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About gyuuula

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    Skyrim SE, Fallout3-4, ESO, WoT, WoW
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    Diablo II

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  1. Casting an ebonyflesh cured my character. EDIT Casting any spell removes the transparency, but equiping a weapon or spell, what causes the transparency, for some weird reason
  2. The important part is here: "64 bit format. This has good precision, and also leaves us with another channel were we can store an extra attribute" In other words, it can draw paralax textures (google it, if you don't know, what that means) "32-bit wide RenderTargets. In order to use this, you only store the depth of the pixel, instead of the whole position." It is the good old regular rendering option. Consumes less memory, but doesn't look as good with deferred lightning, and can't use paralax. I'm pretty sure, that the base game textures don't contain paralax information, but if you have textures packs like Vivid Textures installed, it makes sense to enable 64 bit rendering.
  3. 1. No, you didn't. Look at a template receiver with armor penetration. You have to also add an armor penetration enchantment on your receiver to get it working (peEnchantments -> enchModArmorPenetration). Took me some time to figure it out x) 2. It should work on everything.
  4. I had the same problem. I think I just messed up the parameter syntax. After I pasted the "-SteamAppId 22490" parater at the and of the line, the game started up without any problem: ...\Fallout New Vegas enplczru\fnv4gb.exe" -laaexe .\FalloutNV4GB.exe -SteamAppId 22490 DAMN I'm modding this game for 4 days, and I still haven't played more than an hour with it xD
  5. If what fadingsignal said is true, the newer USKP versions contain these patches, so It isn't necessary to install this fix with USKP. It might cause problems.
  6. If running speed in units is 370 (according to uespWiki): (3600 units/370 units)= 9.73 (This means arrows 9.73 times faster, than the character) 17.3 feet/s * 9.73= 168 feet/s It seems realistic :/
  7. "HDT Psysics Extensions" mod [or something related to it] crashes the game inside Fort Neugrad. After I turned it off, I could go through the dungeon without problem.
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