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About saurusmaximus

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    Skyrim, Oblivion

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  1. Thanks for the info. I'm debating moving to Linux because I don't like the direction MS seems to be going with Windows, and modded Skyrim is one of my must-have games.
  2. 1. For VR, there is skyrimvr.ini and skyrimprefs,ini 2. Go into your skyrimvr.ini, and under [Menu] cut and paste: iConsoleTextSize=20 <---you can set the number to whatever works for you. This is where mine is at.
  3. The last time this happened to me, it turned out that my controls had been set to use a controller. In your Skyrimprefs.ini look for [Main] bGamepadEnable=0 <--Set to 0 If that isn't it, I got nuthin'.
  4. EngineFixes.dll should be in your SKSE/Plugins folder.
  5. I suppose this would work. The bigger question is, what are you doing that you think you need to clean install that frequently?
  6. You probably have a compatibility issue with one or more of your mods. Check a 'good' profile against one that is misbehaving and see if anything is out of place.
  7. Yes, the sfx and music are 'placed' within the Skyrim worldspace (the CK calls it "Tamriel"), so if you want rustling trees and whatnot outside of the normal game bounds, you're going to have to go into the CK and put them there yourself.
  8. Why not try your hand at making it the way you would like? Modifying interior spaces really isn't that difficult (it can be time-consuming though, especially when you are new to it), and there are many tutorials out there on the interwebs, so give it a shot. If you haven't already been, this website is basically the bible for using the CK: http://creationkit.com/
  9. Can't you just search the second hard drive for your mod files? Or am I missing something?
  10. Easy? Not that I'm aware of. The bigger question is, why do you want to get rid of them?
  11. It looks like you have ELE and ELFX installed at the same time. They are both lighting mods, and thus, both edit the same things, which is why you are getting the cyclical error: A edits B which edits A which edits B.... Decide which one you like best and disable the other, including any associated patches.
  12. From reading the posts on the mod page, it sounds like the UFO port didn't go too well and a lot of people are having issues, so you may want to consider switching follower overhauls for your next playthrough. That being said, can you read the spell tome yourself and teach your follower the spell that way?
  13. To be able to fast-travel to the castle from the start, you need to make it's map marker 'visible'. To do that, load the mod up in SSEdit, go down to "Worldspace" on the left, expand the sub-headings under that and hunt around until you find an entry that has the name of the Castle in it (every mod author does it a bit different). What you are looking for is the Map Marker entry, it will show up on the right pane. Once there, scroll down until you find the heading called "Map Marker". Expand that menu (if it isn't already), and find the "FNAM" sub-heading. In the right column next to that, double-click on that line and that should bring up a drop-down menu. Click the entries for "Visible" and "Can Travel To". As far as owning it from the start, IsharaMeridan is probably right, so while in SSEdit, go up to the "Activator" heading in the left pane, expand that menu, and see if you can find a activator that checks for gold in the player's inventory (not sure how it would actually be worded). Then edit the value in the right pane to 0 and you should be all set.
  14. In your skyrimprefs.ini look for the following lines: [Display] iSize H=<monitor height> iSize W=<monitor width> So, for my 1080p monitor, the settings are: iSize H=1080 iSize W=1920 Also, NVidia's software likes to render the game in 4k, then downscale it to your actual monitor resolution, and sometimes the process doesn't work and you have to go in and manually change the settings. Obviously, if your monitor is natively in 4k, this doesn't apply.
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