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Everything posted by runway

  1. Use a higher mouse sensitivity and always sprint? (Caps lock)
  2. Welcome to Matth85 (Hard surface modeling/textures) and Yickfou (voice actor) :smile: We are still looking to bolster our team, with a 3D artist who's competent in both actor modeling and armor rigging, as well as additional voice actors that feel competent in the following areas: -Older male voices (authority commanding voices) -"Snobby" young male voices -Someone who feel they can do a good Orc male voice -Morrowind style Dunmer voices (raspy style) -All types of female voices None of these are restricted by accent. It doesn't matter what your accent is as long as your English speech is good :)
  3. runway

    Sony Vegas

    I strongly recommend upgrading to Sony Vegas 10, for anyone who is still using earlier versions. 10 really has a lot of added features such as animated filters and aspects/zoom. I really would not live without it!
  4. What we can get done? Voice work, music (both are over half-way done) manuscripts (the longer you have to write them, the better they get) - not to mention the assembly of a knowledgeable team. We've been down this road before, and we're not rookies. Besides, as I see it, this is not "overly ambitious" at all, we've got so much work already done, that the 1 year time frame for the first episode is actually rather lax, considering this mod will only deliver around 20 hours of gameplay. Good pre-production matters a lot with games and their modifications, so does strict planning, and we've got both down. In fact, I'd not be far off if I said this is probably the most extensive pre-production anyone has ever done for an Elder Scrolls modification. EDIT: Ninja'd by Matth!
  5. The time frame is set to one year (starting january 1st) as much of the dialogue is already voiced and has been "mocked up" in Oblivion already once. Please feel free to join up at the site and you're ready to go. Also, a few of our existing contributors are "extras" that can come in to help when they feel like it, so as long as we know in advance, there won't be deadlines or assignments for you that you "must" complete within a certain timeframe unless you specifically ask to do a job. (Contribution requests will be posted up as the need for them arise) Thank you for your interest :yes:
  6. Sorry for the vague description, here's a rundown of what is planned: A sculped 2-level street layout (think Riften, but with Solitude-like houses) A bubbling tar "water"-like substance, to run through said city (again, think Riften) Skybox adjustments (custom "moons" which are in fact not moons but particle emitters - additionally, recolored and less static aurora) Custom "race" of Humanoid with permanent, unremovable retextured Nightingale armor A fairly large puzzle room which acts as a huge lock. (Think enormous tumblers and clockwork) (this is on the idea sheet but may not be necessary) New ancient/ daedric looking reflective black marble furniture. New line of weaponry (daggers, short swords, bows - we may end up just doing retextured Ebony for this) small "podiums" large enough for stationary NPCs, black marble/ gold themed Other than that, there is sure to be things that pop up, but they will almost certainly only be statics or animated activators. :smile:
  7. You almost gave me an idea for a quest there... But decided against it, that would be silly.... :rolleyes:
  8. http://i43.tinypic.com/2uduz4m.png Our team has been through a lot modding for Oblivion, unfortunately we started work on our mod for Oblivion too late to get it done before Skyrim came out. Thankfully, we have built up a serious amount of assets that will shorten our development time for Darkshines: Twilight drastically, and on top of that Bethesda has been very kind to us by including a throng of game assets that fit our story and setting like a glove. It was always the plan for the Oblivion mod to be an "optional" introduction to the series, rather than "the first part of the series", Twilight was always meant to be the kick-off, and has been in pre-production since before Darkshines even had a name. Darkshines: Twilight will be a strictly regimented development for Skyrim, and set "just right" in terms of content to assure we don't get too ambitious and fail to complete, as we did Darkshines: The Lonely Journey for Oblivion. The team is currently looking for: Additional artists (mesh and texture) A variety of voice actors. Though we are covered for now on other positions, additional scripters and level designers are always welcome. If you'd like to contribute to a professionally managed team with experience, do not hesitate to jump on over to our website and join the community. You can sign up as either a contributor or a follower, the prior means you will get access to development forums and builds as well as the requests board for content (this is where management asks for certain creations) and the latter means you get to test the mod as it develops. Also, any questions you may have I am happy to answer either through these forums or at our website.
  9. I hate to double post, just a heads up that the leap has been taken: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40322 It feels strange.
  10. Thanks guys :) The carpal tunnel syndrome is all worth it now! :D
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGZLSL9vQzc
  12. Somewhere under his point is a pile of golden nuggets. I've been slaving away at a really ambitious mod for years, with a team. We've been posting and trying to raise some awareness about this project for quite some time, a project with immensely high production values and actual game content - but it takes less than 1 hour for said post to be buried pages beneath the most recent "why are my high heels not working" threads. It's a bit frustrating. It feels like a very shallow and insular community, who only still have Oblivion installed for their manga fantasies. Of course, not everyone is like this, hardly. But this kind of thing steals 99.5% of the attention, and real mods get buried all the time over it. If we didn't have a rock solid discipline we'd have given up - this "community" seems all but impenetrable. EDIT: And that goes for ALL Oblivion communities, not just the Nexus, by the way.
  13. Good grief, 16 views and off the first page? Anyone know?
  14. I need to make a worldspace that has no sunrise or sunset. I.E. the sun has to stay in the same place all day. How would I go about doing this.
  15. I have news! Alpha is starting on the 9th of September, everyone who signs up by then are guaranteed access! :biggrin:
  16. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/themes/1314496697_big_logo_DS2.png Hello, It has now been nearly 6 months since we've been able to give any info on our project. Here is the original thread. Darkshines - The Lonely Journey is a story-driven unofficial expansion for Oblivion with unusually high production values. The story is based on Henantier's Dream World quest ("Through a Nightmare, Darkly") from Oblivion. It was originally planned to be released on 9/9/11, which is in less than two weeks, but has been pushed back to November 1st due to illness in the team. I guess you can call it "one last huzzah for Oblivion"! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT4JQ4yo8C0 To be able to participate in the upcoming alpha test, users must register with our brand-spanking new community website at http://bloodpact.net/teshome. This is the centralized location for all our activity, and will continue to be for our continuing efforts in TESV: Skyrim.
  17. We have made plans to make several builds of the mod (low bandwith download version for example) so I'm not ruling out we could make an arachnophobia-friendly version as well. As good as our mod is, we want it to be accessible for as many as possible. But I do admit, we do want to push players to the edge of their seats with this one. Heck, sometimes I get startled myself!
  18. Just to show you all what we're working on... Some screens! http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/68015/module_gallery/original/121242.jpg Summerset Isle in the spring, overlooking an imperial chapel http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/68015/module_gallery/original/121241.jpg Many dark secrets lie within the Necromancer Akir Rond's dreams and memories... As you can see, we have taken under our wing several of Mr_Siikas amazing tile sets. This man has certainly cut our development time in half! So kids, if you're looking for a role model, this man is certainly someone to look up to! :biggrin:
  19. Thanks :D Although someone sent me a PM on YouTube and said they would rather not have to fight spiders :rolleyes: :tongue: :biggrin:
  20. Thank you, and we will do our very best! :)
  21. Darkshines - The Lonely Journey It is with great joy I can finally reveal more about our project, an expansive story driven mod for Oblivion. First, let's watch the trailer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT4JQ4yo8C0 Quick plot synopsis: Taking inspiration from adventure games like Myst, we aim to combine combat, story and puzzles in a way that is unique for a first person RPG experience. The mod was originally created to be nothing but a concept for our unofficial Skyrim expansion, currently in pre-production - but evolved to a point where it was decided it should be completed and released. The Darkshines saga will continue in Skyrim, in an episodic fashion with enough content to qualify each one as a full fledged expansion. We are still accepting team members for our projects. You can apply at our site. We currently need voice actors and modelers the most. About a month ago, we had a survey up on The Nexus, Bethesda official forums and The Escapist, which had 160 answers. We would like to thank everyone who contributed, and it is going to help us a great deal! Without further ado, let's see the results! How does a hard puzzle affect your desire to continue playing? I don't have the patience for hard puzzles and would put the game away. (3 - 2%) I don't mind/ love puzzles that make sense, and would try to figure it out on my own. (65 - 41%) If I am stuck for a long time, I would look for the solution online to progress. (91 - 57%) I don't think puzzles have any place in an RPG like Skyrim. (1 - 1%) How many hours of gameplay do you typically expect from RPG expansions? 15 hours or less (12 - 8%) 15-30 hours (33 - 21%) 30-50 hours (13 - 8%) 50+ hours (3 - 2%) It's not the quantity that matters - it's the quality! (99 - 62%) How big in terms of disk space could a mod get before you would reconsider downloading it? I would prefer the size to be kept down and would sacrifice voice acting, videos, custom models and music. (8 - 5%) I would like a low-bandwith option even if it means the mod might take longer to complete. (21 - 13%) I want the whole package! (131 - 82%) Would you prefer a more sandbox approach to the mod, a heavily instanced approach, or a mix? Base game sandbox integration (46 - 29%) Instancing (16 - 10%) A mix (98 - 61%) How much does integration into the base game matter to you? I wouldn't mind a quick way to start off, even if it somewhat breaks the fourth wall. (18 - 11%) I would like a more immersive solution, as long as it doesn't tamper with the base game's characters, places or quests. (109 - 68%) I don't mind either way. (33 - 21%) Select any amount of options that you think a good RPG experience should contain: People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%. High quality rewards (95 - 59%) A well written overarching plot (142 - 89%) A sense of urgency in the story (73 - 46%) Puzzles, investigations and/or other challenging content (94 - 59%) Scripted boss fights (48 - 30%) Long and arduous dungeon crawls (72 - 45%) Short but challenging dungeon crawls (59 - 37%) More action (47 - 29%) More role playing (107 - 67%) More consequence (108 - 68%) Greatly varied environments (81 - 51%) Few environments, but with lots of detail (49 - 31%) 'Hidden' content that is not required to progress, but gives an additional layer to the game. (129 - 81%) Moral choices (77 - 48%) Character defining choices (113 - 71%)
  22. Sounds like a plan, give it some time, we won't be done until July/August at best :thumbsup:
  23. There has been some confusion as to how the site registration system works. If you hit 'register', you will only register with Enjin Guild Hosting, and will be automatically added as a 'follower'. If your intention was to apply to contribute, you can't do so after registering. Hit 'apply to contribute' before registering, or you have to make 2 separate accounts. For those who already messed up, I have fixed your access rights and status manually. Also, the reasons we use Enjin are many. One is, we are already familiar with their service making it easy for admins. In addition, the team will never see your e-mail or password, which gives users additional security. Of course there are more reasons, but those are the tip of the ice berg :biggrin:
  24. Of course. Scripters are practically the most sought after atm. If you'd like to sign up that would be best as I wouldn't want to divulge too much about the inner workings other than in the internal forums :cool:
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