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  1. CR is Conflict Resolution, as in using xedit. Well it seems this might be your lucky day as I just finished a lot of time troubleshooting why I have lag in my game. My papyrus log showed three issues with skyclimb, even though the mod seems to work just fine in game. I also followed up on it and you can see it in the link below in the post for the directions on how to install it..........WAY down at the bottom of all those problem posts. I tried to reply directly to The Real Jon Doe, person who made the patch to keep it working, but I am not sure that is how nexus replies work on posts as his name was not tagged. It is here for you to read on the details https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97253?tab=posts Disabling skyclimb, along with removing a bad patch, did the trick for me. Hopefully The Real Jon Doe finds my post and it helps him, as I really like that mod! Let us know if it works for you so others in the community can find it.
  2. Yeah, I am not exactly sure how that one works. I am doing my build and testing as I go, but added that mod awhile ago. In game testing they are quite close, next time I test I will try it more. Did you try it or read up on it?
  3. Maybe I am not exactly understanding your intent, but if I do, I do it. I don't think it works the same if using both hands for spells, as one has to swing a weapon, so I don't 'think' one can do them simultaneously, if that is what you want. But I swing with one hand and cast with the other in battles. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92454
  4. Are you using Bethini? Has ugrids to load been changed? Exactly 'how' did you put that mod build together. Have you been using LOOT. Did you do CR through the build as you went. What have you done for troubleshooting steps thus far. You can always turn off the mods in groups of like 5 to 10 and test along the way. When the issue quits, the problem is in that last group deactivated. Then, turn that group back on one by one and test after each until you find the problem one. This is kind of a last step after you already checked LOOT, etc for issues.
  5. I'd suggest YouTube mod reviews for them. I found it the fastest over going through pages of search results here, at least for a beginning. I haven't added any myself yet to make a recommendation.
  6. Those black face bugs, etc, are quite popular. I 'd try searching online for like Skyrim black face bug or floating eyes, etc. That will most likely lead you to the fix. I'd even try searching these nexus forums. Reddit is another one I seen mention of those kinds of bugs for solutions. Also, search the community forums on steam. Probably safe to assume someone somewhere has already had the issue and posted it with the fix.
  7. If you give more info as to your exact problem you might find more help. IDK what you want from the title.
  8. Oh, I am sure it fixed more than one. The rest most likely you just hadn't found. For the know, LOOT is not ALL knowing for LO arrangement. It uses a Masterlist, that hopefully was updated to current (it should auto do it but worth clicking to make sure (link at top)). That 'masterlist' is just user feedback on the best combinations for LO of mods people found to work. So if your mod combination for LO is not the same, some areas might not sort correctly. So after sorting with LOOT you need to check it xedit. LOOT cannot detect conflicts of the game records, xedit does, but xedit will not arrange your LO. You will have to move the plugins that need to be yourself. For the conflicts you can set up the pseudo command in xedit to check for conflicts, or just launch xedit, then right click in the left pane and select "check for conflicts". A window will open asking which mods you want to check. Right click in it and "select all" if not already selected. This will check for conflicts across all the plugins you have active. When it is done you will see a lot of red, those are conflicts. In the upper right corner you will see a Legend link that will show you what the various colors of each row mean and the color of the writing within the row. Red row, with red wrtitng is bad. Purple row with red writing REALLY bad. All are worth checking, by expanding the drop down for each. Sometimes to get things to show in game you want a switch of position may be needed for even an override. Just keep expanding records and chasing the colors. Myself, when I am doing CR for LO arrangement, will unlock MO2 with xedit open (can be dangerous) so I can move the plugins in MO2 with out having to keep remembering and running xedit. If you do this just make sure you are not using more that the CR in xedit. Xedit has a LOT of functions and one can make mods just with it. We are only scratching the surface of this extremely powerful tool with CR. So I move a few then close xedit and will relaunch it to make sure moving those plugins did not create more conflicts in their new positions. If all is fine with the few I moved, then I move a couple more and repeat the process. At the top of xedit either in the Help link or it has its own, look for Tomb of Xedit. That is the official manual for xedit on all its functions and how to use them. Plus in that link you will see another to the Discord for Xedit. If you cannot find help here for it, post questions there and people will help. There are different channels with in the Xedit discord depending on your questions, like General questions on xedit use, another for Modding, and another for scripts. All pages have a definition at the top of the page so one can verify they are in the appropriate section for the best related to one's issue for help.
  9. yes they are the ones to be cleaned and xedit is the tool that does it.
  10. Even if not using LOOT to sort LO, it will still tell you which mods need to be cleaned with xedit.......and if you are missing patches, etc, for your mod build to work. If one is to do a successful mod build, LOOT, Xedit, and Bethini are a must in my book for tools.
  11. And Gamerpoets on youtube has all kinds of vids on from installation in MO2 to using them, tools like xedit. He is quite thorough and if any part of his vids are even slightly outdated he stamps them ARCHIVED. Most times it is just subtle differences that one can figure out. He is a great resource for modding https://www.youtube.com/@gamerpoets EDIT: Always check his description for the video, under it. If he has a newer video on the subject he posts the link there.
  12. No, your vocabulary is not wrong, and my apology if I came across that way. I was just trying to elaborate so the function is understood. It does exactly what you understand it to be, make mod A work with mod B, in its simplest. I used CRF because of what it is and does for an example is all. A "mod" is just a 'modification" to the programming. CRF is a mod that turns parts on, but also finishes and fixes what is not done, and therefore, within itself, patches that to work together. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. And, once learned, can fix most everything to work together, but for now let's just focus on its purpose with CR (Conflict Resolution). Now, it will not help you to select the correct patch as in your example, but it will show you the conflicts. So when you have mod A and mod B and patch mod AB, then add mod C that conflicts with any of them, it shows you. Even if patch mod AB did not do all the records it will show you. Now most times, with what I believe you might be calling "bugs", is just a simple LO placement issue or missing patches. Either or, both xedit will show you as it detects the overrides and conflicts. Like with the USSEP, which is the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition 'Patch', it overrides the games files. When another mod comes along and changes any of those same records as the USSEP, it is a conflict, as two or more 'mods' changed the same record. So with my example above, when mod C comes along and overrides records from like patch mod AB, you can see it. It, mod patch AB, might just need to be placed beneath mod C and conflict resolved........now you have shadows, just to relate. Because I too use EVLaS. So when you run xedit and you see conflicts, the ones to be concerned about as any mod or patch is an override to the game, between mod D and mod N you start looking for a patch on nexus, if simply moving it in LO does not fix it. Think of xedit like this, you know how MO2 will tell you conflicts on the asset side, left pane, well xedit is the conflict detection for the right pane, the plugins, the ones that really matter, as most the asset side can be quite flexible. I think that lack of understanding is what you are calling bugs. SSEEdit, xedit for short as it is available too for multiple games and versions with slight differences in name, can be downloaded right on nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/164 The rest of the issue you describe is the same as all modders face. Unless one completely lays out how they want their entire mod build to be anyways. I face the same problem adding more and more mods and even got a suggestion in to vortex about it before I switched MMs. My idea is to add a FOMOD launcher. Something that would trigger all the mods in one's LO so we can get patches we didn't know we need then when we initially ran the mod. It is amazing what can conflict with what in this game. Things I never thought would can and do. When it happens that it affects game play only two choices.......live without one mod......or patch them. But, xedit shows us the conflicts and we know where to look. Now finding them, the patches, on nexus can sometimes be difficult. Depends how the person set up their page for it to be found using the search options. But the nexus search tool fiilter is quite powerful, and when that fails I just inquire to the community. That is if it past my basic patch making skills. So if not familiar with xedit, are you using LOOT to at least sort your plugin LO in MO2? How are you cleaning dirty plugins from mods? Not cleaning mods that need it will make "bugs" too.
  13. There is a mod to change the 'settings' too, for anyone looking into this info. Arthmoor explains exactly what is wrong and the required fixes in the posts section of his mod Alternative Start - Live Another Life https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272?tab=posts See the 4th pinned post down the list, and he continues to talk about it and fixes, etc farther down with people.
  14. Your just looking at everything else of importance and missed a little thing. If you are set up with Bethini, shadow controls can be adjusted there. That is a possibility with my pc. My issue is the graphics card, everything else runs less than 45% on the #s. Yes, I too like Mari's flora and plants. I'm confused as you said in the same sentence you couldn't find it, then possibly did. Here is her page https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/19071859?tab=user+files just in case You can keep and use both Cathedral and Mari's. I do and then use the base object swapper mods so the various designs they did are distributed around the game. I really like it because I don't have to pick one out of various designs they did for one plant or flower. EDIT: Ok, I am curious, why the avoidance of patches. See CRF is a mod and a patch, technically by my understanding. I am curious if the terminology of "patch" has influenced perception of it. CRF is actually the game. It is just what Bethesda never finished or turned on. They just left it in the programming. So, at the very least, all those small villages will never appear in game if you are not using CRF. IIRC, you already have something for Arthmoor's villages, which is the mod that uses some of what CRF turns on and or fixes and finishes, the villages in this example, to make changes to. So, in essence, every mod is a 'patch' to the game to make it do something different than programmed to. A program is no different than a machine basically. Each can only do what they are built to do. So when we throw in mods, the initial program just needs direction on how to use them together, patches. Otherwise the game will never know what to do with them. As a hypothetical example, because I haven't made it back to installing them yet, if you use the blended roads and skyrim bridges I spoke of. I 'think', iirc, they need a patch to work together because the game was never programmed to use them together. IF you are just going into game for a "test", and not using a tool like xedit to see conflicts, most likely even now, let alone keep adding mods, you are not seeing all the conflicts of not having patches. You could make it to level XXX and then suddenly not be able to complete a quest and have a pile of corrupted saves with no way to back up. Among various other possible problems along the way. So, why avoid patches?
  15. NIce tips, thank you. I will remember them when and if I make it to adding an enb. I did not mean to follow up on GP's videos for references to mods. I meant it for learning to use the tools, etc to build a LO. This is the same with the guides. They are fairly updated resources to all kinds of fix mods, etc, and a lot of other good mods. Plus there is usually tips for getting them to work. Ugh, IDK anything about the COG version and now hesitant to advise, so hopefully another member using that version will get involved now that you have it posted. Some of your added notes I can comment on but do realize it is only my experience with SSE AE. Lightened Skyrim (I wonder if this is really usefull, i didnt see a difference ) It works well for me and I do see noticeable differences eFPS - Exterior FPS boost (I wonder if this is really usefull, i didnt see a difference and it uses patch) Same as above for me, but I question it some. Right now I focused on getting my ini settings established and get the best mods I can that work with my system. At the end I plan to turn them back on again and decide SMIMM - Static Mesh Improvement Mod (i wonder if this is still usefull, it seems outdated and not so nice) Still a good base mod to fix a lot, most times it is just overwrote by other mods that look better with textures, but this addresses the bad meshes. Which the pretty mods cover with their nice textures. Some do not come with meshes. Lux (needs patching for a lot of stuff, usefull ?) I researched compared to ELFX and thought with the video reviews it looked much better. As mentioned before, patches are not bad. Plus it is the latest and most popular out for support, etc Lux - Via ( I think i'll get this one out, I have problem with the roads I don't know where it comes from) This one did not impress me. I like the look of blended roads and skyrim bridges better. But it is needed to use Lux and Lux Orbis, so I just use the required resource pack to make the others work Particle Patch for ENB (noticeable for a normal playthrough ?) As I have read, pretty much a requirement with an enb.....or at least highly recommended Cathedral Weathers and Seasons (this stuff is annoying, i get to much rain) I am not updated on this one, but if like Seasons of Skyrim, it is script heavy and they warn about that with large LOs corrupting saves. From what limited research I have done, it is more a concern with a lot of script type mods. Obsidian Mountain Fogs (usefull or not noticeable ?) Another I been avoiding. My weather mod looks great and clear and why not having an enb, thus far, is not concerning. Mods like this, and weather, can be taxing on resources. Cathedral - 3D (multiple files for flowers and stuff, i don't think the list would be usefull, they are a bit to much but i found no others) Personally, these and Mari's mods I don't think I could ever go without, especially with the one mod author making the swapper mods for the various designs. They really make the flora come alive in game. So if you do not like these options, look up Mari's page. Unless you don't like flowers, you most likely will enjoy her work. She has several mods so just go her page and find them all there is my advise. That sums up what I can give you feedback on, based off my own experience with SSE AE. One last tip though, if all your "bugs" are not worked out, I do not think it is in your best interest to keep adding mods, unless they are patches needed for what you have. Some other mods you should consider adding, if usable with your game version, are: -Landscapes and Water Fixes; Cutting Room Floor (for WAY to many reasons); Scrambled Bugs, with their various fixes; Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch; and I can just keep going on and on........OR, in that steam guide I pointed you to, it lists a lot of them Judging a book by its cover is never good. I take, and research, every pointer I come across. Just food for thought, blessed be!
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