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Status Updates posted by XanAlderon

  1. ...we sheep are too.....sheepy....wait that's not evil enough is it th3rdyear? we are too... sheepabolical!
  2. It's an evil sheep, so it jumps backwards.
  3. Trapiki the which doctor has succesfully brought my sheep back to life.
    1. Show previous comments  46 more
    2. CheeseyBall


      Rainbows and Unicorns! :3
    3. XanAlderon


      Rainbows and Robot Unicorns!
    4. vvk78


      These sheep are crazy!
  4. haha nice sheep Trapiki, join the flock.
  5. Yeah.....it's just sleeping.
  6. Pretty sure it was dead before that, it's been:

    Starved to death

    Killed by Nadin

    Ripped to shreds by other evil sheep

    Shot multiple times with a shotgun by LordFrostcraig

    And now it's been incinerated by your laser beams.

  7. Congratulations, you just killed an already dead sheep haha.
  8. Alias, why aren't you a sheep yet? My profile is corrupted by your non-sheepiness haha
  9. There is not a single non-sheep in your comments, SUCCESS.
  10. cool, it's Sheepius: lord of fire
  11. haha, another sheep. Awesome.
  12. Blue, did you give your sheep red-cordial? It no longer seems so lazy...
  13. Yeah, it's probably for the best that you're speechless...sheep aren't suppose to be speaking anyway.
  14. haha nice sheep!, you really couldn't resist!
  15. Sheepysheepysheepy
  16. My sheep won't move it's like...it's dead :(
    1. Show previous comments  41 more
    2. CheeseyBall


      Ebil ninja wizard memories. I has dem.
    3. XanAlderon


      Some evil wizard ninja trauma when you were young?
    4. CheeseyBall



      I used to be an ebil ninja wizard! O.O

  17. Your sheep is really quite anarchist, isn't it? It's a non-conformist reverse jumping rainbow sheep haha.
  18. It looks like your avatar got a cookie and he's all happy now.
  19. You don't want my brain, its filled with useless information like how to be a human... I think your sheepy brain would be much better suited to uh.. eating grass and stuff...
  20. hehe now I have both bouncing sheep on my profile! Success!
  21. Sorry to hear about your er... brain
  22. How did you manage to get yourself banned?

    ....not that you can answer though.

  23. hehe siting at your profile, constantly refreshing the page and looking at what you're currently doing... I'm watching you haha
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