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About potocin1

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  1. I think it would be pretty cool if I could stop by somewhere in rivet city, megaton, or tenpenny tower where there would be like a wasteland robot salesman who could sell me an army of robots for caps. These robots would be best if they added to your xp count, but that not really a necessity. I know there have been other robot mods you might just rather point me in the direction of, but I just dont have good luck running into all the materials required for those mods, and these caps just keep piling up. I have been a fan of the enclave commander mod, but these caps are burning a whole in my wasteland pockets (that and I have no clue how to manipulate the scripts to add protectrons). So basically, I want to purchase all sorts of robots, in mass, and get at least some xp from the kills. I dont own any of the DLC. Can anyone help me out here?
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