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  1. Starfield Creation Kit NPC tweaks with vanilla assets by Corinze https://youtu.be/b1sBvzJ4RyM Added to Section 3 - Tools
  2. It's really not so trite when you are trying to relax and play a game that you have really been looking forward to having some time in - and that applies to anyone who enjoys a good gaming session. The people here may not always have a solution to a person's issue with the game, but usually a good percentage of the time someone will (though sometimes, it may not necessarily be a pleasant solution - such as rolling back or starting over). Still, it's better than flailing about in the dark on one's own. Good gaming, JeffSon, and feel free to reach out whenever you have the need to!
  3. In addition to what others have already posted, since you state you are using mods, are you using any that were created before the release of the CK on June 9 - because if so, that could be a likely source of issues. Basically, any plugin mod which was not made using the CK or updated using the CK should not be used, and if you have them in your build, then you should roll back to a save made before they were installed and remove them, as just uninstalling and continuing on that same save will not work, as mod data is baked into the save and cannot be removed (and, do NOT use ANY .esp plugins - they are for development use only and WILL cause issues in your game if you attempt to use them). If you were using pre-CK plugins, your best bet really is to start completely fresh and mod the game anew, only using CK created plugins, saving before you add each mod or group of mods, and playing/testing for a while to ensure they work as they should. It may not be what you want to hear, but it is just good modding practice. Also, it should be pointed out that at this juncture, there are no mod managers that are currently supported - regardless of what others may state - so using any one of them will have the very distinct possibility of producing errors in the game. As of now, the only supported methods of installing mods is via the ingame Creations, or by manually installing them, and then activating the plugin (if any) via the ingame Creations tool. Hopefully, managers will be released soon that are Starfield compatible, as there is a lot of work being done on them and good progress being made, but until that point in time, the only tool that is now fully compatible with Starfield, is LOOT. Not an ideal situation, but it is what it is. Good luck!
  4. First, if you remove a mod that is not a pure graphics replacer (just textures/meshes) or one using only vanilla assets or spawns, you need to roll back to a save made before the mod was installed, as the game bakes data into the save (this is the way it has been in all previous Bethesda games, and there is no reason to believe it has been changed in Starfield). If you have done that, and still have issues, then you should try verifying the game's master files. If none of that works, your best bet is to just start a new game, and start it off vanilla, to ensure that it works as it should, and then only adding mods gradually (making a save before you do so - just in case) and playing/testing before adding more. And as regards mods, do NOT use any that were created before the CK was released (on June 9) or have not been updated using the CK since, as they are inherently broken due to being improperly made using unsupported and improper tools. Also, if any mods you were using were created before the CK was released, just dump them and start fresh with either a new game or a save made before any of the removed mods were installed, for the reasons stated above. Yes, it is a pain in the butt, still, it is better to get it right using good modding practices, than to have to deal with further issues down the road. Good luck!
  5. MO2 is the likely issue (as would be any other current mod manager), due to how it handles and recognizes plugins. Also, ensure that you are not using any plugin mods which were created prior to the release of the CK (June 9) and which have not been updated using the CK. Simply put, at this point in time, until mod managers have been made compatible with Starfield, anyone using them is pretty much on their own and will likely encounter issues - regardless of what anyone else may say; it is all still very experimental as far as mod managers go, right now. Due to that, mods ideally should be installed either via the Creations menu from Bethesda, or manually, and then sorted using LOOT. It's not ideal or what we are use to, but that's just the way it is right now, unfortunately. (Progress is being made on MO2 and Vortex to bring them up to speed, so hopefully we will not have to wait long.) And yes, it is frustrating!
  6. The plugins as shown in the right hand pane are in the correct order - they do not get loaded up in the order of the number they have. If you were to see them loaded as 3, 6, 7, 8, that would be wrong. Good luck! And if you are using a mod manager currently, that is also an issue, as at this point in time, none of them are compatible with Starfield (though they are being worked on and should be soon - hopefully), so adjusting the load order needs to be done using LOOT (which has been made compatible) or via the in game Creations manager.
  7. Have you updated both Starfield Script Extender (SFSE) and Address Library for SFSE Plugins? Not updating both of those will cause Baka Achievement Enabler to not work, as well as potentially causing other issues - possibly such as you describe.
  8. You would be better off to switch to Starfield Achievement Enabler by serverimp It has no requirements, and has worked flawlessly since its release, regardless of all the game updates.
  9. Glad that you got the issue resolved, phlehks! I think people should also know, that even once mod managers and all tools are made to be completely compatible, modding the game (as it is with other games), will still be a pain in the butt at times! That's just the nature of modding in general, the thing so many of us love - and hate - all at the same time! (Just wait for when we all start creating the really large builds - think of all the fun then - LOL!) Good luck and enjoy!
  10. The problem is a Vortex issue - it should be noted that there are currently NO mod managers that provide official support for the game - those that are currently listed as being in BETA are purely experimental and are under development. So, it is expected that there WILL be issues, and those issues need to be reported to the appropriate mod manager development team. If one wishes to maximize the possibility of NOT having issues at this time, then one needs to use the in-game mod management system - it is really a poor substitute for a fully supported mod manager, but since there are none of those at this moment, it, at least, IS fully supported. As for your issue, if you are adamant about using Vortex at this point in time, then it would seem you would need to roll back to the previous version, but remember, that too is not yet supported (nor are any other managers) so you really are on your own, and it would be likely that you will encounter issues And yes, people do not like to hear that, but that is simply the way it is, and wishful thinking and wanting it to be otherwise cannot change it - only the release of a final fully supported mod manager can.
  11. If you are referring to StarUI Inventory, it works fine and was not and is not affected by any game updates. It hasn't been updated because it doesn't need to be. However, do not install with a mod manager (they are not supported, as of yet), and do not install where the author states; the individual files need to be placed in Documents/My Games/Starfield/Data/Interface folder with a StarfieldCustom.ini containing the following being placed at Documents\My Games\Starfield : [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
  12. You can contact Bethesda directly (and more effectively) using their Starfield Support page, which can be used to make suggestions as to what you may think should be added or changed in the game. Just go to the Support page, and you will see that one of the 9 listed options is "Suggestions." Write your idea or suggestion there. STARFIELD SUPPORT https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1218/category/287 or you can contact Bethesda on Discord: http://discord.gg/bethesdastudios Though that is more likely something a mod would add in, than Bethesda, at this point in time.
  13. Tomorrow, Friday, July 12 at 12pm ET is your last chance to enter one of your ships in the Bethesda Starship Design Contest, if you are interested in doing so. Full information here: https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/7y2fF4fqM0MVjTNvrcFCEA/starfield-starship-design-contest
  14. Another place to ask regarding issues with LOOT, is here: [RELz] LOOT - Load Order Optimisation Tool - Tools of the Trade - AFK Mods
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