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Everything posted by djkms

  1. As an update to anyone who might come across this thread regarding journal entries going missing; I can confirm this is due to script stack dumps. I loaded up a save, teleported from Solitude to Whiterun and sure enough DYNDOLOD stack dumped in my Papyrus log and right after 2 journal entries disappeared. I was able to repeat the problem consistently. I can say it might be also triggered depending on the severity of the dump (if its even a thing). I had my smooth camera also stack dump and after my log was OK. From the looks of it there were more stack dump entries with DynDOLOD than the smooth camera. Hopefully this is something that can be fixed :) - in the meantime its time to clean up my load order and remove the script load!
  2. Anyone ever find a solution for this? I too am having quests disappear from my log and never used Simpler knock. However I recently installed the "smooth camera" mod on github which has caused a lot of dumps in my papyrus log. If what Alaebasta says is true than stack dumps seem to be the culprit. Not sure how script stack dumps affect journal entries though? I have to go back about 5 days worth of saves. Not the end of the world but a lot of progress lost nonetheless.
  3. Sounds like your game is running out of memory. This happens with heavy load orders. Try this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 Make sure to also download Engine Fixes - Memory Patch for SSE 1.5.97 and make sure to activate it in your EngineFixes.ini file (Experimental / MemoryManager = true)
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