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About Brandy1123

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  1. Use "Live Another Life" mod and just don't do the Bleak Falls Quest. You can give yourself many role playing starts, both good and bad. This takes the world weight off your shoulders and truly allows you to play as you wish. ----- I used the Live Another Life start as "Left For Dead" and started out with nothing. just old clothes. On this playthrough, I only earn 0.05% experience in most stats. I set my magicka to zero (player.setav magicka 0) - No Magical use other than staffs, scrolls, potions All barters are an additional -20% to sell, and +30% to purchase. - Not getting rich either I set all magical skills to gain 0% experience Finally I set blacksmith, Enchant, Alchemy to only gain 0.01% experience. I just hit 9th level last night after many hours from level 8. I've visited many parts of Skyrim (and modded surroundings) struggling to get through it all, much like a commoner. Much of the healing is done by way of cooked foods.
  2. An idea for all the virtual car manufacturers out there. Is it possible to have a Tachikoma created as a usable vehicle?
  3. Several talented modders have taken to give romantic encounters with NPCs. One I would like to see is with Anna Hamill (Regina Quest about the good cop). Something about her make my bits warm.
  4. oooh, That looks about perfect. TYVM for the reply.
  5. Is there a way to reduce both Experienced and Streed-Cred gained by like 50%? The game progresses extremely fast and if you aren't on your first of 15++ playthroughs, it's not about racking up the points. Disassemble all the crap you find in 30 minutes and you're 10th+ for picking up garbage.
  6. Is there a way to get turrets to travel around a conveyor belt? They just sit in place on the moving belt (at least for me) An arsenal of mobile conveyor turrets would be an interesting add. For that matter, a mobile guard "mat" that can be placed on the belt that moves along the belt path with your guard would be nice too. If there is already a MOD that does this, can a kind person point me in the direction?
  7. When you start a new play through, you know pretty much where to go to collect the PA items. Even though you try not to, you end up with "Just one for decorations". Then you have 2 and beyond. Much like some organic, self replicating goo, you are soon over-run with FC's, PA frames and/or have a massive stockpile of armor bits. Why not have a mod that uses the combination of the frame and core to create a power generator? If possible, it could even be armor equipable with various armor pieces, for truly unique look and fit the flavor of your present game. A variation on these could be Assaultron or Sentry Bot Power Generators.
  8. np :) i think there's a skill book for like Destruction and other misc junk.
  9. it is solvable. the information is there. i think one of the pillars is crumbled and the animal key is on the backs of each pillar. I'll load it up and go look Western Pillar : Whale - on back of pillar, Northern Pillar : Eagle - on ground behind pillar, Eastern Pillar : Snake - half buried on ground behind pillar
  10. Periodically i get texture glitches like this. I Save the game and close out steam. Then, I relaunch it all again and it goes away. It probably has to do with background garbage running in WIN10 (or one of the, count them, 9 steamy fingers steam has latched into your system)
  11. Does anyone know if there's a MOD that fixes the collision with the dirt "channel" a dragon pushes up when it crash lands?
  12. I get it and understand, but it wasn't a requirement when i created my account. This reply makes it feel like it was my fault there were no requirements back then. i'll drop any more comments about it. thank you for the reply.
  13. as a supporter, i never had a cap limit until i was forced to change my login name. now it's capped
  14. the "help" was less then helpful. it basically put you on the same page to change it. no reason. just do it. then it linked to a wiki page that didn't even say you could use numbers. it's description said caps and LC only
  15. The change with the login-password was horrible. it penalizes all the long time account holders who happen to chose a name before every iteration was obliterated. since 2008 I have enjoyed my name and my time here. I use my account creation name - Brandy_123, almost everywhere. now, Everywhere except here. it feels like this someone else's account.
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