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Everything posted by 1John418

  1. I'm not sure, because the radius was big (5000 I think) and there were some deer in the forest nearby. His other package aside from hunting during that moment was simply standing on an X marker near the wayshrine. Maybe the issue was in that he had no deer in his sight, even though the radius was big enough... Maybe you have to set wander package for hunters to actually walk around the forest so they can spot a deer first.
  2. Hey Striker, he is doing it, thank you! Both types of deer are suitable (I checked them separately). He kills a deer and then picks the venison (the package is Find). Unfortunately Chorrol constable (an NPC from UL) knocks him down after his awkward shooting nearby. But that's OK) Maybe that's why you shouldn't hunt near towns. picture proof
  3. Thank you, Striker, it worked! At least picking plants. I changed the position of X marker a bit and decluttered his package list. Now he is roaming the country, picking vipers bugloss (I hope to make him brew potions out of it later). Didn't tweak the hunting yet though. Should I set Venison as the target of the Find package or creature deer? In the last case it might be a problem, since there are several types of deer in the game and he might ignore the rest. And if I get him killing the animal, should I set a new package for harvesting Venison out of it?
  4. Hello there, please, help. I've created this NPC and I want him to pick herbs around his house every afternoon. I tried using Find package with the following settings: - time: 17, duration: 2 - Conditions: IsInInterior == 0 - Location: near current location, radius: 2048 - Target: any object, object ID: VipersBugloss, count: 10 He has lots of those VipersBugloss plants around his house, but he keeps ignoring this task. His Editor Location is the interior of his house, but even when I lure him out via Travel to the marker, he keeps ignoring the plants, even though the conditions are met. Now, the same problem with trying to make him hunting the deer/bears. I tried copying the Package for hunting from the Imperial legion forester, but to no avail: he isn't do it. Eating and Sleeping packages are okay. So it seems he is just lazy. Any tips?
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