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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora

  1. Drakonadrgora


    Hi, never posted on the forums yet so decided I would. Not completely new to mods or the site; had an account for a few years now. Mainly I play games like skyrim and fallout 3 at the moment. I used to do some simple modding for games like neverwinter knights and starseige tribes but that was a long time ago. Just recently decided to start using mods again in games; been on console games for a few years.. no mods there at that time. So getting my feet wet with trying out mods for skyrim at the moment.
  2. Mods on consoles will always be a touchy subject because of those who feel loyalty to the developer and those who feel the game should remain unchanged by others but the developers to keep it a fair even playing ground for all players. You can blame this on the multiplayer groups and the sites that cater to them where they think playing a game is sport and takes high skill level and how a mod can reduce that skill to zero making that so called sports star a zero. As long as gamers act as if it is life/death about what their score/stat/trophy count/kill-death/win-loss is they will scream about anything that makes them less a god or star and less awesome. Which is what mods can and have done in many games. To them it is life or death and personal if they are the best or not...sad really since it is a game meant for simple fun and entertainment.. not a job or a chance to be a sports star....
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