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  1. I mean, how to get the current value of the entry point which is the return value of GetNthEntryValue.
  2. Scriptname Test_MCM extends SKI_ConfigBase Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Event OnConfigInit() Pages = new string[1] Pages[0] = "Testpage" EndEvent Event OnPageReset(string page) float alch = Alchemist00.GetNthEntryValue(0,0) if(page == "Testpage") SetCursorFillMode(TOP_TO_BOTTOM) AddHeaderOption("Test") AddTextOption("AlchEntryPointValue", alch) endif EndEvent According to this page I can get the entry point value for the specified perk, in this case Alchemist00 perk. How do i actually return the value?
  3. Thank you for answer. Yes im so sorry. It was a test I tried because i noticed that AddTextOption takes a string as value, but this didnt work. The variables is floating number like you say. And i also checked in papyrus log which gives me lots of errors like this: Error: Cannot call GetAV() on a None object, aborting function call
  4. Hello. Im having a problem with my MCM menu. I need to show the current Magicka and health regeneration, but i can't get it to work. It shows value 0.00000. Here is the script: Scriptname Test_Script_MCM extends SKI_ConfigBase Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Event OnConfigInit() Pages = new string[2] Pages[0] = "Testpage 1" Pages[1] = "Testpage 2" EndEvent Event OnPageReset(string page) float playerHealthRegen = PlayerRef.GetAV("Healrate") float playerMagickaRegen = PlayerRef.GetAV("Magickarate") if(page == "Testpage 1") SetCursorFillMode(LEFT_TO_RIGHT) AddHeaderOption("Magicka/Health regen") AddEmptyOption() AddTextOption("Magicka regen", playerMagickaRegen) AddTextOption("Health regen", playerHealthRegen) elseif(page == "Testpage 2") SetCursorFillMode(LEFT_TO_RIGHT) AddHeaderOption("Test") AddEmptyOption() endIf EndEvent Thank you for any help!
  5. I would like to have an overview of my hero's most essential stats: Total damage (maybe detailed into types of damage Total armor (physical resistance) Total resistances (magic, fire, frost, shock, poison etc) As of now, damage and armor rating increases "within the item", and makes it difficult to compare with other items. I don't know any other games using this method. It would be great if total damage\armor is separated into a hero stat instead of merging it into the items. Actually I think that all RPG's should have these stats available for the player to view. In addition i would like to have an overview of current positive\negative effects like diseases on my main screen, but this is just a small wish. My modding skill is low, so i don't even know id this can be done, but I hope someone out there finds a way :) Slarur
  6. If we atleast could sort items by type in the favorites menu...
  7. I have stopped playing cause of the UI and i have started too make a template of UI Inventory screen that we could discuss about together. The more we discuss about it the better it will be. This is just a simple template and it needs a lot of tweaks. Slarur
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