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About blackpete8427

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  1. This is not something that should be done under any circumstance. Console commands like this force the game to function in ways it was never intended to. Using commands to bypass quest stages only leads to more problems. The game developers intended for the console to be used only as a means to diagnose issues, not as a way to "fix" them. Yet all four people admit to disabling the patch on an existing game and continuing on. You cannot remove mods on an existing save without causing irreversible save corruption. Doing so also leaves behind orphaned scripts. The save will still attempt to reference said scripts and when it can't you get major issues like CTDs. This information comes from the Bethesda employee who created Papyrus, the scripting language used in Fallout 4.
  2. Arthmoor has a sticky post in the "posts" section on the USLEEP page (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/?) that explains how to update a mod that uses the USKP as a master.
  3. Actually no, it won't require a new game. Just like new versions of the previous separate patches, only the non-retroactive fixes will require you to start a new save and I don't think any of the fixes in the initial release of USLEEP are marked as such. I was sure Arthmoor's comment about that was still in the original post, but maybe that was a different thread or that part got removed somehow.
  4. It is still in beta testing. We don't have a specific date of release set but if everything continues to go well like it has been then probably later this month. The original goal was to have the beta wrapped up at some point before the Thanksgiving holiday, so unless we run into some major issue(s) we're probably still on track for that.
  5. Actually, no, that is very much deliberate as is indicated in her dialogue when you ask her to restore lycanthropy: "Do you, now? Hircine doesn't usually bestow his favor on the fickle. But you've proven your worth. I'm willing to try. Are you ready now?". The developers also made it crystal clear in the scripts that you were only supposed to get one additional chance, so that won't be something we'd consider changing.
  6. No, unfortunately you will still need to clean those ESM files (Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfires, and Dragonborn) yourself. To the best of my knowledge - only Bethesda has the ability to fix the dirty edits/ITM records and we all know that isn't going to happen since they've shifted their efforts to FO4 now. Just in case it isn't clear, the USLEEP plugin file will not have to be cleaned just as the separate version of the patches have never needed to be cleaned; we always do that before releasing the patch(es).
  7. Regarding the separate patches (quoted from the original post):
  8. I can comment on a couple of them but am not overly familiar with the others. The Brawl Bugs Patch was determined to unsuitable for the USKP by its author who is also a member of the Unofficial Patch Project team.The Double Cursor Fix requires SKSE which is not something that we feel comfortable with requiring for USLEEP - so any plugins that require it will have to remain as separate plugins.As far as the rest go - I'm almost completely positive that they wouldn't be something we'd ever consider adding to USLEEP either. They're either something that is not technically a bug in the game or something that cannot be addressed without the use of SKSE or due to game engine related factors.
  9. As far as we know, yes, there won't be any problems with continuing on an existing game. Starting a game shouldn't be necessary. That shouldn't make a difference. As long as you have all three DLCs, you will be fine. If I had to guess "Timing is Everything" will require an update to be compatible with USLEEP when the time comes like most mods out there. Of course, that will be up to the author to do that since we don't have any control over what other people do with their mods.
  10. That wasn't mentioned specifically in the original post, but pretty sure only the three DLC patches (UDGP, UHFP, and UDBP) will be merged with the USKP to make the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (USLEEP).
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