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About JAMMES56

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  1. I can name two things the patch didn't touch. Number one the brawl bug. The one where you are supposed to fight someone hand to hand. They end up drawing their weapon and either killing you or the guards arrest-Kill you,Number 2 The follower bug. A follower mysteriously vanishes never to be seen again. Even" player.moveto<prid>" doesn't work. The game quits responding. I'll have respect for this patch when they address these problems.
  2. Email me Hi ladies and gentlemen. This is my first post. I have a very strange and annoying problem. I just reloaded my Oblivion game and following Knots Oblivion guide tweaked my ini files and installed my game outside of the dreaded UAC protected zone. My game has never run better on my cheap Gateway DX- 4200. I have an annoying but not game breaking problem. Whenever I use the journal to review quests or I pick up a book in the world and try to read them the text fades. It looks almost as if the words try to change to another language? The same thing happens in my Morrowind game as well. I used the same author's guide to set that game up as well.Many of you probably are familliar with his guide at: http//somethingfornobody.com/2011/Morrowind-modding-guide/ Everything else works fine so far.Any help or insights would be helpful. ThanksJAMMES56
  3. There is no plugin file for OBSE just a file called Plugin_example. Is this where the files should go or do I need to create the plugin folder?Thanks in advance.
  4. This file doesnt work anywhere. I've installed directly into the C:\my games\Oblivion\data files.Yes I know about the UAC problems with Vista and the accursed directory(x86).then I tried C:\my games\Oblivion\data\OBSE\plugins no go. I go through the game and talk to someone the subtittles still fly off the screen. I even downloaded the silent voice fix for the English version. The silent voice mod won't even show up in the Data files from Oblivion launcher. The fix file shows up just fine.I have downloaded this file using OBMM as well as manually . Nothing changes.I use this for my Morroblivion mod which works almost perfectly. Any help out there?
  5. JAMMES56


    I know I'm not the only one who has thought of this . It would be way cool to cast a rod or even a net. Hey maybe even spear fishing. All that water shouldn't be just for swimming in. People could hold tournaments for the most caught or maybe if people could chang the size and type of fish maybe even see who catches the biggest. I have seen practically everything else. Why not? JAMMES56 :biggrin:
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