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Everything posted by Silariel

  1. Oh my giddy auntie that was fast! :laugh: I'm so excited, thank you so much!! I really appreciate that you took the time to do this. They look beautiful!
  2. My computer doesn't meet the stated RAM requirements, and I'm also flat out of space -- my hard drive is ridiculously small. I have to close my browser if I want to open Photoshop so I have enough scratch space. It's digital musical chairs over here. XP So I really appreciate you offering to give it a try, that would be fantastic! :happy: Thank you so much!
  3. I apologize, I probably could have provided a more appropriate image. I've already been able to edit the textures and have made some new ones, but the models themselves are what I'm hoping can be reversed. Here's another screenshot from Nifskope: I hope that clarifies! Edit: Oh jeez, I see that I derped and typed .dds instead of .nif in the file names. Silariel, thy name is noob. Correcting it now...
  4. Hi everyone! I'm hoping someone can help me out with a (hopefully) small request. I'm working on a series of city mods and I've been using a lot of the morning glory leaves. I would love to have a little more variety at my disposal, and I was wondering if someone would be willing to reverse the meshes. For example: As far as I can figure this isn't something I can do in Nifskope, and I can't run Blender on my computer or else I would try to do this myself. :pinch: I intend to release these city mods here and would of course give full credit to anyone willing to help. There are four models total and they are located here: landscape > morninggloryleaves01.nif landscape > morninggloryleaves02.nif landscape > morninggloryleaves03.nif landscape > morninggloryleaves04.nif I am fairly ignorant when it comes to modelling, so if this is a more complicated request than I'm imagining, I do apologize. Thanks for taking a look at this! :happy:
  5. Oh! That makes a lot of sense, thank you, mixxa. :) I certainly don't want to bork anything for anyone down the line. Sometimes I do things just for my own purposes but I'm hoping to share this one when I'm done. I appreciate the explanation.
  6. Thank you both for your responses! I always had it in the back of my mind that deleting anything was some kind of modding cardinal sin, but then I was reading a tutorial yesterday that involved deleting stuff as one of the steps, so I wasn't sure anymore. I do regularly backup the file so I think I'll finish what I can without deleting anything and then go from there. :smile: I really appreciate the help!
  7. Thanks for the quick response! They're from the vanilla game. Does the same apply?
  8. Hello again. I'm back with another (probably silly) question. :unsure: Is it safe to delete objects that aren't persistent references? I'm in the process of modding Bruma and I'd love to get rid of some of these rocks.
  9. Perfect, that worked! I really appreciate the help! :happy:
  10. Hi there! I've recently started working on some mods to spruce up the cities, and I'd like to use a few custom resources. I used this guide (which I note is outdated, although I'm not sure to what extent) and successfully got the resources into my game, but I noticed when setting the texture paths in Nifskope that they now point to paths specific to my system. If I want to share the mods, is this going to cause an issue, and if so, how can I fix it? I have all the meshes and textures in their appropriate folders under Data.
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