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  1. I've been trying to decouple race from abilities by using the console. Changing skills is easy, and removespell and addspell work to change passive racial abilities. However, when attempting to remove a racial power, the console will tell me "Spell 'NameOfPower' not found in NameOfCharacter". And yet it is apparently able to detect that it's there, because while you can, say, add Histskin to a Khajiit, attempting to add it to an Argonian results in "Spell 'Histskin' not added to NameOfCharacter". I can of course simply never use the offending power and act like it's not there, but it's still annoying and confusing that they alone are apparently immutable when racial abilties can be deleted. Is there a known way to remove racial powers, or else a mod that removes them? AlturDrake's "A Stark Beginning" is the only one I've found, but it also alters health regeneration and carry weight which (as far as I know) may cause complications if I console them back to normal, but then they later change due to a Stamina increase or something.
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