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Posts posted by Brandy1123

  1. Several talented modders have taken to give romantic encounters with NPCs.  One I would like to see is with Anna Hamill (Regina Quest about the good cop).

    Something about her make my bits warm.  😊



  2. Is there a way to reduce both Experienced and Streed-Cred gained by like 50%?

    The game progresses extremely fast and if you aren't on your first of 15++ playthroughs, it's not about racking up the points.

    Disassemble all the crap you find in 30 minutes and you're 10th+ for picking up garbage.

  3. Is there a way to get turrets to travel around a conveyor belt?


    They just sit in place on the moving belt (at least for me)


    An arsenal of mobile conveyor turrets would be an interesting add. For that matter, a mobile guard "mat" that can be placed on the belt that moves along the belt path with your guard would be nice too.


    If there is already a MOD that does this, can a kind person point me in the direction?

  4. When you start a new play through, you know pretty much where to go to collect the PA items. Even though you try not to, you end up with "Just one for decorations". Then you have 2 and beyond. Much like some organic, self replicating goo, you are soon over-run with FC's, PA frames and/or have a massive stockpile of armor bits.


    Why not have a mod that uses the combination of the frame and core to create a power generator? If possible, it could even be armor equipable with various armor pieces, for truly unique look and fit the flavor of your present game.


    A variation on these could be Assaultron or Sentry Bot Power Generators.

  5. it is solvable. the information is there. i think one of the pillars is crumbled and the animal key is on the backs of each pillar.

    I'll load it up and go look



    Western Pillar : Whale - on back of pillar, Northern Pillar : Eagle - on ground behind pillar, Eastern Pillar : Snake - half buried on ground behind pillar

  6. Periodically i get texture glitches like this. I Save the game and close out steam. Then, I relaunch it all again and it goes away. It probably has to do with background garbage running in WIN10 (or one of the, count them, 9 steamy fingers steam has latched into your system)

  7. I get it and understand, but it wasn't a requirement when i created my account. This reply makes it feel like it was my fault there were no requirements back then.


    i'll drop any more comments about it. thank you for the reply.

  8. the "help" was less then helpful. it basically put you on the same page to change it. no reason. just do it.


    then it linked to a wiki page that didn't even say you could use numbers. it's description said caps and LC only

  9. The change with the login-password was horrible. it penalizes all the long time account holders who happen to chose a name before every iteration was obliterated.


    since 2008 I have enjoyed my name and my time here. I use my account creation name - Brandy_123, almost everywhere. now, Everywhere except here.


    it feels like this someone else's account.

  10. This mod was only up for a few days. It is a wonderful mod. I was fortunate enough to be able to download it. I have no idea why it was removed or taken down. I imagine the author removed it because the posts there were not all that nice. Hopefully it was not removed for cause of some sort or another. If possible, would you please release the mod for public again?


    Wrye shows the Author as : Dregin, but that name does not seem to be a valid name in Nexus



    A big thank you for the mod while it was up. It will always be a beacon in my game.


    (no idea where to post this, so here looked like a good spot)

  11. I hope there's a choice to use a not so cluttered portal. One where the images don't overwhelm you with things you don't care to see.

    A shorter format protocol with an appealing layout. A design where things flow smoothly, are easy to locate and navigate. one where you can read the text happily and have a warm feeling of companionship while looking for things. A layout sorta like it has been since my start here would be nice.

  12. ...and what happens when the "GM" casts the D20 out of control and it bounces aimlessly wild, plowing over your little in game person? Is that like in those army shooter games "Death From Above"?


    I can imagine your super sneaky thief person getting ready to steel the Arch Mage staff. Reaching out, quiet as a mouse.. your fingers just start to wrap around it's intricately carved length.... when all of a sudden, A ginormous D20 comes bounding in through a wall, squashes the poor, innocently sleeping Arch Mage, slamming into you, and alerting all the guards well up and into Skyrim.. when an authoritative rumbling voice is heard from above... "You rolled a 1... Critical failure!!!! "

  13. The font and overburdened mod graphics makes it seem like an endless stream of babble (TLDR) making my eyes bleed.

    At least change it up some and not by just 2 point difference from title to whatever is below it that i ..didn't read


    I also don't see a point in the 3 filter choices that take up a huge space.

  14. It would be a nice feature to be able to toggle tracking options for files (Authors) we are tracking.


    If enabled, it would allow the user to track files like the menu system is for "Files by Category" and a "Files - Browse Files" feature.

    With a "click" of a button, the user could view their favorites in a more convenient and meaningful manner.


    The long list a person can and does accumulate is daunting. Presently, more then about 4 pages of tracked MODs makes the "Tracking" feature almost obsolete.

  15. In response to post #36297220.

    Ethreon wrote:




    In response to post #36250120. #36250875, #36253370, #36253890, #36255175, #36255675, #36255830, #36257015, #36257275, #36257890, #36257990, #36258140, #36258155, #36258325, #36258815, #36259625, #36263630, #36264205, #36273425, #36284645, #36285325, #36285380 are all replies on the same post.

    Beantins wrote: Really looking forward to the new survival mode - but not the in-bed save system. So if I'm wandering the commonwealth and find a behemoth I need to leave and find a bed then walk back before taking it on or risk dying and losing a lot of progress??

    I appreciate what they're trying to do but the glitches, bugs and irreversible player errors are too frequent for a checkpoint style of game-play.

    I hope the Nexus community are able to come up with a workaround better than just a droppable bedroll, because real life happens and it's not always convenient to find a bed when you need to stop playing.
    printerkop wrote: Exactly, don't take it on if you haven't slept shortly before, or you'll have to do everything again.

    I had to replay an hour cause my game crashed, then i had to replay an hour because i stumbled on a brahmin with 5 mines around it, bethesda's little joke on us.

    Don't worry, when the Creation kit is released these issues will certainly be adressed.

    EDIT: the FOTM list has a mod that let you save now.
    Beantins wrote: Case in point, just had a power cut! Hadn't seen a bed since I left my settlement over an hour ago. If you're in the countryside you're screwed haha.

    I can see how it would ramp up the tension but the frustration wouldn't make it worth it in my opinion.

    Like I said I'm looking forward to the other changes just not that one. Also I hope the console being disabled will only apply to the beta?
    Baboo77 wrote: Last night I was taking the castle, I had avoided most of the fights on the way too the castle so my save was an annoying distance away, not super far but still a tedious run back when having to do it repetitively.
    I set up a firing line and proceeded to lure the mirelurks out. Well, the stupid effin minutemen kept throwing their unlimited supply of molotov coctails at me instead of the mirelurks. I know it's unlimited cause I pick pocketed them empty on the 3rd try and they still had more to throw and I know it was at me they were throwing cause on the second try I was standing behind them and one turned around and chucked a bottle at me. After the 4th run back to the castle was quite annoyed by this so I got crafty. With some painstaking agro control and precise sprinting burst and a ton of chems to keep me alive I managed to get the minutemen killed by mirelurks and their own molotov coctails before proceeding to take the castle alone with Garvey.

    Yeah, save on demand is pretty much a must in a game like this.
    Castornebula wrote: I do hope the no save thing is as simple as changing a variable in FO4Edit or whatever they use now because I'd like to try this, but no way can I tolerate this save point idea.

    It worries me that Bethesda are so blithely ignorant about how their game works, and the inherent instability of their own engine. At any moment I can get kicked to the desktop, not even an error message. The game will just randomly die.
    The worst part about this is that the highest occurence of these CTDs happens when I approach settlements... otherwise known as PLACES WITH BEDS. Essentially guaranteeing I will lose the most amount of playtime in any given crash.

    I could never play this game without saving on demand and that's all there is to it.
    Scynix wrote: If your crashing was symptomatic across all players, yeah, they'd be stupid. I don't crash. Ever. Unless I install a ton of mods. I can name ten people who haven't crashed once. Maybe you should troubleshoot your computer?
    Castornebula wrote: What a stupid thing to say. You don't crash therefore it's okay?
    I crash, sometimes. Not always, but enough that saving on demand is better for peace of mind. Plenty of people have problems crashing and always have with Fallout 4, with Skyrim, with all the other Bethesda games running this engine. Mods or no mods.

    Case in point: I've never had a single glitch, crash or performance issue with XCOM 2. But I'm not going to sit here and smugly blame other people's computers for the problems they've had to the point XCOM 2 is semi-notorious for it.
    Czujny1982 wrote: So, you crash therefore something it's wrong with the game, yes? What a stupid way to think. And if you dont like no save on demand system, don't play survival mode. Simple.
    Castornebula wrote: Something has always been wrong with this engine. It's never been known for it's stability. That's a simple fact. Try to actually read what I say before responding.

    And let me explain this to you very simply. I want the features of survival mode. Just not this ridiculous save point system. It is nothing but an albatross around the entire mode's neck that is impractical for a myriad of reasons, the potential for crashing being merely one example.
    Czujny1982 wrote: New save system is not ridiculous, it's more immersive.
    Castornebula wrote: How the hell is it more immersive? Because you say so? Making a bed a save point is immersive? How?
    Better yet, if you like it why can't it be an option? Why must this and the console disabling be imposed on all of us along with the features we actually want?

    Hey I tell you what's immersive. No saving at all! Not even to quit. So you have to leave the game running. And if you die just once not only is your character erased but Fallout 4 is automatically uninstalled and removed from your Steam account.
    How's that for immersive?
    Baboo77 wrote:

    So, you crash therefore something it's wrong with the game, yes? What a stupid way to think. And if you dont like no save on demand system, don't play survival mode. Simple.

    So, deprive yourself of everything else survival mode has to offer because of a dumb save mechanic that doesn't need to be? What a stupid way to think.

    How about toggles for save, console, and travel to provide everybody with the play experience they desire? Those looking for a real challenge can just exercise some will power and not turn those options on. Simple.

    This isn't a MMO, multiplayer, or competitive game. It's a single player sandbox rpg, people should have the ability to customize their game to the way they like to play.
    dikr wrote: Portable bed roll mods are a nice, realistic workaround to me. Being able to save anywhere, anytime to reload and retry indefinitely is in fact a big immersion breaker; the whole point of the survival mode is to create a much more exciting experience with incentives to be much more careful than you'd normally play the game.

    Personally I'm for a survival mode with custom options. Where the base 'mode' determines the new difficulty settings + the realistic needs & diseases and the following options:

    [x] survival mode

    Fast travel preferences:
    [ ] fast travel enabled
    [x] fast travel only between settlements with supply routes (my pick!)
    [ ] fast travel disabled

    Saving preferences:

    [ ] saving enabled
    [x] saving only at beds, settlements & friendly towns
    [ ] saving only at beds

    Happy to say that the engine-gods are with me on this one though: bought a new system for this game and haven't ctd'd a single time yet.
    Castornebula wrote: I would suggest that you exercise some self-control with regards to saving and reloading.
    I know I can, and would use saves for peace of mind against crashes, glitches and needing to suddenly leave the game.

    And I can't think of anything more unimmersive than using beds as savepoints, even with portable bedrolls. My character does not have narcolepsy.

    Granted, options to tweak these "features" would be the best outcome for everybody. Hopefully if Bethesda stubbornly refuse to do so, modders will pick up their slack... as they always do.
    printerkop wrote: It's immersively ridiculous.
    Czujny1982 wrote: "Being able to save anywhere, anytime to reload and retry indefinitely is in fact a big immersion breaker; the whole point of the survival mode is to create a much more exciting experience with incentives to be much more careful than you'd normally play the game"

    basically this...

    but i already see that you are too much ignorant to understand this, Castor...
    printerkop wrote: so if anyone doesn't agree with your point of view, he's ignorant ?
    Think again, and again, till you get it right.
    MagnaBob wrote: Remember Far Cry 2?
    ShuraShmura wrote: I had an issue like that. It's might related to some .dll files that are missing or corrupted. Updating windows and your graphic card driver eventually will solve your problem. What you also can try is to very your game files.
    Beantins wrote: Regarding immersiveness - the in-bed saving is not. The rest of survival mode is.
    Dying and coming back to life is a game only concept anyway!
    It will affect behavior in unnatural ways. Yes you might fear death a bit more but when death occurs instead of trying again from a point you chose yourself you have to go back to the last bed you were at. If there is something dangerous to do you will be forced to find a bed first then travel back from there.

    Checkpoints work well in first person shooters that are well designed with only one path to follow, but not in an open world rpg.

    Don't give me that rubbish about 'if you don't like it don't play it'. I do like the changes but not the saving system and I hope that it can be addressed by the modding community.
    jbtheclown wrote: I modded in a sleeping bag (don't bother me about ruining the beta its a freakin sleeping bag ) and it works perfectly for me. I still only save rarely as im a fan of the concept but it makes things a lot simpler. Anyways after being in it so long my strategy has been a lot better. Set up safe houses and it works great, until the ck is out and we can customize it to our liking.
    jbtheclown wrote: I crash maybe once every 2 weeks and that was because I had a bunch of mods on

    You know about Dark Souls? Or, for example, DayZ? Or any game with permadeath? Fear of death makes things a lot more fun. I used to just run through hordes of enemies with my shotgun, now I have to use tactics and think twice before I even pull the trigger. For me saving at beds is just a nice game mechanic. For others it might be a pain in the arse. Mods are definitely going to help with this stuff.




    Nope. It only does it for certain people, while certain other people see it as a bad thing and a hassle. I don't enjoy knowing that I can lose hours of playthrough in one second just because I don't have a quick way to save. You like it? Very neat, feel free to keep it. I don't like it and would enjoy having an MCM-like menu where I can customize the settings of the survival mode. I don't expect there to be any, but I can dream.

    Why don't they fix survival in the game by making your settlers actually defend the place in your absence. Over 400 defense and you still get complaints about 3 ghouls or a single green skin. Yes, there are synth implants. According to the institute, they want a seamless integration. Why does it matter if settlers are synth? They generate a random NON-institute encounter, so it should not matter at all.

    Instead, we get more "add on" that will make your sanctuaries less and less a place you want to have a settlement, much less having a settler.

    "Excuse me General, After you get over your Diphtheria, Hepatitis, Listeria and Gastroenteritis, go heal your Compound Fractured Tibia and Hip Dysplasia. There's a settlement, completely surrounded by a 10 meter tall concrete wall, with 200 turrets and 25 armed out settlers, that needs your help. It seems there's a ghoul, that lives across the map from them, that needs to be taken care of. I would do it myself, but I'm VERY busy walking in a circle around Sanctuary looking important. You should go find a bed so you can save this game or we may have this conversation again in 3 hours"
  16. You can go out to your save game location, typically ...documents/my games/fallout4/saves

    and rename your saved games. I honestly don't know why everyone does not a save a game just prior to exiting the vault on a clean character with no mods. Just rename it "Vanilla Start". Then, when you want a new start or a test character, you have it without all the intro.


    You may have to scroll down to the bottom of your list to find the newly named saves when you load them. You can also set up folders to drop your older saved games in by character name. If you ever need to look at that character again, just copy it's most recent save back to the "saves" folder. Moving the old saves to folders periodically, drastically reduces all that file clutter.

  17. For me, Automatron is like shivering Isle was for Oblivion. A waste of my time. I just fail to see how being plucked out of time into a world of chaos, either being a solder or lawyer, would allow such a thing. You can get the "skills" in less then 3 in game days. With these "bots" and power armor, It's now becoming MechWarrior for Fallout. If this is indicative of their season pass content, I find it pretty sad. I wish they would delve more into NPC AI, dynamic encounters, controls truly made for a PC and start making quests for people who have exceeded a 5th grade education. They won't. Instead, we get Automatron, NPC's like Preston (who could have been the best in the game), with redundant and ridiculously repeated audio lines. To top it all off, we can ultimately become in charge of a faction with no authority except being a messenger.


    The game does have some amazing content and I myself have spent over 1200hrs in it. So far, the only thing this DLC has provided me is a few broken mods and now I CTD periodically. That is my opinion, as asked.

  18. You need to go into build mode, selected the NPC then click MOVE. Then move the NPC to the settlement. At that point your settlement population goes up and that person is now part of the happy little commune...ermmm Settlement. :smile:

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