useful. Most of the time I'll want a straight compensator so I can use my rifle in open combat without as much of a hit to accuracy.


    In New Vegas, I could swap out gun mods to fit the situation. In Fallout 4, if I wanted to truly be prepared for any situation at any time, I'd have to carry around MULTIPLE rifles with different mods on them to suit the situation. Which is ridiculous, and defeats the entire reason for gun attachments.


    If this is even possible to achieve, could there be a mod menu for muzzle and sight mods in the pip-boy like there was in New Vegas? Not just for the hunting/sniper rifle, but for all the guns in the game.

    Note that I'm not asking to swap out ALL mods on the fly, as that would be a little silly. But if that's the best that can be accomplished without the CK...

  3. I love this idea. I could help with the new race EXCEPT for the design / 3D stuff. The other technical stuff is easy (well, depending how crazy you get with it) but I don't know anything about the art / design side of things, and in my opinion if you are going to make something as fantastic as Warforged (prolly have to call it something else for legal reasons) then it should be done well, and look like someone spent some time on it, IMO. Would love to see something like this.

    I'd also be perfectly happy to do all the creation kit stuff, the reason I threw this up here is that I lack the skills to do the 3D parts.

  4. I've always been a fan of robot or mechanical types in any game. I have a few android and robot race mods for Fallout, but I've yet to find anything at least somewhat lore-friendly for Skyrim.


    Regardless of calling them Warforged or something else, it would be cool to see some artificial constructs in Skyrim.


    Possible racial abilities: +10 one-handed, +15 two-handed, +15 Heavy Armor, +10 Smithing, -10 Sneak (Being made of metal is not conducive to being sneaky) -10 Speechcraft (You're big and made of metal, people are gonna be intimidated)


    Racial power: Skin of Steel- Impervious to ranged damage and high reduction to melee damage for a 30 second duration, slightly more vulnerable to magic damage during the duration.


    I could probably do the stats and such for myself, but I lack the knowledge/ability/skill to actually modify the racial appearance this much.


    Appearance for male and female-


    Female- http://orig04.deviantart.net/baaa/f/2007/259/e/6/warforged_commission_by_melukilan.jpg


    Male- http://dungeonsmaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/warforged-01.jpg


    Modifiable parts in character creation- some sort of artificial hair, change color of metallic parts, eye color, height, weight slider, modification of face parts and different body chassis configurations if there's room for fancy stuff like that.


    Making them lore-friendly could be pretty easy, just have them be Dwemer constructs. the race mod could even fit in with Live Another Life by offering the player the option to start in a Dwemer ruin.

  5. So, I recently re-installed Oblivion on my computer, and, as any proper Bethesda gamer, promptly modded it all to f*#@. It was while I was doing this I stumbled across this mod.




    It didn't affect combat, really, just replaced the attack animations, which was alright by me. After playing for a bit, I went back to skyrim... and immediately missed it. the realistic combat animations are just so dull by comparison.


    Is there a port of this over to Skyrim that I've missed? And I apologize if this thread has been made before.

  6. I was just playing a character with an incinerator earlier, basking in the literal glow of the scattered body parts of my foes, when I had a thought.


    How much more glorious would this be if flaming body parts caught the grass and wooden buildings on fire?


    I don't know if this would be even sort of possible, but I just thought it'd be a cool little feature. And have it spread to yourself if you're not careful, of course, say you just run over a burning corpse and that catches you on fire.



  7. There is one on the Nexus, but I don't know if the actual lekku are working properly since my Skyrim has been on the fritz lately (CTD immediately after making a new character, I have no clue what's causing it since it could be any one of a bajillion different mods) but here's the link.




    It's been a year since the thread was posted, wow. Such necro, much dead


    EDIT- There's also a mod with a large number of races on the Steam Workshop (I know, Ew, but I couldn't find a version on the Nexus) INCLUDING twi'leks.



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