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Everything posted by badpeoplesuck

  1. Awesome!!! You are awesome!
  2. When I launch it with the EXE it just launches the damn launcher again.
  3. I am confused here. Wasn't there a Zelda MOD for Skyrim that is still up, and music replacers from Zelda WInd Waker still on here. Why was this particular one taken down? There is also a Fallout 3 Zelda MOD that gives you Link's clothing. Why is clothing stuff Fair Use, but not sounds? I don't get it.
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1864/? It was a sound change to Zelda sounds. Don't tell me this is about copyright BS now?
  5. I have done all this. Did you watch the video? And it's also reccomended you disabale ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true, to false as that will cause crashes in conjuction with shenson's memory patch.
  6. Folks I have been back and forth troubleshooting for my issue forever. IT is completely bonkers on what is happening. I have a posted on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3h8y6t/problems_with_skyrim_repost_ctdfreezing/ There is a video on there and a link to another post explaining my issue. But PLEASE watch the video it demonstrates EXACTLY what i s happening. It's very important you watch the video. PLEASE.
  7. I am getting the same issues, I was playing FLAWLESSLY yesterday. Now all of a sudden I go to load my save, and CTD. No matter what save I select it just keeps crashing to desktop. I can't even play Skyrim, because this just eventually happens, my saved games are only a few hours old.
  8. Here is what I noticed: When I check the SKSE.log I see that it shows whatever MOD is loaded into Skyrim. But the unofficial patches are not there. How can I make sure and double check if they are?
  9. You are acting like he was FORCED to make the mod. He made the mod out of his own free will.
  10. It's been months since I have been back to modding Skyrim due to constant crashing. With LOOT and the Memory Patch, is Skyrim stable now to actually mod with a few mods? I mean I read people play with nearly 200 mods. Don't understand how.
  11. The damage has been done. And many modders who went paywall, are probably never going to come back to the free scene.
  12. It seems the three main ones haven't been updated in awhile. Which one actually works well and is the best to use?
  13. I literally have NO other mods running, I activate the unofficial Skyrim patch in my nexus, load the game, after logo disappears, then the menu is just about to come up the game crashes. When I deactivate the unofficial patch, the game loads up. Any reason this is happening, and my loot order is correct. Triple and double checked it. USED LOOT as well. Game is a FRESH install. Anything I am missing here??
  14. Anthing I can put in the SKSE.ini to make sure it's actually reading it?
  15. I am using the latest of SKSE and the memory allocations settings are not working, and the SKSE.ini is in Data/skse/skse.ini. I know it's not working because i put the memory settings to some ridiculous number like 23424234 (to test if it's working) , and of course with those number the game would just not load. But it just loads normally. Any reason it's not working, I just re-installed skyrim after months of not playing. Anything I am missing or that's not right?
  16. This looks great man, here is *hoping* you DON'T get a cease and desist letter. Sony doesn't have a problem sending those out. I hope the project holds and doesn't get stopped before it's done. Remember they were going to make Lord of the Rings mod for Skyrim, and that got shut down. You honestly should of waited before announcing it. :/
  17. It works, you must have the STEAm version of the game or skse loader won't even bother reading the steam loader DLL file. I created my own dll, and increased the mem output to 720MB. I have 32GB of ddr3 ram so ill go as high as I need.
  18. Please go here: http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2729 This is a major breakthrough, if you have novice C++ knowledge this isn't hard to figure out. This guy pretty much fixed Skyrim.
  19. yeah with safety load disabled, it just freezes. With safety load the game crashes. So one of the mods is causing this. As I was able to get my game stable in the past with no CTds, or freezes. Fighting 100 enemies with no issue. This is seriously just driving me to want to hit my head against a wall.
  20. I am having the same exact problem, what ENB are you using and what is the verison?
  21. I am getting the EXACT same thing. Which ENB version are you using?
  22. All of a sudden I have been starting to get CTD's in my game, I have been using the same MODs, since I started a new game with a fresh install. It doesn't make any sense as the crashes occur after the game has encountered too many enemies. It just crashes to the desktop, no warning, nothing. Just close out. I don't get any freezes though. Or no infinite load screens, ever. The papyrus has no information, at all. No errors, no script errors , nothing. I posted a pastebin of my MODs -- HERE Specs: i7 3770k, 32GB of DDR3 Ram, sli gtx 670s. This is how I test, to see if disabling any mods at anytime worked or not: I go into an openfield on Skyrim's main map, just anywhere, just a big open area, with almost nothing around. I spawn about 50 bandits, I can fight them for about 20 seconds before the game just CTDs. If I say spawn 100, it crashes after about 2 seconds. So if I playing the game just normally I can play for awhile, because I encounter you know, 3 -5 enemies at a time. Once it reaches to a certain point it just crashes. Or you know crashes when I try to go to the item menu, or magic menu, whatever. It's whatever that last thing is that pushes the game over the edge. I can't imagine which MOD is causing this, because honestly none of these mods change the LEVELED lists, except SkRe. But like I said, this is a brand new game, and I was playing for hours then this started happening. It's so damn annoying now, I can't even enjoy this game ever because of the crashes. So can anyone help please, and tell me what to do. And here is a weird ass thing that happens JUST before the game will crash, like if I do ANYTHING else (go in a menu, try to attack, whatever, the game crashes.) This is what happens RIGHt before (actual shot of my screen): http://imgur.com/R5hRGiL
  23. It's not the fact that it's in open beta, it's the fact that you hold a monopoly on the Skyrim modding community, and we are basically forced to download from this site, and use this MOD manager. If you are going to hold this monopoly, and force people to use your website and software, by now after 2 years you should of gotten NMM to work correctly. You should also consider letting people use the MOD manager and download without signing up or separate your FORUM bans from the website bans, so people can still get MODs. There is no reason to ban someone from at least downloading MODs. This creates a big problem, when you ban people from this website for whatever infraction. You are cutting them off from the majority of MODs for the community, which is morally wrong in my eyes. The people who speak out as well, whether they are premium or not, you ban them. If you want better support and not having to write novel like explanations, change your policies and consider not banning people for minor infractions.
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