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Everything posted by TheSweatyStoner

  1. I feel like this should have been in the game at the start. There's no reason to have a white dot in the center of my sniper crosshair, that's what the crosshair is for. I'd really appreciate if someone could do this. (and, if you could, maybe send me the source code? I've been trying to make this work but I'm new to coding and can't figure out how.)
  2. I'd really like to do an assassin build with only knives and throwing knives, but its far too tedious to re-equip knives every time I throw one in combat. I'd like to be able to use knives in loud combat as well, but again, far too tedious atm. Perhaps a hotkey toggle for it? Just an idea.
  3. +1 Had been thinking about this as well. Driving with WASD is just clunky
  4. It's really really annoying that I can't see anything when I'm crouched unless I turn my display gamma through the roof, and that makes my game look like s#*! when I'm roaming. I'd really really really really really LOVE to not have the stupid vignette when I crouch. I tried to do it myself but I can't figure out this hexadecimal nonsense.
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