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Everything posted by WarmeratNorth

  1. northener69You are truly amazing! It's working! No more feeling of nausea for me! Thank you very much. Thank you for your time and work! :wub:
  2. Hello, folks! Recently, as we all know, NMS updated to Synthesis and it ruined one of the very needed things — a camera shaking fix. I used to stuck with No Man Drunk mod but as far as I can see — every mod with camera fixing is causing bugs: a camera starts some strange things, like changing its position or preventing the point of view looking into the sky. Yes, I could just delete the mod and go on, stii this shaking gives me bad times in the game. So, dear community, if you gonna update the mod or you think to do one for fixing camera... Please, please, please do it. Thank you very much and please forgive for any kind of mistakes (eng is not my native).
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