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  1. @scorrp10 I think we agree more than we disagree, spot on with that, I also use code to set faction relationships FYI Friends and Enemies, with new Factions to existing Game ones, for the same reason that it is recommended to do it with Formlist However, I think someone that not a trained coder will have trouble processing and virtualizing that. It will be → How can randomly adding fuz files and mutating a formlist hack a quest dialogue? Hopefully they see it Edit @Lushkingruby this my file structure for dialogue, it may help Data\Sound\Voice\Poupa.esp\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\Dawnguard.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\HearthFires.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa Data\Sound\Voice\Dragonborn.esm\_FemaleUniquePoupa
  2. https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_INI/MapMenu https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_INI/MapMenu#fMapLocalHeight (maybe) I would recommend using a custom ini: https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings#:~:text=from SkyrimPrefs.ini.-,SkyrimCustom.ini,-SkyrimCustom.ini can Note SkyrimCustom.ini may not work with mod organiser that Virtualise ini files instead of using the my document folders FYI MO or Vortex Another thing you can do, is make a dummy plugin and create a mod ini file for it, or try set it with the creation kit and a real plugin [creation kit] ⇢ file menu → Gameplay →Settings Have fun) Dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but a MAP and LOD not quite the same, so I do not think so, but can you check the Dyndolod plugin in xEdit and see if it has ini file attached, to see if it messes with it, I also cannot see it using skse code for a static change to simple game setting(s), however..............,,, having said that I just remembered it has own built in C++ Script Extenders, so back to dunno)))
  3. I just want to add, does this really prove the registration, or is a statement Debug.MessageBox("RegisterForQuestStage") the prove nothing? At best it only asserts the OnInIt Event has fired, when it comes to problem solving
  4. Try debugging it with debug code... to see it works with a slight delay, between messages, or to the console or trace Scriptname TXXIElisifRomance01StartScript extends Quest Quest Property CurrentQuest Auto Quest Property SubscriptionQuest Auto Event OnInit() PO3_Events_Form.RegisterForQuestStage(Self, SubscriptionQuest) Debug.MessageBox("RegisterForQuestStage") ; [Debug] utility wait here 5 sec (don't use wait menu mode, I trying to pause it intil you close the message box) ; [Debug] set SubscriptionQuest Quest Stage test "amount" ; [debug] option but helpful, check to see the stage was set ; maybe another pause for message boxes, ever thought of debugging to trace or console EndEvent Event OnQuestStageChange(Quest akQuest, int newStage) Debug.MessageBox("OnQuestStageChange") if (akQuest == SubscriptionQuest) Debug.MessageBox("Quest: " + akQuest.GetName() + ", new stage: " + newStage) else ; [debug] Message well it fire a least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ getting there :) endif EndEvent did you set the stage, to test it, correctly, if not, to quote Mythbusters "Here your Problem" your missing your testing assertions. So to speak... that do the actual testing with a Yay OR Nay Debug code should return either a success or utter failure, it really helps to track down the problem, FYI it fired, why is the quest stage not working? It also helps with not going in game and running around over and over, that really time consuming and non productive
  5. Post the actual code if you really want help, we cannot help fix it if ain't broken.. so to speak. No good you posting it does not work. Honestly I am inclined to think it is your states causing the problem, maybe, I cannot see the code
  6. Yeah just delete it, it is just empty branch, what harm can it do? If.. BIG IF, you generated any lip wav or fuz files, for that branch, they will need to be cleaned up too, since they are now orphaned
  7. LOL looking above I think "you must have a death wish" should have been in NormalTocombat we all make mistakes, LOL, not gonna fix it)))) I can deal with it))
  8. LOL it can be done, but I do not remember how) LMAO booting the kit up... LOL I have fix multiple masters)) Stupid friggin' KIT)) Go to the Detection Tab in the Kit, from the subtype select CombatToNormal fill the conditions you require for if and when to fire Mine really random, you may want to change some things, but that the gist of it
  9. Find a custom follower with a unique voice that is marriageable and copy it)) But this is important, vanilla voice or unique, because if it is a vanilla voice, just add them to marriage faction and you are done Edit if it is a Unique Vanilla Voice like the Selene Kate, that just edited vanilla dialogue, it get more complicated, with a script add them to marriage voice form list)) then with this file structure add the voice files \Sound\Voice\Skyrim.esm\YourUniqueFollower Just duplicate the require marriage dialogue there. Do not forget about \Sound\Voice\HearthFires.esm\YourUniqueFollower You can hack the Vanilla Marriage Quest that easy, by adding them to the form list and supplying some fuz files. Just make sure the files name match the vanila ones, so the marriage quest can find it
  10. No, it is your code, there is so many things wrong with it, I do not know where to start, which is why coders have not replied to you)) But a quick fix is Use a Global instead local variable in the function Use a loop with a set alliterations to avoid a infinite loop with is3DLoaded, incase the object 3D is tardy in loading Delete the newNumeral Object when it save to do so, that mean when it unloads OFC that open a rabbit hole, of other things, that your code is missing)) like what happen if it is call twice before it unloads? Maybe the check should be at start, to handle it, and have faith place at me works, which it does
  11. I think your on the right track with the float game setting game settings can be set with SKSE, and SKSE can detect when Key is pushed down released up duration held down on release up SKSE game settings is not save persistent, it will need a mainentiance script, Key registration is save persistent though. With Vanilia, game settings can also get set with a plugin ini file or with the plugin itself has you have noticed. BOTTOM LINE I do not see a problem, you just got to find the right settings, which there are too many for an unmotivated individual to look at, and it is also incomplete, so it may just be missing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings EDIT OFC to any reader, for a Static change, use the vanilla MOD INI file or the plugin. NOT SKSE, in that scenario it is overkill)), for homebrew, I would use a Custom INI https://stepmodifications.org/wiki/Guide:Skyrim_Configuration_Settings#:~:text=from SkyrimPrefs.ini.-,SkyrimCustom.ini,-SkyrimCustom.ini can
  12. Extract it from the Meshes BSA in the real game folder, nothing what so ever to with MO.. it just a game asset. @scorrp10 Why virtualise it? is that not making it unnecessary complicated? Just to get an simple asset LOL sorry I use MO heaps, I can even say MO was my biggest nightmare, with LE updating, SKSE updating to match, MO in development was unstable. Want to to know what broke my Game the most ? those that live it know it is true, but we had faith in Tannin, but if I had to extract a game asset, I would not bother going thru MO? What for? Where the advantage or benefit? The K.I.S.S. methodology Keep It Simple Stupid.
  13. Seems to me you're just doing replacer 3D animations, if that is right, you do not need the Skyrim Behaviour tool. If your trying to insert new 3D animation use FNIS or Nemesis. The Tool is only required for new first person animation, since there can be replacers there too. Which does not require the tool either. Problem: Clicking the Skyrim Behaviour Tool installer does nothing Solution: Get the 32 bit MSI require to run it Once it running simply follow it directions, it will refuse to install until its requirements are installed, the tool is 32 bit, install 32 versions of the requirements first, that match the code it spits out. Not modern more up to date versions, OR 64 bit versions that match the code During installation accept the Demo and Tutorial options Play with it Would I install deprecated Microsoft software designed for 32 bit Windows XP or 7, in my shiny modern dedicated 64 bit windows 11 Machine? NO F*#@ING WAY, I'D USE A XP OR 7 VIRTAUL MACHINE. Preferably one that uses the hardware instead of emulating it But, I think your just doing replacers and do not need to go there. You're just over thinking it.
  14. They are packages, that override all packages in the NPC, so it kind of implied, it will not bother checking the other packages, what for? Which make the evaluation faster. Used this heaps, but I have never built a Package Stack using ActorUtil, if that what your doing with package conditions and package priority, let me know how it works out. If your not building a Package Stack, and using a single override package,(edit OR multiple of equal priority) my advice is remove all Keywords and Creation Kit Conditions from the package, again what for? Edit I would leave any conditions that are part the procedure though, I meant the generic package ones for the stack evaluation.. just to clarify and avoid misunderstanding, on the single override package
  15. Game Get Form From File https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/GetFormFromFile_-_Game Use that code to fill the property or private variable, not the creation kit, Do not forget to cast it as a faction. EDIT Now that it is a soft master, if that code run, and the mod it is referencing is not in the load loader, it will create a papyrus error in the log, you might want to check the mod is installed first too, and that requires SKSE. Else let it go, the error will get caught by game engine for just vanilla presay, without causing any problems, with the exception of pedantic users that run the papyrus log for no reason whatsoever. They will get shitty
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