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Posts posted by velve666

  1. Well this one sounds gimmicky..."now your skyrim can run like oblivion", still not entirely sure what the hell that means but honestly I didn't buy into it until earlier today and the result it is actually laughably remarkable.


    I've used all other enhancements but this is really working wonders for me http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5641/? , not sure if it makes weaker systems run better and power systems choke or perhaps the median anyways give it a shot its literally copying one file into your directory :/


    I'm able to up my AA, AF by 2X , and all sliders 2 clicks short of full to get the same performance as without it on lower settings......Havent noticed anything wierd either, give it a shot took my stutters away as well.

  2. Gamebryo is actually the master of necromancy, It cannot die...........never!


    Will always return only in a stronger more powerful form!


    Yeah they will most likely need to ditch it though seems a bit, whats the word......dated?

  3. A shame if you kept your saves you can still easily copy some of them back into your documents/skyrim/saves folder and clean one of them up and see the difference it makes.


    I am so happy with that utility that I dont even need to keep track of the saves ive installed mods to, I just remove them at ease and run the script cleaner without any problems when carrying on in my game, basically im not scared to install script heavy mods anymore.

  4. Not disturbing move-able items helps a lot, not really a gameplay style, but it is part of the gameplay so technicaly a being careful compulsive germophobic character.


    Moved items can be returned to their original positions and the space they took up in your save gain can be reclaimed anyway with 2 utilities I know of so not such a big deal.

  5. Yeah 3 years later and still hundreds of thousand players strong....I dont think thats gonna change, in my opinion skyrim with all it's great mods kind of feels like your able to play god to some extent. you know...


    want a new town a modders made it, want completely new textures done, hell maybe even a whole new land you got it, also being able to change all the tiny things just makes skyrim timeless.


    Its a game but there is a deeper game to it, and that is creating the game you want it to be by using the game that was given to you, if that makes sense, If I get a new sword I feel like restarting as to fear of not using it appropriately in my "story"/character.


    So don't feel bad Ive restarted about 50 times already in 6 months and have yet to advance 2 plots in any of the questlines. But eh its ok keeps skyrim interesting for me as well knowing I have yet to "play" it. I think it will be a sad day once I cap the 100% completion, but I will just start again and again and again.

  6. I would only look into texture optimizer if you are having issues and your REALLY dont want to lower your graphics settings, otherwise it is kinda pointless I use a 512 card and Mod Organizer so, I optimize everything including original BSA's and lower all textures to 1024 (if I cannot download it at that size in the first place) Sometimes it leaves artifacts, although very minor and i'm not fussy,


    You haven't really Got a problem, I don't use an ENB so perhaps look into tweaking the settings of seasons of skyrim to lower things that use the most resources without losing too much visual quality.


    Also follow those links georgigril posted....very useful


    I limit my frames to 24, yet even I barely ever get 24 only indoors haha, quite depressing but on the plus side, I barely ever CTD and im running 250 limit mods....I guess my scripts have ample time to fire! so yeah skyrim is just like that a game of sacrifices,


    You sacrifice shadow quality for shadow draw distance, and script stability for FPS.

  7. I don't know guys, you're saying that these crashes are because he is taxing his system? I really dont know about that I only have a 512 card on an i3 laptop and Im running 213 mods (script intensive) mods, including frostfall,RND, wet&cold, immersive creautures, monster mod,


    many many more, pretty much everything awesome out there exept OBIS without trouble?


    To help a bit with the issue yes I had a lot of esc/inventory related crashes with safetyload as well since using ENBoost and SSME my troubles seem to be gone. But Enboost is the real saviour to me so you have to use it....


    On another note, I'm not an expert but if you really want to use texture packs, you could use Ordenator texture optimizer, I use it and it really works like a charm and I see no immediate difference at all even in screenshots. So give that a go, it will help for your Vram and help stutters a bit.

  8. take off your face mask :wink:

    Yeah I had this too, it is sneak tools and its part of the gameplay with sneak tools installed luckily its not a bug.

  9. It is difficult for anyone to help when the details to the problem entail :


    "get CTD everytime I open the doors. Heard that it has something to do with your character's level, is that true ?"


    Give us your load order and any more details to the problem, does this happen from all doors? Do you have mods that alter jorvaskrr?


    I can hazard a guess and say you have mods that perhaps add NPC's to the companions so give us your load order, its not that no-one wants to help its that your description is vague.

  10. Disable real clouds it doesn't play nice with COT weathers patch, then what I would do is use the MCM for each mod and disable any features u think could be using up your rescources and slowly bring features of each mod back in once it feels stable/faster, so you can see where the trouble lies.

  11. perhaps its not a hole in your headphones, right click on your speaker and headphones icon in the bottom right corner of windows - select playback devices and right click on your headphones and use the same settings in that Tab as the settings under your primary speakers and headphones tab?


    What im saying is dont throw them away just yet haha

  12. Disable SkyHavenTempleEnhanced.esp as that is obviously the most likely to be causing this issue.


    It says on the page to enable it once you have completed the quest recruiting the blades? perhaps you installed it too early and you dont seem to have the required mods for skyhaventemple enhanced.

  13. Hi under the "AUDIOMENU" section in the skyrimprefs.ini change fAudioMasterVolume=1.000 to a higher value, just dont change the audio slider again in the game or this setting will be reverted to default.


    If that is not the issue, have you installed any mods altering the audio? SOS or Audio overhaul perhaps?

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