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Everything posted by DarkTitanV

  1. In response to post #34410705. If you have Gore overhaul isntalled, update it, that is causing CTD. Just update it to v4.0
  2. In response to post #34580070. #34593695, #34611525 are all replies on the same post. I don't see how you ffing up a texture is Bethesda's fault, that's like me making a mod wrong, and causing me to CTD then cry to Bethesda claiming how their engine is bad because my mod wasn't working. If I were you; I'd just try and find the problem in YOUR textures, which YOU added, updates can cause breaks, and mature people would fix them to work with the new engine update, instead of crying to Bethesda about why your mod 'works' even though it clearly doesn't, then flaming Bethesda about their engine for it. In a short: It's pretty childish you hating on them because of your own f*** up, :/
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