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Everything posted by Jayjaytocool

  1. is there a way to restore the game back to original state without reinstalling after manual mod install? id like to remove all mod and mod files and start over?
  2. i did download them from steam. and when i play the dlc are there. they just dont seem to be found by nmm.
  3. i started moding and then noticed that i was missing the required dlc's. i moved them from my fallout 4vr folder and put them back into f04. its where they came from anyway. i am able to play dlc's and see them in the menu. but nmm still says they are missing. i tried purging all mods and starting over. nope. how can i fix this? also is there a way to start fresh with mods without reinstalling game?
  4. If the wealthy and powerful are so afraid of it then why are they for it? it's what they are selling right now. once you give into the idea that the betterment of the many outweighs the needs of the few then anything becomes defendable. it claims to distribute wealth when in reality the opposite is true. communism doesn't create wealth it just takes it. in the end we are all equally poor. it discourages individuality of both identity and thought. it encourages complacence and demonizes success. I suppose if humans didn't have emotions or individual identity it might work. but people will always exploit power. the idea of individual freedom, property, thought and rights is the best-known way to check that. why would people ever work or produce more than they take? the day I get compensated the same if I work or not is the day I quit working. look at markets and how fast things change. no top-down disconnected bureaucracy can change as fast as free market capitalism. how is supply determined? in one way if the supply is low the price goes up and then so does production and vice versa till balance is achieved. does this work better than someone's opinion or estimate on how much toilet paper we will need in six months? I would think so. when someone else gets to decide what is fair it rarely ends up that way. what is enough? what is fair? is there even such a thing? do u think it's a coincidence that the dark ages ended when the great experiment began? think of all that has changed in the last few years after so many of stagnation. do u believe that would happen if people were not able to benefit from their ideas and hard work? communism or socialism is not a new idea or progressive in any way. that is why people use examples from history to argue against it. taking the discussion from hypothetical to actual. if anything, freedom and self-governance is new. there has been some form of communism or socialism for millennia or at least long before recorded history. people always want more. there is never a point where they have enough of anything. people like Marx exploit this. if it is so good, why must they insist on dividing us into groups and stoke fires to make us fight? could any good come from that? Marx is not the father of socialism. he just figured out that instead of forcing people to be lemmings it would be much easier to convince them that it was a good idea (or at least fool them into thinking everyone else did). but your question was not why something is better than communism it was "why is communism a bad word" why is Nazi a bad word? it's just four letters that stand for national socialist party right? it the history that is associated with that word that makes it bad. I believe the same is true for communism. It implies that we can realize our selfish goals while claiming it's for others and be lazy, probably why it's a lie that so many have fallen for in the past and will continue to in the future. rather than implying that the bloody past of socialism is somehow an ignorant way of arguing against it. maybe we should look at it as proof of how dangerous it can be to forget. rather than trying to fix what has never worked we should unite in trying to protect and improve what does. that is what the wealthy and powerful are truly afraid of. maybe that's why they need us to burn it down. it's very easy to give away freedom and so much harder to get it back. we can always decide to become socialist it would be very hard to decide to become free. and in the usa it might have been that way at one time. but today communist stand proud and claim their superiority and distain for America and the people who love it. Marxism is infecting everything using a freedom that it would not itself allow. it has become the most divisive poison ever pumped into our society. maybe those before us knew something we should have. we can only hope people will reject the idea before its too late. before the propaganda of the minority becomes the voice of the majority.
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