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Posts posted by DurtyNelly

  1. I can't help with your load order (I'm just learning New Vegas myself), but I'd suggest Mod Organizer. It will at least take away the issue of having to reinstall the game every time it poops out. MO has a bit of a learning curve, but once you understand it you won't want to go back. ;)


    I can also help you with the merge patch: Modding Fallout New Vegas FNVEdit. My first thought was that a merge patch will probably help you out a lot.


    Here is his videos on Mod Organizer as well just in case you're interested.


    And DurtyNelly, sorry, I did mean to say I launched Steam in the background; since SkyRim is all we are running in the Steam environment, I tend to think of them as one in the same...




    No worries, Dave. :smile: I just wanted to make sure. I know what you mean about thinking of them as one and the same. Skyrim was my only game for a long time. Now I need a new SSD since the one I bought for Steam because of "no desire to play anything but Skyrim" is almost full. :laugh:

  3. I did (most of the time) run SkyRim from within MO - when I hit Run, it asked me to launch SkyRim, before it could proceed. But you mentioned something I didn't know about, SKSE.

    I take it that without that running, no mods will work?


    It's asking you to launch Steam, not Skyrim. You must have Steam running in the background before MO will launch Skyrim for you. You have to launch Skyrim through Mod Organizer for your mods to show up, because MO uses a virtual file for your mods. Mods are not actually placed inside your Skyrim Data folder with MO like they are with Nexus Mod Manager, so if you launch the game outside of MO, you won't see them in game.


    SKSE is a script extender, and for certain mods you do need it, but not all mods require it. The LoTR Weapon pack will work just fine without SKSE. It's for mods which require expanded scripting, like Frostfall, for example.


    I'd really encourage you to watch the video series veen21 posted. As well as this one, also from Gopher, on Mod Organizer. He explains everything thoroughly and has taught many people how to mod with his videos, including myself. :)

  4. When you installed your skeleton, did you take the 'one handed weapons on back' option? I use One Handed Weapons on Back TS Edition with XP32 Extended with no problems (my character actually carries 3 swords on his back), but you have to make sure you check the option when you install the skeleton or it won't show on your back. Getting the animation for the back would probably be because you didn't re-run FNIS, or at least that's the only reason I can think of.

  5. Did you make sure you took all the appropriate options when you installed your skeleton? I know it's a bit of a 'well duh' question, but the first time I installed Duel Sheath I forgot to do it. haha.

  6. Also, in your SKSE ini add:


    Cleans orphaned Scripts if/when you remove mods:




    For High Res Warpaint if you want to use it.




  7. You're having FINS issues. Have you recently uninstalled or added new animation packs to your collection? Did you run FINS after doing so? Any time you add or delete animation packs from your load, you have to run FINS for Users.

  8. Watch Gopher's Tutorials: Beginners Guide to Modding Skyrim.


    Having the DLCs is not a requirement for all mods, but it is for some. You're going to have to read the description on each mod's page carefully to make sure they do not require them.


    Do you have a mod manager like Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer?




    How are they frozen? Are they in a T pose with their arms out?

  9. I think you might just have way too many texture mods, mate. You're running HD 2K Full, Vivid Landscapes 2k and a menagerie of other graphics mods.


    Maybe switch to the Lite version of HD2K and see if there might be other places you can cut back graphically.


    I'd be interested in seeing what the Performance monitor said. Did you get a chance to run it?

  10. HD 2K will not appear in your plugins, nor will A Quality World Map because they are texture mods and do not have esp's. :) You'll have to go in-game and have a look at them. Some textures mods will have esps because they add things to the world, like WATER. I believe it adds plants and other little things. But pure texture replacers will not.



    Immersive Weapons doesn't have an MCM menu. If you go to the forge, you will likely see them there. Not all mods have MCMs. The MCM is only for mods which can be adjusted. Immersive Armors has one because the author decided to make it so you could turn armors you don't really like off.

  11. The problem is AP. :dry:


    Assuming you ran FINS for Users and installed everything correctly, you're not the only ones having this issue. Look at the posts on it's page and in it's Bugs forum. It's full of people having the same issues. There are many animations missing from AP's pack, apparently. Someone said something like 300 are missing. Most people complaining are having male with male issues, crashing and sound problems. A few can't get their characters to STOP. :laugh:


    To be honest, I don't use AP because it was replaced by a better system a long time ago.

  12. Awesome. :smile:


    Well, you will probably want to test your mod setup. Makes sure everything works as intended and you're not getting weirdness. A funny example is the first time I tested Death Alternative my guy got defeated and spawned into a cage because he was captured, literately IN the cage door. :laugh: It wasn't pretty. But that's what testing is for. You want to make sure your game is stable (or as stable as it can be with mods) so you don't waste days or even weeks on a play-through only to find out something is stuffed.


    Just go in with a generic character (I name mine TEST) and test things out. Look at your graphical mods, test your spawning mods, make sure your game runs fine with your selected mods.


    I test more than I play half the time. :ermm: But it's necessary.

  13. OBIS is Organized Bandits in Skyrim. You're using the Dragonborn patch without Dragonborn.


    From OBIS's front page:




    ALSO: if you do not have the Dragonborn dlc (I suggest you get it) please make sure you do not check the obisdb.esp your game will crash on start up without dragonborn


    Uncheck that esp.

  14. You have clicked the wrong patches in Better Dynamic Snow's installer. It seems you have clicked on Dragonborn or Dawnguard + Dragonborn in the installer. That error says it's looking for Dragonborn esm, which you do not have so you're getting a CTD due to missing master.


    Reinstall Better Dynamic Snow and make sure you only click the second option (only have Dawnguard) when it asks what DLCs you have.

  15. More than likely (and I say this because I've done it heaps lol) you haven't set up the memory section in your enblocal.ini properly. It should look like this:


    VideoMemorySizeMb=8192 <-- (VRAM + RAM - 2048) You can go as high a 10GB if you have it, but no higher. I use 8192 because I was getting crashes in heavily forested areas with 10GB. I have a lot of mods lol
    AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false <--- Change this to false and see if it helps! I crash if it's set to true.
    Also, make sure you have UsePatchHackWithoutGraphics set to TRUE, so you're using the boost without ENB effects.
    Okay, now I see what your issue is. :laugh: What options did you chose in SMIM? If you use all the highest options you're going to have a bad day. SFO is pretty heavy. I think Vurt recommends at least 3GB of Vram, but I'm not sure. It might be 2GB, but will Skyrim HD and SMIM it's a lot.
    Maybe take out SFO and see it that helps. You can replace it with smaller mods like Simply Bigger Trees and Unique Plants.

    That looks like artifacting. Usually caused by you videocard overheating or being overclocked higher than it likes. If ya have it O/C'd set it back to default. Make sure the fan on it is working. Download GPU-Z and monitor the temp. Update to latest driver obviously also.

    Well, I fixed the issue by lowering textures down from High to Medium and the same for Blur in Skyrim's settings. But it does impact my gaming quality, so I'm not happy about that. As for my video card, I haven't got it O/C'd, it's already on default? It's also up to date, it's not overheated either.


    Water cooling, 3 air filters and 3 fans are keeping my entire system cool.



    I missed this somehow. :sleep:


    If after removing ENB, when you lower the quality the freaky shapes go away, it leads me to believe that Valkyre is right and they are infact artifices. If you're sure your card is nice and cool, try to roll back your drivers. If that doesn't help, do as I said and remove SDO because it's just way too much for your card. I don't use that mod, even though I'd like to, because it just KILLS my fps and I have a pretty beefy setup that runs a gambit of HD graphical mods.


    It might have been stressing your card but it was able to handle it, however, adding ENB which is even more stressful on a GPU tipped it over the edge.

  17. Make sure you follow the instructions for ENB very carefully. You have forgotten something when setting it up. I had this exact thing happen to me the first time I used ENB. I was setting up Natural Lighting and Atmospherics and managed to turn Skyrim into a disco-tech, somehow. I still have no clue what setting or lack of setting caused the issue. I was very new and fumbling around at the time. But I fixed it by going to RealVision's page (NLA had pretty vague instructions) and following the steps very carefully.


    I also had an AMD card at the time. I've since upgraded because it gave me nothing but problems with Skyrim. The new AMD drivers are giving everyone fits in Skyrim right now - purple mist, flashing water and fog. Maybe roll back if you installed the new drivers. Someone said 14.3 was good for them, but you can try others.


    Also, you have 2GB of Vram and you're using SDO Full? :ermm: That is a very heavy mod. The full version isn't recommended by the author, even. Take it out and see if when you get your strobe issues sorted, you can bump the quality back up.

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