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  1. So I have this unfortunately too long list of mods installed mods. And when I tried to play the Mothership Zeta DLC, I got the "freeze is the first room"-+problem. I read on the Fallout wiki this could be the cause of the PCB mod. However I do not have this mod ,installed. I was thinking maybe it's included in an other mod? So my question is: Do you guys happen to know any popular mods which have PCB integrated so I don't have to post whole my mod list? Thanks for thinking
  2. I'm guessing it has something to do with claudia's secret since that alters the way the camera behaves...
  3. Have you ever been able to choose more than one race or have you never come any further than the "create a character screen"? Cause if thats the case i would say try re installing oblivion...
  4. I just noticed the problem goes away by exiting the game and reloading it (even when a save is done after the bug). However when i sit on a chair again, the problem returns.
  5. Sooo, i'm having this bug after i sat in a chair or on a bench. I'm not sure but its probably a mod. My modlist is endless so I was kinda hoping someone else would already have found a solution (btw sorry if i make grammatical mistakes, English isn't my native language). The problem is when i go sit on something the camera changes in "sitting camera first-person mode" but when i stand up again, instead of returning to normal first-person, the camera keep being in this "sitting state" which causes the camera to be pointed to the left when i'm actually looking forward. Also when i rotate my view (with the mouse) the camera goes spinning through the room instead of rotating around my own axis. I also noticed that when i'm sitting in front of a wall and i rotate my camera in the direction of the wall, i automatically will go peek through the wall (like with tcl). I sure hope one of you guys could help me out here. Thanks http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3015/naamloos6i.jpg http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/1940/naamloos5y.jpg http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/7720/naamloos4l.jpg http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/8243/naamloos3v.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/3199/naamloos2um.jpg http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/6677/naamloossf.jpg
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