In response to post #24734539. Considering they said only 8% of total Skyrim customers play mods, and less than 1% actually make them, then no I don't think 50% of their sales would be gone if the SDK wasn't released.
In response to post #24732344. #24732604, #24732704, #24732709 are all replies on the same post. The number of vitriol and death threats were insane. I couldn't blame them for leaving this community behind. It'd be depressing, but there you go.
Now I'm worried a lot of the modders who tried to test the paid system (Arthmoor, the Sky UI team, etc.) will be much more reticent to continue releasing content to a community that can turn so black hearted at such a moment's notice.
In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094 are all replies on the same post. If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.