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Posts posted by wasder

  1. How about...

    You get recruited. Then go the Black Horse Courrier basement (IC)in which is the centre of operations for the BlackOps (Or whatever it's called). You meet the boss, he/she tells you what you'll be doing. You get told that you will receive missions from Black Horse Courrier Distribution Offices in each city if you give them the password. He/she tells you the first password you need and you get a new password upon completing each mission.


    You would then need to build little offices in each city, or just outside, like stables. It seems to be the best solution.

  2. How about...

    You get recruited. Then go the Black Horse Courrier basement (IC)in which is the centre of operations for the BlackOps (Or whatever it's called). You meet the boss, he/she tells you what you'll be doing. You get told that you will receive missions from Black Horse Courrier Distribution Offices in each city if you give them the password. He/she tells you the first password you need and you get a new password upon completing each mission.


    You would then need to build little offices in each city, or just outside, like stables. It seems to be the best solution.

  3. I'm so dead (any female forum member will kill and so will moderators)


    BOOBS (and ass)!!!!!!!!!


    I'm not normally so crude, but what can I say?

    No offence anyone but someone was going to say it. What do I like? A good whisky, and some decent music (Punk or heavier, preferably metal, Slipknot, Metallica, Anthrax.)

    But I hate most stuff, like anyone who can't make me laugh.

    Comedy sets us free (as does sex). :biggrin: :thumbsup:


    Please don't hurt me.

    Like.. I said I wasn't coming back to this thread, but I read, and *I like* it when people walk into things, that I cannae resist going back on my words..for a moment anyways..its to crazy here..


    This female not going to kill you, but I am curious mate...so you like boobs OK, but your into ass, hmmmm my my, a wee bit o' bestiality on the side eh????....aren't donkeys quite loud.. :whistling:


    *I like* arse meself..as long as she's got a good mind, depth, and nice personality attacked to it..


    Comedy does set us free,especially on this side of the pond!!! :wink:

    (sex can be a freeing as it is entageling sometimes, depends, on mutual sync..)



    Ok I won't hurt you!!!! lolololoolol


    Ha bloody ha. I've never heard that one before (please read in a sarcastic tone). As I said, I'm not normally so crude, its just, how could I not post that. It was begging for someone to (I'm suprised if I'm the first).

  4. Personally, I think it would be best if the organistaion remained nameless. :confused: However, if you must:

    Imperial Shadows

    The Operators

    Hidden Blades/shadows


    Ghost Operation (or Operation Ghost)

    The Elder Shadow


    IEAF (Imperial Espionage and Assasination Force)

    Ghost Recon (After the arcade game)


    The Unit




    I'm all out for the moment. :thumbsup:

  5. Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The assasination lit the fuse that sparked off WW1. Apt seens as its just been rememberance day


    What are Sloads? What magic did they like best?

  6. I suspect dez of owning a few cat's'o'nine'tails. I suggest hiding. Even if you don't hand out that adress.




    Unless you're into that kinda thing :D.


    "Sticks and stones will break my bones but whips and chains exite me". Not true. Shotgun under the bed time, methinks :unsure:

  7. You're interested in dating a non-existant virtual person? Whats wrong with real people. (no offence intended, I'm still suprised all the female members haven't found out where I live and butchered me for the post on 'You know what I like?' topic) :unsure:
  8. Now an idea about when you get approached....I think it would be cool that you are just..beebopping around town one day then you get wacked in the back of the head...you wake up in a cell with people offering you a "position"



    Maybe a initiation quest? like say... you have to defeat a -X- amount of enemies to get in? Or perhaps track a thieves guild member? Completely slaughter a small settlement with many mythic dawn agents?


    SAS style assault course training, I say. Defeat some really powerful bear or something, steal something from a mock up fort and some other stuff that I haven't yet thought of.

  9. Damn cool. I like LOTR stuff that works in Oblivion, unlike ringwraith armour mods and such, which seem a bit out of place. Cheers + can't wait to dl. Many tanks to ye. :thanks:

    I guess you allready know my "Elvenguard"-pi? This brings the Cuirass of the Noldor to Oblivion.



    Actually I wasn't. However, I just downloaded it and love it. have kudos. Awesome mod. brilliant. A must for anyone. :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

    Although armour and weapons perhaps a touch underpowered, and some unenchanted versions of the blades would be cool too. Still love it, especially the dark stuff.

  10. Make it as a staff and sword (in the same item). See "Firing Swords" topic. :yes: Please. And (if it's not too much to ask) a quest for it. The problem I have with many weapon mods is that they tend to just plonk them in the IC market district.
  11. Well, I'm still alive. I haven't yet been assaulted by anyone. Or spanked.

    I like food, definetly. Why should I give people food if I prefer food to them? Being stingy is fun! Watch them beg! Video please. :thumbsup:

  12. I agree with Term1ated. Cozyness over size definetly. But I can't stop liking the idea of a castle with loads of hidden tunnels and a secret shrine to Sithis. Some evil cult following would be cool. Really proper gothic style castle, which no (not even Skingrad) in-game castle captures for me.

    Some nice cottage would be nice though. I think a mod should have something specialthough, not just a cottage, but a cottage with the walls made of tree-roots or something.


    PS: Sorry Term1nated, I seem to be agreeing and replying to your comments all over the place. Weird. :down:

  13. I'm so dead (any female forum member will kill and so will moderators)


    BOOBS (and ass)!!!!!!!!!


    I'm not normally so crude, but what can I say?

    No offence anyone but someone was going to say it. What do I like? A good whisky, and some decent music (Punk or heavier, preferably metal, Slipknot, Metallica, Anthrax.)

    But I hate most stuff, like anyone who can't make me laugh.

    Comedy sets us free (as does sex). :biggrin: :thumbsup:


    Please don't hurt me.

  14. I'd say Destruction. Giant thunderstorm area spells!! Especially useful because you can better enchant stuff with damaging effects.

    However, I'd like to be able to conjure stuff but I can't get my skill up


    WOOPDEWOOPWOOPWOOPWOOPWOO!!! The Hundredth post!! :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

  15. Heavy: Lost armour of Paladin (Heavens wrath) Shiny with closed helm

    Light :Dark Hashashin or blood elven

    Weapon: Many. Sword of Odo (made by Adonnay), Ayleid Gwilith Warblade(more Adonnay), Adonnay's Hadhafang, Dark Hashashin Scimitar and Emelfein.

    Clothing: Green Brocade Shirt, Foresters shirt.


    As you can see, Adonnay is a god :yes:

  16. I have no idea. Clavicus vile's pretty solid if you try and kill Umbra. Do-able though.Arena's never ending, so that'd be hard to complete.


    For me, the hardest quest was the first main quest one, the first time I ever played Oblivion. I didn't know how to use the map, access the quest log, and hadn't realized what the quest arrow on the compass did. I was also scared of every NPC I saw, because I had just broken out of prison and was convinced I would be arrested or attacked if I was seen or spoke to any of them.


    So yeah, it was a bit difficult running around Cyrodiil looking for a character (whose name I didn't remember) who lived in a place whose location I didn't know - all the while running away or hiding from every character I saw.


    Adding to that was my fear that the beautiful world I saw all around me was going to fall apart if I did not complete the quest quickly enough. I knew that I didn't actually have to do anything, but I thought that not acting might allow Dagon to beat the empire and change the world before i had a proper chance to explore it.- ethre

    (Sorry the quote button wouldn't work)

    I had a similar experience but I just ran around the Imperial city isle trying to find an entrance to the IC. When I got in I imediately assaulted the guard standing by the gate because I thought that he was going to arrest me. Ended up in jail (I though it was how the main quest progressed) and spent 1 hour waiting for something to happen, then realising nothing would and wandering what the hell to do. I eventually found out to use the bed.


    :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no:

  17. Sad part!?? WTF?! It's not sad! It's all fun (bar crappy statue talk and boring replacemnets, that suck ass so bad, one got killed by a clanfear because I couldn't be bothered to save his sorry ass and was enjoying watching him die). Fave is the skooma-head, it's the closest you get to killing a child (Friends? no I want to bathe in your blood and eat your heart, then mount your head on a wall. Shame you can't say that. I also like Summitmist manor, Ex legion guy I left until last and he was like "Oh my god scum, you're like so dead, I was in the legion so I can definetly kill you, I'm gay umanumanuma" So i wanted to say " You're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dead. I'm going to steal everything you've got because then when they find your rotting remains your scummy inbred family won't be able to claim the armour so they might finally have some money and your mum could give up prostitution. You see this sword, yeah nice isn't it, it's called Umbra, you may of heard of it, and it wants your soul. MMM tasty, Now die so I can make pie from your liver and sell it to poor people." :biggrin: :thumbsup: :biggrin: :thumbsup: :biggrin: :thumbsup:
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