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  1. Horribly. My game crashed at one point and I had to re-enable all of my mods through Bethesda's stupid plugin list. They couldn't even bother themselves to add a "enable all plugins" option either. I'm going to have to quit playing the game for now until a change occurs. I will not sit there re-enabling all all of the plugins one-by-one when the game decides to shut down. EDIT: As it turns out, they turn off and stay off when you close the game anyways. Thanks Bethesda.
  2. I'd prefer Codsworth, but these mods will work. Thanks. Sorry for delay, Had no internet connection for a while. I don't have the Automatron dlc.
  3. Is this possible? I mean, I've seen a couple mods that turn him human and synth, but I'm surprised no one has made a mod that turns him into a mister gutsy. I'd prefer him firing a built in assault rifle instead of getting in the way of my bullets. Edit: While I'm at it, if anyone accepts this request, could you have him say the mister gutsy's combat lines in addition to his original lines?
  4. In response to post #35130310. No. I am getting a CTD when I reach the main menu though.
  5. I'm hoping someone here can help me with an issue I am having. Light illumination only occurs when I get very close to the source of light. 3-5 steps back and the illumination dies down. Light placed by me in settlements are unaffected. Looked for fixes all over the internet but nothing. I did find a comment on the popular configuration tool someone posted and he issue was described exactly as the issue I am having. He got a response for a possible fix, but it did nothing for me. Later on as I try to put up with this issue I noticed that the illumination vanishes when it's in my field of view! At least until I transit into another area or interior. Not currently using an enb/reshade mod either. While typing this out I remembered that this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2139/? was causing an issue similar to mine to one person in the bugs section, however, uninstalling it did fix it. Please let me know if you need any more information. This is getting infuriating and I am exhausted trying to figure out what to do. Here's my load order Fallout4.esm Homemaker.esm ArmorKeywords.esm Arbitration - Resources.esm Snap'n Build.esm NoTutorials.esp RealisticPurifiedWaterRecipe.esp CraftableAmmo.esp CraftableAmmo_plus.esp CleanSoup.esp WeaveExpanded_v_0_4_1.esp MoreShipments_10.esp Power-Armor Compatible Powerfist.esp EnclavePaintJob.esp 1dayVendorsReset.esp LegendaryAllDifficulties20x.esp 9-hours-respawn.esp Easy Lockpick.esp Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp Easier Hacking - 1 Word.esp BulkUtilityRecipes.esp SuperAffinity.esp Crafting Workbench.esp Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp IncreasedCooking.esp MojaveImports.esp NoWildFruit (Dynamic).esp CHKFlora.esp 25% Fusion Core Drain.esp Binary Speech Checks.esp NoWildFruit.esp Farming Equalized.esp GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp Genius Game Perk.esp Craftable Armor Size.esp ChosenOne.esp Savant.esp StreetSmart.esp WeightlessJunk.esp AndStayBack.esp Pipe Guns +.esp EquipmentWeight.esp UseIronsightsWithPipeSuppressors.esp Weightless Grenades and Mines1.esp Invisible helmets.esp My_Minutemen.esp Simple Intersection.esp Minigun Gau-19B.esp RemoveBlur.esp Robot Home Defence.esp PrefabHouses.esp WaterAnywhere.esp ImprovedScavenging.esp BetterTitanium200.esp CBBE.esp UNnaked Power Armor.esp Realtime Death.esp SilverSubmachineGunFix.esp DisableAutoAimF4.esp Enclave-Standard-Navarro.esp QuickEnterFromStand.esp QuickExitToStand.esp CurieFix.esp AIO SS.esp Boards to Spears.esp This is MY Bed.esp LongerChems.esp Better Curie Heal.esp Never Go Full Auto.esp OldStyleCriticals.esp Discover Location 100%.esp BallisticWeave_RadRes.esp Arbitration - Better Combat AI.esp realistic headshots.esp Realistic Survival Damage.esp ModdableWeddingRings.esp ClearReconScope.esp BetterArmorModDescriptions.esp AllDeathclawsGlow.esp recon scope replacer.esp Eli_Vault Utility Jumpsuit.esp EferasBetterBeds.esp ImpovedSettlementTurrets.esp BallisticWeave_RadPosRes.esp NewKelloggFace.esp PowerArmorVoice1.esp DD_Floor_brace.esp Armor_Mods_Expanded_v1b2.esp LegendaryModification.esp LegendaryModification2LM.esp LegendaryModificationCSA.esp LegendaryModificationGroknak.esp LegendaryModificationMisc.esp More Resistant Power Armor - Extended.esp Taller Shack Walls.esp Snap'n Build - Immersive Modular Doorways.esp Snap and Build - Capsule.esp Snap and Build - Bunker.esp Merchants stick with store - Regular settlers.esp Merchants stick with store - Unique Settlers.esp DD_why_am_i_doing_this.esp Extended weapon mods.esp Rangergearnew.esp No Aggro Impact Landing.esp ShadowedPaintJob.esp Idiot flirt.esp BobrovsAsBellics.esp Upgraded_T-60.esp T60SkullGorilla.esp Hermetic_PA.esp PA_Overmodded_Edition.esp PA_Experimental_Material_PAOE.esp PAOE_LegendaryModification2LM.esp LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp WeightlessMods.esp NO NPC GREETINGS.esp LoadingScreenFix.esp BetterJunkFences.esp Eli_Fixed Dressers.esp Q Craftable Lanterns.esp Liberty Prime Helmet.esp TacticalWeaponLamps.esp Improved .50 Mod.esp Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp Gasmask Fix.esp WeightlessSpecialAmmo.esp JC-Shirt and Jeans.esp Glowing Eyes.esp RestaurantsGiveFood_Vanilla.esp Balaclava.esp 3dscopes.esp 3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp MAOC.esp WindowBoards.esp RemoveTurretPowerReq.esp Pos_GuardPositions.esp Pos_ShopPositons.esp Open Carry Patrol - Provisioner.esp Scavenger Station - Crafting.esp MinutemenQuestRelief.esp Fashionable Valentine.esp MkVIIMacTurret.esp Insignificant Object Remover.esp AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp Consistant Weapon Damage.esp Dark Drifter.esp Dark Drifter_Legendary.esp SettlerRenaming.esp StandaloneHiddenHelmets.esp SkibsWH77LSW.esp Stoner'sCustomMovementSpeedWalkingOnly.esp combat_PA.esp tumbajamba Advanced Engineering.esp combat_PA - tAE - AWKCR.esp N7 CombatArmor.esp Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp BuildStoreRepair.esp Targeting HUD Berry Mentats Fix.esp Faction Field Outfits.esp Faction Field Outfits Level List.esp shotgun range.esp SkjAlert_RS+.esp VanillaExtensions.esp Safe SSEx.esp FogOut.esp Deeper Male Protagonist Voice - Type A2.esp WeightlessAid.esp extendedLightsWS - No shadows.esp NanoArmor.esp Vasstek_VaultSuit.esp NanoHelmet.esp ArtificialEye.esp Extra_Tracks_Freedom.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp 2pacSkimpy.esp Sensible Rad Gear Armorsmith Compatible.esp Nanosuit5.0ArmorsmithPatch.esp Nanosuit4Color4GlowbySex.esp NanoHelmetVariations2_5_AWKCR_AE.esp BallisticDrop.esp Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks.esp def_inv_scrap_en.esp No Recoil V 0.2.esp ReducedLaserPlasmaRecoil.esp ReducedLaserPlasmaRecoilSpread.esp ReducedLaserRecoil.esp FieldPacksMod.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp Friffy_Fixed Rugs.esp Guard Rug - D3.esp Guard Rug - D6.esp Guard Rug - D1.esp Guard Chair - D3.esp Guard Chair - D6.esp infiniteradx.esp InfiniteWellRestedXP.esp WET Clearer.esp Fearsome Power Armor - Hostile only.esp Enemy Males.esp Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp JkWeaponryKey.esp L.A.E.P - Laser Assisted Electrical Pistol.esp JkLoadAfterKey - L.A.E.P - AWKCR.esp Super Laser.esp Glorious_Glowing_Plasma_Weapons_by_Diranar.esp NewCurie.esp NewCurie.27686.esp PlasmaGatling.esp BetterSettlers.esp Beautiful Settlers.esp BetSetMortalPatch.esp pylonscheap.esp Molerat_Disease_Immunity_PA_Hazmat.esp Higher Voice For Curie - Type A1-R.esp NPC Spawner.esp AdvPortableTurretSet.esp AdvPortableTurretSet-Extension.esp Deeper Voice For Super Mutants - Type A2.esp Higher Voice For Curie - Type A1.esp Lore Friendly Posters.esp Snap'n Build - Capsule Paints.esp Snap'n Build - Modules.esp Snap'n Build - Patches.esp mk14.esp Dogmeat's Backpack.esp Autocorrect.esp Killable Children.esp MostlyFemaleChildOfAtom.esp moreoil.esp Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
  6. This is a bug? I thought it was a feature.
  7. Thanks! I really appreciate it, seeing a "Build a generator" every 5 seconds was giving me a headache.
  8. I got this message telling me to build a damn generator when I already did. More than once hoping to see it'll go away. It doesn't. A mod to disable these notifications would be very nice to have right now.
  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2787/? I didn't bother to read the comments so it took me a while to find why there were unlootable sticky buns spawning everywhere.
  10. Everywhere I go, I seem to find sweet rolls that I can't pick up. they are everywhere and it's getting a little annoying. I'm currently going through my mods to see if one of them is the culprit, but I'd thought I'd ask here if anyone else has this weird little problem. Edit: found the culprit. Thought I was going insane.
  11. There is a hairstyle and grime option I like to use but they are not available until I find a barber and face surgeon (for some reason) I prefer to have them when I'm creating my character upon a new game. I'm aware of the console command Openlooksmenu 14 1, but I experience frequent CTDs throughout my gameplay leading me to believe that said console command is at fault. In the meantime, are there other barbers/surgeons that aren't in diamond city that anyone has come acrossed yet? Edit: As it turns out, the frequent CTDs are being caused by something else. Still, this would be a lot more convienent for me.
  12. Thing is, you don't get XP for your companion's kills. You need a mod for that like in fallout 3.
  13. I think NMM wiped my mods before 0.60.5. What the hell happened? I remember booting up NMM to play New Vegas then a screen popped up but I didn't get to read it because I hit the enter key to confirm something else I had going but it closed the window out. Now the mods that I installed using NMM were gone. They were stlll in the data folder as if I installed them manually, and their plugins were still on NMM's plugin list. Now, after I updated, they were comepletely wiped from the data folder and the plugins are gone too. The reinstall option that was provided to me didn't restore them either. Can someone explain what in the sam hill is going on? Right now I'm too frustrated to figure this out and and too exhausted to even give a damn anymore.
  14. Do you mean the Options (load, save, settings, quit) are greyed out when you hit esc?
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