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Everything posted by xpsycox

  1. That's a modified version of Chingari and Ismelda Demon Race (although, yes, it does look vaguely like a Draenei :P ). That pick is actually from HGEC - Yet Another Armor Replacer Mod - Iron Armor Redux (pic #5 from author). The horns are actually from an armour mod (warlock armour iirc.. have it floating around somewhere xD ) Heck, I'll quote the guy who made it: "It's a cosmetically customized version of Chingari's/Ismelda's Demon Race. I thought the horns looked cool (I'm pretty sure Xivven? made them), something about the wings bugged me, and blue is my favorite color, so I grabbed the High Rez textures for the Dark Seducers. It was my first real experiment with NifScope and file substitution." Thanks for the info, if you could find out the mod name or author for the horns I would be grateful, I've searched and googled to no avail. Balkhan1 i believe its this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13105
  2. anyone knows if the mod in the upper left is an actual mod or a photoshopped picture? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/807082-1282476260.jpg
  3. anyone knows if this armor is downloadable? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/123650-1282356235.jpg
  4. *snip* Discussion and linking to F&L is not allowed on this site for a variety of rather complex reasons. This is nothing new, and is more or less public knowledge. Strike has been issued, be thankful it wasn't a ban. - Vagrant0
  5. hello people, after installing a couple of new mods my fallout kept crashing at the startup... it appeared my load order wasnt correct so i changed it... now my fallout starts up but i cant skip the intro anymore and when the menu is supposed to pop up nothing happens. all i see is a green background with the brotherhood of steel armor and the menu music but the menu itself is gone. alt tabbing or windows key nothing seems to help and when i press ctrl alt del the music stops and it says the game has crashed.... anyone knows how to fix this?
  6. heya iam looking for a mod that allows you to equip/create offhand versions of modded weapons. i see alot of mods out there that allows you to equip offhand weapon based on the vanilla weapons but i also come across alot of screenshots where i can see people dualwielding offhand versions off modded weapons that do not have offhand weapons in the original mod. so my guess is that there is a mod out there that allows you to equip offhands of modded weapons. if anyone knows where to look then plz send me a link.
  7. dont know the first one but its been asked for a couple of pages back. just look around and youll find it. the second one is a red/black retex of serenity armor.
  8. Hey, be nice. XeonGenesis isn't allowed to release it. I'm sure that if it were up to him he probably would. Sadly there's this annoying thing called 'Copyright Laws' preventing the release of a LOT of awesome mods. Don't hate the modder, hate the game company. ...as for the katana... it is relevant to my interests. Information would be awesome. yeah i understand... but if it where to be released it would spread over the internet like a disease.... and the people at EA should only cheer for their armor is being used in a different game so they gain more publicity.... anyway the fallout crysis armor version has leaked out on the internet aswell so i dont see why this one cant... http://z15.invisionfree.com/ArmourtechIndustries/index.php?showtopic=10
  9. anyone knows what sword this is? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/263027-1276313421.jpg i alrdy know the a$$ wont release that armor so i only need the sword... IF atleast its released.....
  10. http://i.imagehost.org/0851/934.jpg anyone knows what race/mod this is from?
  11. anyone knows where this amor and/or weapon are form? http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/263027-1269419371.jpg
  12. gamesource's version works for me. try downloading it using iexplorer, firefox seems to have trouble with gamesource. also you have to use oblivion mod manager to activate the plugins.
  13. iam not sure but it could be included in this mod. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31085 the hairs are actually alrdy in the moonshadow elves mod but they just havent been added yet. you have to add them manually. theres a step by step guide that tells you how to add them using the constructionset included in the readme of the moonshadow elves mod. however the mod above probably alrdy did this for you and made an esp out of it.
  14. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/829312-1278172705.jpg anyone knows what the weapon on her back is? or whatever it is thats causing that orange magic ring. iam looking for a weapons wich have similar magic rings like that they are cool :P but so far the only weapons ive found where humongous or staffs.
  15. anyone knows where to download this armor and the pistols? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/263027-1277924986.jpg and wich race is this? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2050324-1278013052.png http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1535098-1277742536.png http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/702988-1277330243.jpg
  16. anyone knows what mod adds the bows from this screen? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/32627-2-1277730593.jpg and what mod is this armor from? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1322648-1277751270.jpg
  17. iam still looking for the above. but anyone knows what mod adds the bows from this screen? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/32627-2-1277730593.jpg
  18. the armor is from Ren's Strangers mod wich was never officially release, it got leaked out and it made ren stop modding. its also the mod that adds the elfish like ears you see in many mods. iam not sure if iam allowed to post this, if not moderators should delete this. link: http://torrentbox.com/torrent_details?id=157275 the mod adds 2 npc's in the imperial city market district fighting change. you can buy the armor there.
  19. Hello all, anyone knows what mod(s) add this position? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/30412-1-1268315203.jpg only the position i dont need all the other needle stuff lol...
  20. Hey there, anyone knows what mod has these hairstyles seen in the screenshots of this mod? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31711 much appreciated.
  21. hello, does anyone know what armor the 2 female paladins are wearing in this picture? http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=59766
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