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About mst3kfangirl

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  1. Nothing? There has to be a solution somewhere. Everything I've tried doesn't work.
  2. Okay. Here's a link to the video I made. Hopefully it will explain what's going on. https://vimeo.com/812233502
  3. Yes, I bought the ticket. After I lay on the cot, the screen goes black and the scene does return but all I can do is look around. I have tried starting without that fix and it's still bugged. I made a video showing exactly what happens but I can't upload it here because the file size is too big (96 MB)
  4. I talked to a Catherine at the riverboat. She's the one who asks me to go look for her daughter.
  5. I can go the riverboat and "rest" on the cot. After that my character is basically "stuck" and Tobar just keeps saying "welcome aboard". My load order: 0 0 Fallout3.esm 1 1 Anchorage.esm 2 2 ThePitt.esm 3 3 BrokenSteel.esm 4 4 PointLookout.esm 5 5 Zeta.esm 6 6 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm 7 7 Warzone.esm 8 8 OfHumansAndMonsters.esp 9 9 There's No Such Thing As Bad Publicity.esp 10 a PointLookoutFixes.esp 11 b GhoulEyeFix.esp
  6. Here's my load order. Maybe something's in there that's causing it? 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 DLCUltraHighResolution.esm 8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 9 9 HUDFramework.esm 10 a ArmorKeywords.esm 11 b WorkshopFramework.esm 12 c XDI.esm 13 d SS2.esm 14 e SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm 15 f SS2_XDI Patch.esp 16 10 FunctionalDisplays.esp 17 11 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp 18 12 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Weightless.esp 19 13 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL-Weightless.esp 20 14 Armorsmith Extended.esp 21 15 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp 22 16 More Power Armour Mods.esp 23 17 Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp 24 18 Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp 25 19 clothingoverhaul.esp 26 1a ClothingOverhaulSP_XB1_PC.esp 27 1b PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp 28 1c More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp 29 1d Companion Infinite Ammo.esp 30 1e PersonalRadio.esp 31 1f PersonalRadioReceiver.esp 32 20 _WastelandBallistics_.esp 33 21 liberty_pa.esp 34 22 moddablerobotsettlers.esp 35 23 more fortifications.esp 254 FE 0 odt - pip boy skins.esp 36 24 skibsweapons-redux.esp 37 25 workshopturretpack.esp 38 26 FemsheppingsCliffsideHome.esp 39 27 SS2Extended.esp 40 28 skillzerkweapons.esp 41 29 weaponcraftingyay.esp 42 2a finch and graygarden elevator.esp 43 2b classicsupersledge.esp
  7. This only happens with my female Sole Survivor save. When I fast travel anywhere (doesn't matter where) or even just walk to some random place she loses her entire inventory, including whatever armor she was wearing. Everything just disappears and I can't find a solution to it. Has this happened to anyone before and is there a real fix for it short of just deleting those saves?
  8. https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4223313Edit: No, that's not a typo in the title. That's how it's spelled on the bethesda page. I am asking because I am currently playing it and I'm stuck at the part where you find the meteor at Hubris Comics and I'm wondering what to do from here. I've read the terminal but I can't find where to go next. If anyone has played this, please let me know what's happening.
  9. Unfortunately, getting rid of the smugglers.esp and doing the addperk did nothing. Still can't unlock Expert and Master locks.
  10. Still isn't fixed. Getting to the point where I'm going to delete this save if I can't find a solution. No one has one? Really? I am not believing that.
  11. Every time I try to pick a lock that is either Master or Expert I get "This lock is too difficult". This save is at level 113. I have a level 94 save that can unlocked Expert and Master locks. I can't find this problem on Google so is it just a glitch? My load order is below: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp254 FE 0 CraftAmmo.esl 8 8 CraftingPack.esm 9 9 HUDFramework.esm 10 a XDI.esm 11 b ArmorKeywords.esm 12 c WorkshopFramework.esm 13 d SS2.esm254 FE 1 CraftingPackCombined.esl 14 e SS2_XDI Patch.esp 15 f Talon PA.esp 16 10 galaxy news radio.esp 17 11 PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp 18 12 Vault45.esp 19 13 SOTS.esp 20 14 WelcometoGoodneighbor.esp 21 15 CraftingPackCombined-AWKCR-Patch.esp 22 16 PersonalRadio.esp 23 17 BallisticDogGear.esp 24 18 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp 25 19 FunctionalDisplays.esp 26 1a FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp 27 1b FunctionalDisplays-MISC-HTNJ.esp254 FE 2 odt - pip boy skins.esp 28 1c _WastelandBallistics_.esp 29 1d 3dnpc_fo4.esp 30 1e JUBlood.esp 31 1f findingbarryellery (2).esp 32 20 AbandonAllHope1.esp 33 21 the library.esp 34 22 Woodfuzzy_CroupManor.esp 35 23 smugglers.esp 36 24 FemsheppingsCliffsideHome.esp 37 25 AGNISNikaCola01.esp 38 26 AGNISNikaCola01-XDI patch.esp 39 27 EasyCitySettlement.esp 40 28 wrvr.esp 41 29 atlanticofficesf23.esp 42 2a bombshelder.esp 43 2b radioactivestories.esp 44 2c DrMyersLab.esp vault167v1.0000.esp 45 2d Minutemen Supply Caches.esp 46 2e alieninvasion.esp 47 2f PrivateContract.esp 48 30 themysterylake.esp 49 31 ATaleOfTwoTwins.esp 50 32 cat_wildlands.esp 51 33 2vaultcollection.esp 52 34 Abandoned Appartmentsv1.0.esp 53 35 USS Phoenix.esp 54 36 USSQuincy.esp 55 37 WastelandPreppers.esp 56 38 R&DDep.esp 57 39 BostonBay.esp 58 3a RM_Mannequin_Raiders.esp 59 3b AtomicRadio.esp254 FE 3 SS2Addon_MS_BareEssentials.esp 60 3c classicsupersledge.esp 61 3d G3Family.esp 62 3e moddablerobotsettlers.esp 63 3f liberty_pa.esp Classic Combat Armor.esp SOTS_AWKCR_AS_Patch.esp 64 40 Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp
  12. There has to be a solution somewhere. It's getting to the point where it's game-breaking. All of a sudden, I can't fire any of my weapons without going into VATS. I can still aim, but can't fire at all. The controller I'm using is working; it worked fine for New Vegas this week. I tried the dumpinputenablelayers console command and got this: Force-enabled controls: none Layer-disabled controls: Layer 5 - [DLC03MQ04 (03001B42)].dlc03:mq04masterscript.GetEnabledLayer() - Line ?: NONE Resetting Layer 5 does not fix it. Nor does restarting the game. Here is my load order: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 254 FE 0 CraftAmmo.esl 8 8 CraftingPack.esm 9 9 HUDFramework.esm 10 a XDI.esm 11 b ArmorKeywords.esm 12 c WorkshopFramework.esm 13 d SS2.esm 14 e TheWilderness.esm 254 FE 1 CraftingPackCombined.esl 15 f truestormsfo4.esm 16 10 NukaWorldReborn.esp 17 11 VivaNukaWorldQuests.esp 18 12 CraftingPackCombined-AWKCR-Patch.esp 19 13 Talon PA.esp 20 14 galaxy news radio.esp 21 15 PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp 22 16 Vault45.esp 23 17 PersonalRadio.esp 24 18 BallisticDogGear.esp 25 19 SOTS.esp 26 1a WelcometoGoodneighbor.esp 27 1b nuka_world_settlements.esp 28 1c JUBlood.esp 29 1d findingbarryellery (2).esp 30 1e AbandonAllHope1.esp 31 1f DisruptingTheMarket.esp 32 20 the library.esp 33 21 Woodfuzzy_CroupManor.esp 34 22 Coos Bay stuff Version 3 - Copy.esp 35 23 smugglers.esp 36 24 FemsheppingsCliffsideHome.esp 37 25 AGNISNikaCola01.esp 38 26 EasyCitySettlement.esp 39 27 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp 40 28 FunctionalDisplays.esp 41 29 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp 42 2a FunctionalDisplays-MISC-HTNJ.esp 43 2b wrvr.esp 44 2c OutlawsOfTheCommonwealth.esp 45 2d atlanticofficesf23.esp 46 2e bombshelder.esp 47 2f radioactivestories.esp 48 30 GlowingSeaEnhanced.esp 49 31 DrMyersLab.esp vault167v1.0000.esp 50 32 Minutemen Supply Caches.esp 51 33 theshourd'slair dlc.esp 52 34 alieninvasion.esp 53 35 PrivateContract.esp 254 FE 2 PCTalonCompanyPA.esp 54 36 themysterylake.esp 55 37 The UnderPassage.esp 56 38 ATaleOfTwoTwins.esp 57 39 cat_wildlands.esp 58 3a Abandoned Appartmentsv1.0.esp 59 3b USSQuincy.esp 60 3c WastelandPreppers.esp 61 3d Sewer139.esp 62 3e R&DDep.esp 63 3f bostonbay.esp 64 40 RM_Mannequin_Raiders.esp radiocommonwealth.esp 65 41 AtomicRadio.esp 66 42 classicsupersledge.esp 254 FE 3 Mysterious_Broadcast.esp 67 43 G3Family.esp 254 FE 4 PC-R91 Rifle.esp 254 FE 5 odt - pip boy skins.esp 68 44 secret doors.esp 69 45 _WastelandBallistics_.esp 70 46 truestormsfo4-farharbor.esp 71 47 Armorsmith Extended.esp 72 48 SOTS_AWKCR_AS_Patch.esp
  13. The crash occurs after leaving Vault 81 and am about to discover a new "location". Have no idea what's causing it. From Buffout 4: F4SE runtime: initialize (version = 0.6.21 010A0A30 01D78E2305EF93A4, os = 6.2 (9200)) imagebase = 00007FF6F5770000 reloc mgr imagebase = 00007FF6F5770000 plugin directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\ checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\Buffout4.dll couldn't load plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\Buffout4.dll (Error 126) checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\wsfw_identifier.dll plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\wsfw_identifier.dll (00000001 wsfw_identifier 00000001) loaded correctly checking plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\XDI.dll registering plugin listener for F4SE at 2 of 3 plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\\XDI.dll (00000001 XDI 00000012) loaded correctly config path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\f4se.ini init complete RegisterPapyrusFunctions_Hook save name is Autosave2_32041189M4164616D_Commonwealth_042305_20210810173604_108_2 full save path: C:\Users\Laura\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Autosave2_32041189M4164616D_Commonwealth_042305_20210810173604_108_2.f4se cleared save path save name is Autosave2_32041189M4164616D_Commonwealth_042305_20210810173604_108_2 full save path: C:\Users\Laura\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves\\Autosave2_32041189M4164616D_Commonwealth_042305_20210810173604_108_2.f4se loading co-save Loading plugin list: (0 -> 0) Fallout4.esm (1 -> 1) DLCRobot.esm (2 -> 2) DLCworkshop01.esm (3 -> 3) DLCCoast.esm (4 -> 4) DLCworkshop02.esm (5 -> 5) DLCworkshop03.esm (6 -> 6) DLCNukaWorld.esm (7 -> 7) Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp (8 -> 8) HUDFramework.esm (1040384 -> 1040384) CraftAmmo.esl (9 -> 9) CraftingPack.esm (10 -> 10) XDI.esm (11 -> 11) ArmorKeywords.esm (12 -> 12) TheWilderness.esm (13 -> 13) WorkshopFramework.esm (14 -> 14) ss2.esm (1040385 -> 1040385) CraftingPackCombined.esl (15 -> 15) truestormsfo4.esm (16 -> 16) NukaWorldReborn.esp (17 -> 17) VivaNukaWorldQuests.esp (18 -> 18) CraftingPackCombined-AWKCR-Patch.esp (19 -> 19) Talon PA.esp (20 -> 20) galaxy news radio.esp (21 -> 21) PiperCaitCurieDialogueOverhaul.esp (22 -> 22) Vault45.esp (23 -> 23) PersonalRadio.esp (24 -> 24) BallisticDogGear.esp (25 -> 25) SOTS.esp (26 -> 26) WelcometoGoodneighbor.esp (27 -> 27) btinteriors_project.esp (28 -> 28) nuka_world_settlements.esp (29 -> 29) 3DNPC_FO4.esp (30 -> 30) JUBlood.esp (31 -> 31) findingbarryellery (2).esp (32 -> 32) AbandonAllHope1.esp (33 -> 33) DisruptingTheMarket.esp (34 -> 34) the library.esp (35 -> 35) Woodfuzzy_CroupManor.esp (36 -> 36) Coos Bay stuff Version 3 - Copy.esp (37 -> 37) smugglers.esp (38 -> 38) FemsheppingsCliffsideHome.esp (39 -> 39) AGNISNikaCola01.esp (40 -> 255) Atomic World.esp (41 -> 40) EasyCitySettlement.esp (42 -> 41) WCCC_Radio.esp (43 -> 42) AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp (44 -> 43) FunctionalDisplays.esp (45 -> 44) FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp (46 -> 45) FunctionalDisplays-MISC-HTNJ.esp (47 -> 46) 3dnpc_fo4_dlc.esp (48 -> 47) wrvr.esp (49 -> 48) OutlawsOfTheCommonwealth.esp (50 -> 49) W.A.T.Minutemen.esp (51 -> 50) atlanticofficesf23.esp (52 -> 51) bombshelder.esp (53 -> 52) radioactivestories.esp (54 -> 53) GlowingSeaEnhanced.esp (55 -> 54) DrMyersLab.esp (56 -> 55) Minutemen Supply Caches.esp (57 -> 56) theshourd'slair dlc.esp (58 -> 57) alieninvasion.esp (59 -> 58) PrivateContract.esp (1040386 -> 1040386) PCTalonCompanyPA.esp (60 -> 59) themysterylake.esp (61 -> 60) 3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp (62 -> 61) The UnderPassage.esp (63 -> 62) ATaleOfTwoTwins.esp (64 -> 63) cat_wildlands.esp (65 -> 64) Abandoned Appartmentsv1.0.esp (66 -> 65) USSQuincy.esp (67 -> 66) WastelandPreppers.esp (68 -> 67) Sewer139.esp (69 -> 68) R&DDep.esp (70 -> 69) bostonbay.esp (71 -> 70) RM_Mannequin_Raiders.esp (72 -> 71) AtomicRadio.esp (73 -> 72) classicsupersledge.esp (1040387 -> 1040387) Mysterious_Broadcast.esp (74 -> 73) G3Family.esp (1040388 -> 1040388) PC-R91 Rifle.esp (1040389 -> 1040389) odt - pip boy skins.esp (75 -> 74) library.esp (76 -> 75) secret doors.esp (77 -> 76) _WastelandBallistics_.esp (78 -> 77) truestormsfo4-farharbor.esp (79 -> 78) Armorsmith Extended.esp (80 -> 79) SOTS_AWKCR_AS_Patch.esp Loading key input event registrations... Loading control input event registrations... Loading external event registrations... Loading camera event registrations... Loading furniture event registrations... Loading F4SEPersistentObjectStorage data... Loading F4SEDelayFunctorManager data... cleared save path
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