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In response to post #59954856. #60237321 is also a reply to the same post. Didn't care for it either. I certainly do not like the steam client interface and Vortex is trying to be just like it, not good for me. There is far to much crap in the way. Sure I suppose most of it can be disabled, or at least hidden. But really, all I want a mod manager to do is manage mods. The rest of the stuff in Vortex is useless fluff AFAIAC. Frankly I sorely miss Tannin on Mod Organizer. Can't fault him though, money is money. The last thing I want is a steam-a-fied mod organizer.
I wish I had never even installed the SSE
anvilton replied to phantompally76's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
True enough, none of those patches and mods would be needed if OldRim didn't have memory issues. Quite frankly I think once SSE has been around longer mod authors will start noticing, um new memory issues with SSE, perhaps not the available system RAM limits but more nutsy, boltsy parts of the games memory management. There is another reason I am waiting for the jump into SSE. I have a LG 34UM95 (21:9) and neither version of Skyrim looks quite right, the aspect ratio is a bit off. Why Bethesda can't be bothered to address a simple thing is discouraging. Sure I can twiddle with the ini's to get SkyUI menus to not clip so much (though they still do a little bit), but that doesn't really address the problem fully. Thankfully HaYDeN did with his Flawless Widescreen app. For my situation his app rates right up there with the work done with Arthmoor and crew with USLEEP. I'd give the guy a thousand bucks if I could spare it. Sadly SSE appears to be using a different video address than oldrim so can't do anything with the display aspect when the game starts. So even Bugnexus7 comment about "just set it and forget it" isn't quite true. -
I wish I had never even installed the SSE
anvilton replied to phantompally76's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It's not so much of rebuilding for SSE, it's more that many of the mods I use are dependent on SKSE, SkyUI and MCM. There is one additional item critical to me and that is a mod manager. While I appreciate and thank the nexus folk for their work creating such a useful tool, after I used Mod Organizer for a while I found it to be superior in many ways. To be frank I just don't like the way NMM handles things even for SSE. Unfortunately Tannin (MO dev) was hired by the nexus team just before he was to finish a 64bit version of MO. While some people have picked up that development, using that beta version felt clunky and incomplete, so in the end I have resolved myself to waiting for the results of Tannin being the lead dev for the NMM. SSE isn't really a separate game, it is still Skyrim, it is still you becoming Dragonborn. Think of it this way, you bought a VW bug, its engine while functional and does what it is supposed to do isn't really up to the task of say, hot rodding. So what to do? Simple, you replace the engine with something more capable, like more cylinders in the engine. Well that is a rough analogy to the difference between the Legendary and Special Edition. Everything is still the same that you see, everything is still the same that you interact with and this only difference is the engine's ability to handle that lead foot. You will need a different version of your bsa unpacker. SSE changed the format of the bsa and refer to it as bsa2. The two versions are not compatible. I think you can find it on nexus. Also there are some changes with nifs (IIRC) that need some attention as well. Speaking for myself, once things like SKSE are released for SSE I fully expect the same things as dealing with the LE. That is to say the very same things you note. It is fun, it is a crapton of work getting the mods you want installed and organized properly and when you have those CTDs, missing meshes, etc it can be a lot of aggravation. -
Are Mod Creators done with Original Skyrim?
anvilton replied to lalalauncher's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
That's what I am waiting for, to see what Tannin and the other NMM developers come out for a mod manager. Been using Tannin's Mod Organizer for so long don't think I could deal with NMM. -
I wish I had never even installed the SSE
anvilton replied to phantompally76's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Like the OP, didn't you watch the Youtube reviews that sprouted up within minutes of SSE going live? Quite a few high profile Vloggers got the opportunity to play it early. And so had some very convenient walkthroughs/reviews within the first couple of hours of SSE unlocking. The 3 immediate things that stopped me dead in my tracks from ever wasting the time to install SSE are still: 1. The graphics. Despite the god rays and slightly lusher flora, there are quite a few areas in game (especially when viewed from afar into the distance) which are still the fugly red headed visuals they were in vanilla Skyrim. Current ENB series to date either rival or supercede the graphics I've seen on the web to date 2. The game breaking BUGS and glitches were NOT addressed. Guess Beth decided to take full advantage of Arthmoor's free generosity for yet another round :laugh: 3. The major critical mod/game utility & most popular mods the likes of skse, skyUI, ENB etc etc. will take a while before migrating over. Assuming some of these do migrate because their original authors are retired/MIA from the Nexus modding scene. 4. Nothing is broken with my current outdated, 32 bit Skyrim game to date. So I don't plan on fixing it by migrating any time soon. So there SSE sits. All alone in my Steam library gaining cyberdust indefinitely......... I did watch many previews pre release and was unimpressed. I didn't even dL it for a couple of days but finally decided it was unfair to dismiss it without even trying it, which turned out to be futile. From the few non biased reviews I was very unimpressed that they simply sized up original vanilla textures. Not a fan of God rays, cheesed FOV, or of the vaseline smeared lens approach. I thought that perhaps 64bit would be a positive. Overall, I feel it is VERY weak "remaster" that simply isn't worth the considerable jump in hardware specifications. Also, as I did state, rather puzzled that they did not patch the game, as AFK's team had identified and fixed a massive number of mistakes, a ready to use asset Beth could have negotiated for. Don't know why you rebutted my post, since we are basically in agreement, except my SSE is sitting in a folder on my Potato PC Race hard drive, since I have been demoted. Frankly I think Bethesda is starting to lose much of their community goodwill from some mod makers and perhaps players. I was disappointed that virtually zero game bugs were addressed with the 64bit release aside from those required for the bit width change. I mean really? Long standing issues and they can't even be bothered. For me the more infuriating part is Arthmoor and crew have done a bang up job addressing those problems. Would it be so hard for Bethesda to use their work? Sure there would be some licensing issues though I would bet if Bethesda went to Arthmoor and crew asking to include their work with the proper acknowledgements they would say yes. I could be wrong on that but if it were me it would be most definitely yes. Been playing the LE for so long I don't think I could stand playing Skyrim unmodded, as such while I have it installed it's never gotten past the New Game stage. -
has anyone ever made an enemy archer hit his friend ?
anvilton replied to saaidsadan's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Just my opinion but Aela the Huntress is a terrible archer I have no doubts she could not hit you. I have doubts she could hit the broad side of a barn even if she was in it. Friendly fire is possible hence why AFT has the "ignore friendly fire" Many of brawls have been started without this on for me anyway. Of the few times using Aela as a follower she turned out to be pretty much useless for me. -
Agreed, I don't get it either when all (I think he had 4? popluated mods) were so well received by all. But yeah I found them but now I am debating if I want to use them. I mean, do I really want to use and if they started misbehaving help him fix the problems when he would stoop that low? Would I just be reinforcing whatever brain track he used to jimmy the numbers?
Ah man that blows. I really liked all his populated mods.
Does anyone know what happened to the english version of Populated Forts Towers Places and Populated Cities Towns Places? I get file not found on Nexus; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46469/?
Temple of Miraak; find the source of his power
anvilton replied to anvilton's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
After much digging around I am convinced the script/scripts for Miraak to take me to my knees and start his monologue are not running. Still don't know how to use console to run them. But I did managed to get around the freeze problem. After reading the book and while in Apocrypha from console; SetStage DLC2MQ02 60 Which then says I need to talk to Frea (and when I am frozen). Talk to Frea (good thing the game reorients me to face her) and then from console; EnablePlayerControls Yea I can move around now but the next quest does not start (The Fate of The Skaal). So again from console; SetStage DLC2MQ03 Then Frea says this must be the way out and I follow here to the Skaal Village. At this point everything "seems" to be working as they should. Talk to Storn and given the next quest to get the Bend Will shout. -
Google has not been very helpful though there were some hits similar to my issue but with a major difference. The quest (DLC02MQ02) goes fine until I reach the room holding the Black Book (Waking Dreams). After approaching the book Frea's dialogue proceeds normally and "Read the Book" is displayed. So I read the book and Hermaeus Mora's tentacles yanks me into Apocrypha. This is the point my problem diverges from Googling around. I am standing and in front of me is Miraak with his back to me with 2 Seekers on his left and right. In the background I can hear a dragon flying around and get an occasional glimpse but cannot identify the dragon. I think the dragon is Sahrotaar since he is the one Miraak rides off on after I'm sent back to the temple. Miraak is looking over his right shoulder as though he senses my presence but never turns around to zap me to my knees and start his monologue. So here I am standing waiting for something to happen but it never does no matter how long I let it go. The one similarity with some Google hits; I am frozen in place, no key's with the exception of ~ and Esc function. I cannot move at all in any direction. Things I have tried; 1. Start all the way back at the beginning, ie at the boat you must use on your first trip to Solstheim. Did that 6 times. 2. Repeat #1 this time with no followers so I end up with only Frea. Did that 3 times. 3. Thinking Sahrotaar has to be on the ground I tried moveto player on him. Didn't go well, even after multiple attempts. He would swoop down from behind me and A) grab Miraak and fling the poo out of him thus Miraak dies, B) grab one or more of the Seekers and kill them or C) just knock Miraak from his position to which he would just walk back to where he was. With those items in mind I have tried the following after reading the book and frozen in place in Apocrypha. I have tried various combinations of setstages. While a setstage DLC2MQ02 60 will cause Miraak and his seekers to disappear sending me back to his temple. I am still frozen but Frea does initiate the proper dialouge and I can mouse click the responses everything else is still frozen. I have tried coc riverwood as suggested by others, but still frozen. I have tried skipping the book reading and just setstage DLC2MQ02 60 and that works in that Frea initiates the correct dialogue and I am unfrozen but there is a problem that might bite me down the road. On a whim at that point I decided to read the book from the pedestal. I took me to Apocrypha and Miraak and seekers were gone (as expected) but I was still frozen in place. At this point after a dozen run through's of this quest I've no clue what to do. The problem is getting Miraak to start his script to take me down to the knees and start his monologue. Is there a console command to do such a thing?
I once got a radiant quest to find something in Stoney Creek Cave, Roggi's Ancestral Shield I think it was. Go to the cave searching and searching can't find the damn thing. As I'm searching I'm bouncing back to the map hoping it would give me a clue and the marker location had changed position slightly as though it was further up the mountain. I'm thinking wtf and that's when I find the ruins and that light orb thingy. The quest item was in one of the falmer chests.
If you let him live and later visit the museum he is very thankful. I guess my point is he realizes how wrong he was.
On any play through I let him live. Main reason; I'm Dragonborn and no two bit chump "Deadra Lord" is going to tell me what to do, plus I loot the key from his dead lackeys that rush out to slay me and loot his shrine. Since Mehrunes Dagon is a foe to all mortals, screw him and his "commandments" to me.
Paarthurnax - Do I have a choice here?
anvilton replied to ReddMcKnight's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I considered that a possibility but still couldn't end his life. If it is his aim to replace Alduin I'm fine with that and if it starts a war among dragons, I'm fine with that as long as such a war does not spill into us folks living on the ground.