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About gromulos

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    United States
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    FO4, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas & Skyrim
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  1. This worked for me. As the author of the Beginners Guide to Modding here on the Nexus, I will be adding this fix to my guide. 10 years of supporting my guide and this was the first time I ever ran across this problem lol
  2. @Bigmustachelo #1 Did you follow every step of the guide? Because it sounds like you don't have the bashed patch in place, or activated. If you do then it's most likely a mod conflict
  3. @Berenia19 No, you would have to use a 32 bit Nifskope 32 bit Nifskope
  4. HUGE shoutout to Gabriel from Pizza Inn. First time I've meet someone under the age of 25 in the last few years who was respectful and polite.
  5. Try this https://www.nexusmods.com/Core/Libs/Common/Widgets/DownloadPopUp?id=209150&game_id=1704 or this https://archive.org/download/unofficial-skyrim-special-edition-patch-266-4-1-2a.-7z
  6. I need a screen shot of those purple entries please. The ONLY thing that should be purple in WRYE should be your saves And yes, after 8 years I am STILL maintaining this guide lol :tongue:
  7. @Alex8484 Read and watch the video in post #296 above, that should help you
  8. 1) delete the folder for fallout 4, then let steam re-install it With that many broken mods this is your only safe option 2) I don't know which mod organizer you are using but the ONLY one i suggest is NMM, (nexus mod manager), which is still being updated by an outside team Located here for download - https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager As for instructions, here ya go, below, - Ignore what Gopher says about where to download it ( use the link i provided ) , Nexus has moved on to Vortex, which I do NOT recommend You might want to watch episode 2 of that by Gopher also, i think it will explain a lot to you :)
  9. This is not the right thread for this kind of topic this is a thread for beginners only please try to find another thread. I'm not trying to brush you off but I don't want to confuse beginners with advanced knowledge there's plenty of people in the Nexus chat room on discord that will help you
  10. your load order is limited to 255 by the engine itself, nothing can be done about this EXCEPT to merge mods like you suggested
  11. see if it does the same thing with out using the 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp I remember with the skyrim version of that mod it had the same problem at one point which the mod author later fixed
  12. ok according to what you posted there is no reason why those 2 mods should not work together If there were any problems at all it would have thrown an error and more importantly it would have explicitly said what the error was
  13. ok that didn't tell me what I was looking for, try running Xedit (FO4Edit) with both the unofficial patch and the 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp installed and enabled wait for it to finish doing it's thing then copy and paste the last 10 lines of what it says here please
  14. let me see just the bottom 10 lines of that report please
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