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Everything posted by Aceofrogues

  1. Using VendortronContainerREF worked. I think what happened is that the devs didn't add one in vanilla. Then they needed one in the Gun Runners dlc, which i hadn't loaded because it should not have been needed! Thank you both
  2. Thank you for replying and taking the time to check. I'm talking about New Vegas, but it should work the same way. The problem i'm having is using the form ID isn't allowing me to save the script. scn MoreAmmoCraftingSuppliesVendortron Begin Gamemode If (000ED4CF.GetItemCount BoxCase10mm <= 300) 000ED4CF.AddItem BoxCase10mm 100EndIf end It works if I use one of the Ref-id of the other chests.
  3. In the GECK vendorbox cel, the ref field is blank. Does this mean that it doesn't have one?
  4. Thank you for taking the time to answer. I was not aware that JIP CC&C also did that, but it does a lot more. So for people only wanting infinite ammo this does that :)
  5. Before releasing this small mod, I want to be sure that I don't break peoples saves. The mod consists of a script and a quest. A screenshot of the quest attached below. And the script scn FNCCompanionAmmoScript Begin Gamemode if ( PBJeniferHaleRef.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBJeniferHaleRef.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif if ( PBBenKurtzRef.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBBenKurtzRef.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif if ( PBKiraMannRef.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBKiraMannRef.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif if ( PBJamieCampbellRef.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBJamieCampbellRef.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif if ( PBEricCampbellRef.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBEricCampbellRef.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif if ( PBrazilAlphaDroidREF.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBrazilAlphaDroidREF.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif if ( PBB6RKref.GetItemCount AmmoCompanion <= 300 )PBB6RKref.AddItem AmmoCompanion 200 1endif end ---------------------------------------------------- I've played with it for a couple of hours and the amount of ammo they have haven't exploded.
  6. Damm, not the answer is was hoping for, but not entirely unexpected. Thank you for your time.
  7. Let me start by apologizing if i'm breaking unwritten rules I don't know about. I've downloaded a retexture mod, but i would like to change it a bit. I have experience from Skyrim, but what's really stopping me is accessing the DDs file from the mod. Do you use Frost editor somehow or is there a tool i'm not aware of?
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