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Everything posted by ARYANtheAG

  1. You have to extract the chunks using the quar tool, then extract the .fpk with the FPK tool. Find the models in the files. They are .fmdl files. This script works, but you'll have to add textures after unpacking with the ftex tool. https://github.com/Jayveerk/FMDL/blob/master/MGSV%20FMDL%20PC.ms
  2. The path to the gas mask is chunk3/assets/tpp/pack/mission2/story/s10240_area02_fpk/assets/tpp/chara/sna/Scenes/sna0_eqhd0_cov.fmdl Maybe a swap with the bandana/infinity bandana, or included.
  3. I like them all except the Jehuty... So just for that I would put in a vote for this mod to be picked up. Frandelicious, what colors are you looking to change the arms to? Or camo could be cool.
  4. Here is the quar tool. http://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/13/? Which will have a file called "dictionary.txt" it opens with any text editor, notepad. So copy that line and paste it in there, save. For step two, use the quar tool to unpack your data, the designated file chunk0.dat. Using the quar tool is simple, just read the "read me" file present in the download. In your master file, you will then have a new yellow folder called chunk0. For step 3, copy the chunk0 folder from the mod, and paste into the new yellow chunk0 folder made by using the quar tool. Step 4 is putting it all back together, so using the quar tool again (read it's "read me" on repacking). And you're all set to go. Always make backups of anything you alter before, which will save you a lot of time if there is a problem. Hope this help.
  5. Hi! If anyone is interested in building a mod, I'm looking to model swap the CIA mole's clothes. Here http://imgur.com/O02wVh3 And if possible swap this gas mask (or any gas mask) for infinity or normal bandana. Here http://imgur.com/UcwYfem Thanks in advance.
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