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About ElYanqui

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  1. Starman had a good question about how you would modify meld acquisition. Is there a way to increase the timers on the meld containers?
  2. I'm having a problem reviving downed soldiers. I stabilize them. I'm told they can be revived but when using the health kit I'm told they need to be stabilized. When I then go to stabilize them (again) I'm told they are already stabilized. It's a kind of Catch-22 situation. I'm using b10 of the LW mod. I'm not sure it's a mod problem but I've never run into it in vanilla.
  3. Well after trying many times it does not like the path "...xcom-enemy-unknown\" It must be looking for some subfolders in that directory. I found the solution. I had to add the .exe to xcomeumodhelper and the " are not needed. So it's: xcomeumodhelper.exe (space) -x (space) F:\games\...\xcom-enemy-unknown\ (space)-c (space) config.xml Now I know why I hated dos language.
  4. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I'm sure the path is correct to where the xcom game is located. Maybe a space or syntax error. Are the " marks needed? http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p293/invertedombligo/LWmodbeta5_zps21f8e089.jpg
  5. No, you do not. The installation moves all the files to the correct spot (I think) and the XComEUModHelper edits the files with the Config.xml as the instructions. Ah, that was key for me. It should be easy to do knowing that. Thanks.
  6. Thanks for that zyllos. Do you still have to move the files and do the hex editing after that procedure?
  7. Thanks to all for your help but I think there's just too many moving parts for me to handle. I'll just have to live with beta 4 or move the xcom game to the standard C drive library and start over at some point.
  8. So moving those files and making the hex changes would manually do what the mod helper does for those of us with 2 steam library locations? And what is meant by "Folder without size check" (Read XComGame.upk from CookedPCConsole Folder without size check
  9. What is this for Johnny? Do you do this before trying to install 12 beta 5 so that the mod helper can find the correct path?
  10. I'm not sure what you are doing there. Could you explain a little more fully please zylios?
  11. I have the same problem with 2.12b5. So the solution is to install 12b5 to an empty folder, manually move the files and then do the hex editing? The xcom game is in the original place I installed it. Why would the mod helper have a hard time reading the registry to find where the files are?
  12. Thanks, I did try it but I probably changed too many things and broke the xcom game. Luckily the back up files enabled me to restore it. I may try it again and just change one thing at a time.
  13. Is anyone using ToolBoks with the Long War mod? Are they compatible? I'm well into a LW campaign and I don't want to break anything but I'd like to try ToolBoks.
  14. Not 100% sure if this would be the source of your issue, but First Aid Kits and Medikits are mutually exclusive. If a soldier has a First Aid Kit equipped then that soldier cannot equip a Medikit. Unequipping the First Aid Kit will allow equipping of a Medikit. This is less than ideal but was pretty much the only way to get the First Aid Kit working. I haven't figured out a way to actually make perks trigger abilities (as in actively used ability icons). So both First Aid Kits and Medikits function pretty similarly, and trigger the same ability. The amount of healing/immunity to poison is determined by which item the soldier has. The logic if a soldier had both was impossible to resolve. That was exactly the problem. I had to unequip the 1st aid kit completely. I was trying to replace the 1st aid kit with the medikit. Thank you.
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