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Everything posted by Deleted768840User

  1. I understand that this might be difficult or even impossible but my 6 yo son asked me to make this request. He thinks this would be "cool" and "the game would be more interesting" and "It's gonna be the greatest mod EVER!". Cheers!
  2. More detail: I've been resetting my tutorial to get a heads up when someone else on the server is being raided. This works beautifully in some ways. Like: - Hugin pops up and delivers his message about raids. - Then I know to check the map to see who is being raided and where. - I emerge from a portal and save the day in heroic fashion. Hooray! The problem with this is that I have to dismiss Hugin a few dozen times every time I reset and Hugin's message is also triggered by local invasions. So ideally the mod would make Hugin appear and warn me every time there is a non local raid. So that's the long and short of it. Have a good one!
  3. I want a turret hat or backpack that can autonomously track and fire. That would be seriously bad-ass.
  4. God dammit. I knew there was something wrong with the bolt action and now I can't stop noticing this.
  5. Skyrim style! If this mod already exists please point me to it... Can't believe it hasn't been done - must be impossible? I just hate ultra-zooming into a persons face during dialogue. I'm certain that I can't be the only one.
  6. I would like to request this part of the Witcher 2 Soldier armor be separated from the armor and released as a helmet. This would be an excellent piece for Knightly mash-ups. Please see the picture, attached: Another copy of the picture: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/303834/? The Witcher 2 Models page: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5588//?
  7. I did testing on this. The hosts file seems to be enough: Start -> "notepad" (do not press ENTER key) Right-click on Notepad program -> Run as Administrator File -> Open -> %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Add these 3 lines to the file: # Prevent XCOM Phone Home prod.xcom.firaxis.com Save the file Thanks.
  8. Has anyone else just had modpatcher stop working for them? I've been happily tweaking the .ini for days but about an hour ago my game suddenly decided to only use vanilla settings for everything. At first I thought that I had made some sort of serious error in my .ini so I validated my install through steam and started with a new .ini. Even changing one small, easily checked setting (added an extra small item slot to kevlar armor) will no longer work for me. None of the ini mods on XCOM nexus work for me now either and they all used to be fine. I'm starting to think that there has been a small XCOM patch or something. Or... does anyone still have .ini tweaks through modpatcher working at the moment?
  9. I'm guessing this sort of file would be instantly banned off the Nexus since they try and respect IP law here. Doesn't stop me from wanting it though, here's hoping some nice person actually PM's about getting it.
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