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Status Updates posted by Luminiari

  1. *Logs back on* *Sees there's a FFXIV Nexus* *Screams into the abyss*
  2. WHELP.
    1. Deleted54170User


      I'm getting in another round of peeking. DUCK! Not like before when I first started leaving each of the friends a pie in the face. Splat! Tool late! Runs away!
  3. Hi anano, Just wanted to ask your permission to use one of your outfits in a mod I'm making? Your inbox is full :<
  4. Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    1. Deleted54170User


      Hi! Hey! Did you hear the news? Fallout 4 is on its way. How has life been treating you?
  5. Holy moly, another donation! Thank you so very much for your generosity! ♥ I wish I could hug you!
    1. Deleted54170User


      Hello?! You know what I would like right now? I would like a little Xmas in August. Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz MissAniThrope. Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

  6. To whomever just donated cashmonies to me in the last week? Because you are a beautiful creature, whomever you are. Thank you! ♥
  7. Hey! Just saw your comment on my profile. I'll definitely need some strapping young lads to show off the Abbotsford gear! I'm almost done with the update so I'll send it your way when it's done! Thank you for your kind offer!
    1. dustinflan


      okay, i'll be waiting.
  8. How's the new year treating you all? I hope everyone is well! ♥
    1. Deleted54170User


      It's been a little quiet without your presence. Which game to play, hueristic turned on or off in antivirus scan's, old computer stuff transfered to a new computer and a 3D monitor. I got some permanent damage 45 yeas ago this week and still can't get the doctors to repair me so I can return to the things I used to love to do. *Pause* I am trying to remember what they were. Scavenging for stuff is really good, lots of loot in the game, and taking care not to have to be respawn...
    2. Deleted54170User


      ...ed so many times I feel like I should go back to playing Solitaire. :- ) Hope you are having a well balanced life! (Balancing is in my nature.)
  9. Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! And sorry this is so late! Love you guys~ ♥
  10. Hey guys, there's a game on Steam's Greenlight called Frozen Hearth- I know some of the people who worked on it, so it'd mean a lot to both myself and the Epiphany Games staff if you could upvote it. It's a seriously fun and addictive game, and there'll be mod support!!! C'mon, you know you want to~ ♥
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luminiari


      Yeeee! I hope it gets Greenlit soon~
    3. chakaru11


      Man I would LOVE to upvote it, but obviously my internet is too slow for steam. I can't even play Skyrim because steam scrashes every time I try :(
    4. Deleted54170User


      I think it will make a big splash. Every time I look at it I want to vote for it again. ;- )
  11. New laptop and new apartment in the same day? BEST DAY EVER.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Looks like someone is able to handle their money wisely, except it seems to me the laptop would be the 3rd in less than 2 months. Are people stealing your laptops or are you just a 24/7 laptop user who burns them out fast doing a lot of graphic designs?
    2. Luminiari


      Nah man, the old laptop lasted a good few years~
  12. Holy crap Origin's shipping out my new laptop later this week I COULD PEE FROM THE EXCITEMENT *flail*
    1. ziitch


      An overly excited Ani needing the bathroom?



    2. Deleted54170User


      Be careful not to electrocute yourself by Peeing on electronic devices. ROFL
    3. Luminiari


      That thought is both hilarious and frightening.
  13. Was bored and depressed. Threw money at the local salon to get my hair done. I LOVE BEING A REDHEAD.
    1. Deleted54170User


      That's a really nice head of red hair. *Big Grin*


      I want to throw money at someone who can make me feel like I love something too! Yeah! :- )

    2. Luminiari


      That's the spirit!
  14. NEW LAPTOP BOUGHT!!! And now we wait... most agonising wait ever.
    1. ziitch


      Make a "Games I want to play that I couldn't before" list - That way you can get to enjoy what you missed in the last few years. That's a great time-waster.
    2. Luminiari


      Hahahaha my Steam list is pretty much that, lol. Or my most recent purchases! Nah, luckily I can play all the Sam & Max games without my old laptop chucking a hissy fit (was gifted all three seasons last week). And the wait has actually forced me to work on an update to Abbotsford! Dying laptop = increased productivity!
    3. Deleted54170User


      Wow! You get a new laptop and you're gone! Where'd she go?! What game is She playing?
  15. Dropping in to say hello, and I am SERIOUSLY loving your work~
  16. Get $3.3k tax return. Buy Origin laptop. I REGRET NOTHING.
    1. ziitch


      Until depreciation and the new GPU line comes to market one year later...


      I've got a laptop I paid $3000 for, and four years later it's barely worth $1000.

    2. Deleted54170User


      Yeah! Be strong! I regret nothing too. It all those little somethings that were important that kept me from regretting. Hmm?

      ) -:

    3. Luminiari


      ziitch: Good thing about Origin is that if there are newer GPU's I can buy a new one from them for a fraction of the price, AND they'll put it in and get the drivers set up for me, so I can make this one last a whole lot longer, or at least until I'm in a stable enough residence where having a desktop is more feasable. :)


      Pagafyr: NO REGRETS! So happy to finally have a new toy to play with!

  17. May or may not be a little butthurt over the fact that my laptop has kicked the bucket. WHELP, THERE GOES WORKING ON MODS. At least everything's backed up so that when I get my new laptop I can just pick up where I left off... but still, waiting... And until then, all I have to keep me sane is The Binding of Isaac. I AM SICK OF THAT GODDAMN GAME.
    1. Deleted54170User


      From the bio of yours I have seen I thought you had plenty of work, friends, and family members around. You know, people to drive you sane. LOL
    2. ziitch


      Well, if you want variety in the sense of insanity, there's Dwarf Fortress. It's not too taxing on a computer, but not real easy to understand thanks to its UI.
  18. Alright. I'm on hiatus until further notice. Life is very bloody hard at the moment, and working 60+ hours a week is doing my head in. Please don't PM me asking if I'll be releasing anything else for Skyrim. The answer at this point in time is 'I don't know.' Sorry, but I have much more important things to deal with, like making sure I have a roof over my head and food in my pantry. If you have a problem with my lack of updates... tough cookies.
    1. Deleted54170User


      Darn! You accepted my friend request that day you left this note.
  19. FFS. If I don't reply immediately to your PM, please consider the fact that I have this annoying thing called a Real Life to deal with so I can't always be on the internet.
    1. ahrimangame


      that means WAR!!!!
    2. Deleted54170User


      I thought the commending, commenting, chatting and stuff here was part of real life?
  20. To dear Mr Kaekel: YOU ARE A LEGEND. THANK YOU!!! ♥♥♥
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ziitch


      Not me, but it's close to my last name :P
    3. Luminiari


      I don't know who it is, but they donated money to me, so I'm sending them a card in the mail as a thank you.
    4. chakaru11


      That is indeed awesome. I don't even know how this donating stuff works @_@
  21. I'm still playing Oblivion too, dear~ I still love it over Skyrim! I'm doing alright~ How are you?


  23. It's a sad day when you start a new diet, and you can't open the container holding your delicious fruit salad and yoghurt. #firstworldproblems
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lastito



      I thought aussie didn't have Mi goreng.

      no offense. :)

    3. Luminiari


      None taken! It's really cheap here. Sorta like a staple food of all uni students lol.
    4. Lastito


      haha, it's even cheaper than smoothies in here

      I forgot that aussie is near with java :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luminiari


      He's been wrong 4 times now.
    3. WarFireGirl


      Whats have to end than? All will go as normaly. Nothing is comming to an end, even your will go on. ;P
    4. WarFireGirl


      Whats have to end than? All will go as normaly. Nothing is comming to an end, even your will go on. ;P
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