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Everything posted by leewells

  1. No, I have a SSD drive, actually I have 2 SSD drives with SATA3 running in a raid striping (Raid0) configuration which is twice as fast as one SSD and I STILL have this issue and have had it since installing Skyrim and a few mods once my save file hits 12Mb (after 20+ hours of play) I think the issue has a lot to do with autosave and not the loading screen itself. From what I can see in the Papyrus logs, many follower scripts fire off just after you fast-travel and then when you save at the same time seems to push the game past its response budgets. This means it just stops processing as it figures it has hit a critical error. One thing that can help is to clean your saves. Take all your old saves and move them somewhere else besides the save folder. This seems to help.
  2. I hope I'm not necro'ing too bad, but a question is to be asked to why the Thalmor would incite a civil war or at least sit back and watch and give Ulfric a wider girth if they have full control over the Empire. The only answers I can come up with is: The Thalmor aren't in control as much as we're lead to believe -- perhaps that's what they want the empire to think. This dossier is a bombshell to be honest, and it is a pity there isn't some way to undermine Ulfric during this civil war while fighting for the stormcloaks. Here is the way I see it: The only valid choice is to side with the stormcloaks as much as it pains me to say it. I've considered many valid arguments including a divided empire is weakest, even the one above. The way I see it, Ulfric did the Thalmor a favor by inciting a rebellion, however as it states, the Talmor does not want a victory by the stormcloaks either, nor do they want them to loose. They want the civil war to drag on forever weakening both Skyrim and Cyrodil. The most devastating thing that can happen is that Skyrim win's its independence, because things like that are usually contagious, spreading to neighbors like Southern Hammerfel which are declared defectors by the emperor for not conceding to the White-Gold Concordant. This could also incite rebellions from within the Empire as well. As it stands the empire believes that it has no chance against the Thalmor and cooperation is the only solution. Skyrim's independence can be a reminder that this is just not so. While under the rule of the Thalmor run Empire, there can be no future for the Dragonborn or the blades. Also many factions the dragonborn may side with such as the companions are heavily Talos worshipers. I cannot possibly see any future for Skyrim with the Thalmor running about. However, if Skyrim was independant, I can see many rebels from Cyrodil defecting to Skyrim and a re-establishment of a true Dragonborn emperor in Skyrim that can and has the possibility to push the Thalmor out and re-establish the dragonborn in the seat of Cyrodil. Because of this, I have only played the empire side once to see what the ending was. But I'll agree that there has to be someone other than Ulfric to lead Skyrim...
  3. I don't quite understand the logic of this... Skyrim's landscape is way to dynamic and anchoring on the *single* player. For an example If you came into the game and went through Helgen and your friend comes through 15 mins later, they can't complete the quests because Helgen is in ruins already. A server would have to process quests and dynamic content for each individual player and keep track of them along side of each other which is already rather cpu intensive with just one player, the best server out there wouldn't be able to do this with more than 10 players. As someone else posted, the engine would have to have been developed with client/server states, else you cannot pass game specific calls (via loopback or network) except in memory which would be very dangerous if you didn't trust those friends with your PC. The biggest thing would be the combat system. The combat system, as it stands, relies heavily on your PC's interpretation of aim and skill, therefor it it were multiplayer, the server would have to trust each node to make its own calculations of hits/crits/kills and pass those events to the server, else you would have to have a 40mbit connection just to play (that would be billions of packets a second.....).
  4. If you figure out how to get the bones cleared out of that place, let me know.
  5. One of the short-comings of Skyrim beyond its lacking interface is variety of weapon and armor models. For instance, there is no reason why all the high end armor should give the player a very ominous look -- there should be some kind of armor and weapon set that allows the player to look at bit more friendly and hugable (lol, though I protest any "my little pony" ideas :P -- Awesome with less baddass is the idea). I know that I for one was sitting at level 50ish with dragon armor thinking "Thats it? This is what I'm limited to?" So, I would think that this would be on someone's plate at some point? If not I'll be happy to get a project started if there are plenty of others with some desire for a better assortment of weapon models and textures.
  6. You haven't played many PC games have you? *snicker* Skyrim is by far one of the best games out there, but like most, it is buggy and Bethesda is once again dragging their feet on the Creation Kit. Releasing a buggy game and a kit that allows you to fix said bugs is one thing, but releasing a game with bugs that make the game unplayable all the while failing a promise that people would have that kit on "launch date" tends to ruffle some feathers. Bethesda never promised to release the Creation Kit on release date. And dragging their feet? Yeah, because readying the Creation Kit so it's nit bugging out every 5 minutes and setting it's respective documentation so you can actually know what the heck your doing when it first comes out is completley dragging their feet. To even think about releasing the tools used to create the game means that we're gonna make a game that just crashes because we're to lazy to fix it ourselves. Shoot, if I was a dev, I wouldn't even want to release a modding kit to a crowd of people with an attitude like that. Correction Sir/Ma'am: They said a while back that the game would "likely ship" with the Creation Kit. Then it was changed to "Released on or near the release date" just a few days before release. "Likely" is a good escape clause -- I'll give you that one, however failing to update the community and allow people to assume that it was still on track to be shipped with the game allowed that statement to become an outright lie, at the very least, misleading. Don't think for a moment that it was simply bad word tracking -- you can be rest assured that ZeniMax keeps track of every word their devs and PR folks state in the public domain. But if they're spending the time now to work on the Creation Kit, the bugs should have already been worked out in QA pre-release. About the dragging of the feet -- we totally disagree there. The simple fact that Oblivion's Construction Set can actually compile "some" non-scripted content (without errors) for Skyrim goes to show the mod engine is at least similar which shortens the excuse panel considerably.
  7. I have a neat little strategy actually... Basically, use the Greybeards to find all of your words, when they stop helping, kill Paarthunax (sp?) and join up with the blades and do their little recruiting quests... Eventually Esben gives you a potion for giving him dragon scales and dragon bone that gives you a permanent +25% melee mitigation vs dragons (really nice to have if you're wearing paper armor).
  8. Aye but it is not low enough to stop breakage.
  9. I bought mine off of the female smith in Whiterun. She had a necklace/amulet that fortified smithing and was rather cheap (minor version but all the same when disenchanting).
  10. Well as far as that quest goes, it helps playing Oblivion through and knowing what Daedra Lords are (and you'd know they're evil and hold a utter disregard for life) which would give you a better premise of the type of quest you're accepting. With that said, you are given a choice, after he asks you to explain what you see in front of you "a rusty axe". Then he explains what he wants you to do and you get your back-out prompt to tell him to go to hell, I mean Oblivion. Your choices however do have great effects on the land and people's attitude towards you which is a feature that is pretty neat. There is surely no limitation of choices in the game.
  11. I don't believe the game intended for this to happen. The benefit for siding with the Greybeards is the study words -- the benefit for the blades is word location/discovery/dragon souls.
  12. I have played through now 4 times, the first time was rather difficult, however I found a trick, and when playing through the last 3, made the game easy and near god-mode. First of all, in the beginning, get a little change - chop wood, harvest some veggies, what ever floats your boat. once you have about 1,000 gold (easy and quick enough to acquire) work on your smithing and enchanting skills. Once you have mastered both, you should have come across a few items from disenchanting that have both fortify enchanting and fortify smithing. If you're high enough in Enchanting and trained most of of the perks, you should be able to apply both enchantments to a set of light armor (for portability). As you may also know, with a fortify enchanting mod, you can endlessly fortify enchanting by modding a piece of light armor, wearing it, and enchanting a new piece with a stronger enchanting mod. Do this to your hearts content ;) You should be able to get the smithing enchantment on your Chest, Hands, Neck, and Finger, giving you a +100% item improvement bonus. Now enchant the smithing enchantment and run out, craft your armor and improve it :) If you did everything right you should have a 100%+ armor improvement mod, turning Ebony armor/weapons from a 120armor value to more than a 300 armor value. This also works for weapons :)
  13. You haven't played many PC games have you? *snicker* Skyrim is by far one of the best games out there, but like most, it is buggy and Bethesda is once again dragging their feet on the Creation Kit. Releasing a buggy game and a kit that allows you to fix said bugs is one thing, but releasing a game with bugs that make the game unplayable all the while failing a promise that people would have that kit on "launch date" tends to ruffle some feathers.
  14. Thought I would add... The auto-detect feature just blows. I have a 9 month old PC, with the following specs: AMD Phenom II x6 1100T BE (OC to 4.4Ghz and liquid cooled) 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz Super-Talent RAM Raid Striping x3 solid states 3x EVGA Nvidia GTX 570s Super Clocked And this rig is "detected" as "medium". I turned everything up to ultra and the FPS stays pretty regular at 90-130fps. I can also fraps at over 50fps with everything on ultra so the 570's work great for the game in SLI mode or not with everything jacked up as high as it can go. The only issue was with tripple buffering, if you do that, the game has a fps drop to down in the less than 1fps (unplayable) range. So if anyone is having issues with the 570 in SLI mode just disable tripple buffering and do not "force" any anti-aliasing or AF... just set the control panel to "Application Controled" or "Enhance Application Settings".
  15. BTW this load order also crashes FalloutNV.esm ACM NCCS Companion Wheel.esm ACM Fem Fatales of FO3.esm Using any other companion mod by itself also causes crash before the game can completely open.
  16. After buying and installing the latest expansion Paradise or something like that every companion mod causes a ctd as soon as I execute the game. I've checked load order rigorously with the mod manager and cannot find any conflicts. I'm thinking this may be a companion compatibility issue with this latest expansion; can anyone confirm this or would this be another issue? I don't have the companion mods (the actual companion) listed here because activating it causes the crash, no matter where it is put in the load order. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm EyesExpansion.esm ACM NCCS Companion Wheel.esm ACM Fem Fatales of FO3.esm Further3rdPersonCamera.esp CONELRAD 640-1240.esp Canteen.esp CompanionDe-Equip.esp Better Binoculars.esp M14.esp NV binoculars.esp AllCompanionsEssential.esp Unlimited Companions.esp GoodspringsPlayerHomeA.esp Pipboy 5k.esp Clanf_BT.esp noautoaim.esp Fellout.esp
  17. That is exactly what the Rift Project is doing now as we speak =) We weren't satisfied with just ending the game at the end of the "Dragon Age", we've gone and played out a brand new age, addressing the mysteries of Morrigan, Shale, Alister (if he leaves party), and any romance you have done. "... the expansion takes place 19 years after your victory over the Archdemon. Just one year after that victory you bore a child with (party member's name at "LOVE" approval). Through the years you and your child have constantly been battling small squads of darkspawn here and there as if they are drawn to your child. However today is a happy day, the day your child becomes an adult in Ferelden and receives the Nobility title you have earned for your lineage." In our story line we have placed the character in a very dramatic situation at the very start; not an easy start as BioWare gave us, so it is not for the faint of heart. As you progress the story line you find ways of dealing with the darkspawn, find out why your family has been plagued by darkspawn, and you find that there is a severe unbalance between the fade and the mortal realm that only you and your child can address. This content will force the player to "pay for his/her mistakes" that were made in the original game, and it will also show cut-screens of his/her impact on the future of the lands from decisions made 19+ years in the past. I won't say any more =)
  18. http://www.darift.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/dar.jpghttp://www.darift.com/wp-content/plugins/simple-forum/styles/icons/two-en/weblink.png WebSite . http://www.darift.com/wp-content/themes/panorama/styles/blue/feed-icon-16x16.gif RSS News . http://www.darift.com/wp-content/themes/panorama/styles/blue/twitter.gif Twitter Greetings! I wanted to let all of our moders, voice actors, writers, an concept artists know that we at the Rift project are putting together an expansion like no other. The content is planned to add over 40 hours of play time and be even more immersive than Dragon Age: Origins. Let me cover some of the story right quick so you kinda know what this is about and what direction we're heading. Dragon Age ends, very abruptly, at that. The player is left with thousands of questions with no intention from BioWare to ever address this later part of the story in the future, as a dev said, "Any story line that takes place after the game is not within the 'Dragon Age' and thus out of our franchise's descriptive name". However players can expect content that is supposed to happen after the Dragon Age begins and up until the ending of the Dragon Age. We are taking it out of the box and beyond the "Dragon Age" into a brand new age that forces the player to start seeing how his/her decisions he/she made in the Origins are effecting the future of the mortal realm. For players that survive the end of the game and have a "significant other" in their party that also survives, this expansion activates itself at the end of the game and continues the game, playing out the rest of the story and ending all loose-ends, though we have added our own twists of fate, as well as tear-jerking and dramatic moments within that are surly to captivate the player at first sight (no matter the gender). The expansion will be released under the GPL, so it will be free for all and anyone that joins the community and contributes to the project will have their name in the contributors list. Those that are leading teams or are a major contributor to getting this off the ground, they will have their own credit line. We are in desperate need of folks that know the Toolset. We have a few that know it and are figuring it out, but we need at least one person that is confident enough that if one was asked to "create a script that would switch a sword out based upon the type of zone the person was in (indoor/outdoor)" if they didn't know off the top of the head, they could find out rather quickly or if we needed a snow-capped mountain, they would need to know how to get that done. We're also needing a few more male voice actors and about 3-5 more female voice actors. The more roles and personalities you can portray, the better! We have a sample submission area on our own forums that you can use to show us if you have what it takes. And most needed right now are 3-D Modelers, Texture Artists, and Concept Artists (for putting the writer's descriptions into a visual form for the devs). If you would like to join us in our epic journey to create the most intricate, content packed, story rich content ever released or that will ever be released for Dragon Age: Origins, sign up on our website and let us know what possition you can fill. See you there, or See you in game ;) Mike W. Rift Project Coordinator www.DARift.com FOLLOW US: http://www.darift.com/wp-content/themes/panorama/styles/blue/feed-icon-16x16.gif RSS News http://www.darift.com/wp-content/themes/panorama/styles/blue/twitter.gif Twitter
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