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Everything posted by MagickalRavage

  1. Do you need to generate an SEQ for the quest to work? I've been having major quest creation issues...
  2. GOT IT! It's a little invasive and only works if the PC gets intelligence 2 (but let's face it, the characters with 1 INT couldnt be killed by the EXP anyway) but if you attach a "modify experience" at multiply bu 0.0 to the "TrainingIN01" perk, and give it the condition of a keyword = 1 OR (not AND) to all fields "perk owner, weapon and target", lets say "GiveNoCraftExp" -you'll have to make a keyword that does this and assign it the type of "NONE" and add that to your recipe keywords. YOU WILL NOW have a recipe that produces 0 exp as long as the PC has an intelligence of 2 :smile: EDIT: This... "SHOULD" work about as much as a parachute "SHOULD" function after you already leap from a perfectly good aircraft. EDIT2: Doesnt work. But there may be another roundabout way. dunno what that is... YET.
  3. dead topic is dead, but DAMNIT! i am having this same problem. Im going to be looking in keywords and perks/abilities for a roundabout bypass for piggybacking onto the player perk. EDIT: player perk is EXTREMELY invasive, but still an indirect clause might be able to be set up with keywords and the related skillperk at least.
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