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Everything posted by xpsycox

  1. Anyone know which armor/clothing mod this is? https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/25033-0-1498392992.png
  2. Whenever i start the Nexus Mod Manager it says there is an update available, however as soon as i click to update the NMM stops working and crashes.
  3. As the title says i have the center of my screen blurred out, like i am using a shout, every few seconds. Its getting really frustrating. It started happening after i installed a new ENB. however the problem is not Depth of Field as i disabled it and the problem still persisted. It is not even caused by the ENB itself as i removed the entire ENB and the problem was still there. I found out that when i start a new game or load a very old savegame the problem is not present. I am also not affected by any diseases or poisons.
  4. Hello Skyrim players and modders alike, I am looking for some sort of mod which allows me to set other actors aka companions/followers into an idle or pose. I want to recreate a scene something like this: Of coarse this means my own player character has to take a pose as well, i dont want to change any of the existing idle animations or change anything that might effect the gameplay. I am just looking for something temporal for the photoshoot. The idles have to be semi-realistic aka not those japanese fancy looking idles. If anyone has any idea if such a mod even exists i would appreciate it. I know i used to have several for Oblivion. Thanks in advance.
  5. Try the TERA armors collection for UNP: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25846 Thx thats it alright.
  6. Iam looking for a bunch of armor mods. This one: And this: And also this one:
  7. Yes but that still keeps the original model, i would like to have a crossbow with a really wide bow span. A bit like this: http://fairbowshop.nl/images/bogen/houten%20kruisboog.JPG
  8. Ever since Dawnguard is out i was very happy with the addition of crossbows, however the ingame crossbows are small and agile. I would like to see a large medieval style siege crossbow, wich is slow and heavy but packs a punch. Heres something for a referance http://mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Siege_Crossbow/Mount%26Blade Yeah i couldnt find a better picture :/
  9. Hello folks, I just encountered the blood on the ice quest but as soon as i want to enter hjerim my game crashes. Tried several times. Now i am using a lot of mods but none of them edits vanilla houses or quests. Anyone has a solution for this? Much appreciated.
  10. Hiya people, I dont know what happend but my skyrim seems to freak out. Scripted events (i think) tend to load reeeeeaaaaallllllyyy slow or dont trigger at all... For example if i start a new game everything works fine untill i enter the keep with hadvar or rogvir. When i entered the keep with rogvir he wasnt even there i had to wait for a couple of minutes before he appeared. Then he walked to the round chamber with the dead stormcloak he told me to pick up the gear from the body but even after i looted the body he keeps standing there for like 5 mins before he continues. These kind of lagg moments happen with almost all the linear quests. Does anyone know what mod could be causing this? I dont really have any mods that change quests, only graphic enhancing, weapon, body, armor and building mods. Any tips on how to trace down the problem? Much appreciated,
  11. So i dont know wich mod causes this bug but alle of the imperial legion officer helmets are invisible on female characters causing them to look bald. heres a pic to describe it: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542924166349015807/9F4E027A060ED2C33CB05EE63FD768E9E58CE8BD/ Does anyone know what mod could cause this problem?
  12. Hiya, anyone knows what body mod is used in this pic? WARNING ADULT CONTENT! NSFW! ty in advance
  13. anyone knows where this is from? thx in advance
  14. where is this located? and what mod adds it? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/979887-1294780648.jpg
  15. Thats the DSR WR Alt II Armor (dcup) from the Dancing Shadow Rose Break Undies v1.3.0 Final Plus Recolor ver2 package. I'm also looking for 2 things. Would be nice if anyone could help. First the clothes from -> This Picture And then this variation of the White Rose Armor. I only have the skirt/loincloth ones and i'm looking for this one -> Picture ~~ thx man i found it, cant say where ofc. man that white rose variation is awesome
  16. hello folks, this is not really a request for a mod but more a request for a guide. i was wondering if it were possible to make my playable character into an npc/companion. i believe this modder has done it to his characters: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15785 so my guess is that its possible, if so does anyone care to tell me how? or link a guide wich tells me how? much appreciated.
  17. i think its the night elf race, the horns are not part of the race cause ive had them as an amulet/tail item from some mod but i cant remember wich one. on another topic: can anyone tell met wich armor this is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/31738-1-1292949405.jpg now i know the arms and bottem pieces are from dancing shadow rose (alternate) but the chest piece is from the non altered dancing shadow rose. however these 2 armors only come as a full set and not as loose parts.
  18. Actually yes, though the wig(and other wigs from my other XEO screenshots) is part of Apachii Goddess Store. thanks guys ive checked the screenshots of the godess store and it is indeed in there, ill see if its in the loose file aswell.
  19. what hair is used in this screenshot? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/22787-3-1266658862.jpg it looks like growlfs wigs but its not.
  20. That's my character, I can answer. Wild Tabaxi by RAN. thanks, thats one hot character you have there :P
  21. what race / face texture is used in this picture? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/557886-1293233602.jpg
  22. ah yes i was afraid it wasnt available here on tesnexus... still thanks for giving me some names and stuff this gets me somewhere using google, just too bad i cant read chinese... or russian for that matter...
  23. can anyone tell me where to find http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=73173 armor and/or sword?
  24. hello anyone knows what these armors are? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1234370-1284024881.jpg iam especially interrested in the second one from the left, it has some sort of belt with vials wich is pretty awesome.
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