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Everything posted by kipperlips

  1. first off is the fast travel thing, in oblivion you have 2 choices, fast travel or go by horse or foot, in morrowind it was met in the middle with travel services like silt striders, boats, mark and recal and the transportation spells, it made the world seem more real rather than just clicking on a icon on the map, i would love TES 5 to go back to the morrowind travel system as it makes a lot more sense, if i chose not to use the fast travel in oblivion i HAVE to go everywhere by horse or foot which can be just as bad lame as fast travel sometimes. so if they do add fast travel like in oblivion i would like to see travel services like in morrowind aswell so i dont have to use the lame fast travel. other things i would love to see are 1, crafting armor/weapons 2, no radar 3, a gui where i dont have to scroll down for ever to find an item in my inv. 4, non-earthlike vegetation/creatures/wildlife (more fantacy) 5, more guilds and factions to join, each with much much longer questlines than in oblivion. 6, a lot of veriety in the world 7, a return of spears for horse combat and maybe lances 8, crossbows ftw 9, flying enemies and maybe flying mount later in game 10, levitation spell, detect key spell, detect enchantment spell (hardly ever use but used none the less) 11 seperated weapon skills. axe,blunt,shortblade,longblade and so on 12 medium armor because choice is the key to any good rpg,heavy or light seems like only having one extreme or the other. 13 good voice actors and dark elf to not have the fairy boy voice they had in oblivion. 14 interesting under water locations/ruins with aquatic daedra and more use for water breathing 15 mana regeneration to be a birthsign and for it not to be too much so would still need mana potions sometimes. this way i could try a mage with or without mana regeration. i am sure i can think of more but i wont go on too much here :P tell me what you think, sorry if there is already a topic on this as i was unable to find one and just wanted to share my thaughts.
  2. you might have just made the wrong type of spell, if it is a "Power" i think just arrile will get that but not be able to sell it, if that is not the issue then it might be because arrile himself has not enough skills to use it so he would also not be able to train it. just guessing here though as i have not made a spell npc in many years.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALbgacF_xS4 just one of my morrowind tribute vids i have made, best watched in 720p. Enjoy =)
  4. Heres the first vid of a series of vids im making, made 7 at time of posting and the playlist is on my youtube channel ;) enjoy xD
  5. Hey guys, I am making a series of \vids showing some of the AMazing locations of morrowind with major graphical mods, 6 so far at time posting this. enjoy! ;)
  6. WOW! this mod is fantastic! i tried v 3.3 at first and it was lagging like crazy but with 3.8 its is silky smooth =) i like this mod so much i just made a HD vid for youtube showing it and with links to the download.
  7. thanks for responce, that info should come in very handy if it happens again, i ended up just doing a re install and activating/testing 1 mod at a time which was a long prosess, so hop[efully that info will help if it ever happens again =)
  8. hi guys, i hope you can help me out, i have spent a lot of time and a lot of restarts trying to find mods that workl with eack other and so far i have had nothing but problems, i thaught i had a nice selection of mods instaled that worked this time untill i came to level up, afetr i add stats and click exit on level up screen the game crashes to desktop with an error message. can anyone help me out please, this is the list of mods i have running atm OOO esp and esm Enhanced weather esm/esp + darker nights Bamboo armor Elisabeth armor Cheydinhal Petshop Phinix Master summon Battledress rideable clanfear Cyrodil transportation network Sexy witch poses Adonnays ranger coats Sephs new animations Darkillusion armor OOO hangover remedy Harvest flora Slofs sexy anims Aces warlock gear Indigo armor HGEC body glove ENmodV1 Rideable gatekeeper SexyWalk Plus (not working on player for some reason) Agehya tortured soul and leveled for OOO Arynns Drow witch HGEC DM butterfly widow Hentai Uniform mods Tunnels of tamriel Scorched earth Pit trap Argent iron armor EY BM armory sexycompanion GPACK Gloria armor Colourwheels Uniforms Hentai apple Hentai Dark Lith Battle china dress Zera LeShaar's Grand spire HGEC female ninjs armor Spider EV Elwing M&B shields Arcelas black hand armor Apachi goddess store FEZA vesta set Satu ra lord of beasts Welkynd armor Underworld armor Summon skeleton horse Jakes water Chin catsuit Akatosh mount The dragon citadel Towr of lich king Alternative ship start Hentai mania Adelina scorpion sneaking suit ishmaels elvish mithril rideable crab Midas spells HGEC body lots of mods so i am assuming something is conflicting, anyone know what might be conflicting? i get no errors in OMM when activating them, if not is there a link to a list of mods that all work well together that ads a lot of stuff b4 starting a new game? =) thanks in advance :P
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