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About uchiwaobito

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  1. Try with 7zip > http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
  2. You can use this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/106
  3. This is quite easy actually. All you need to do is to not eat from the pots and there you go you got your mod :D
  4. They are within the WHGame.dll, as compiled C++ code. We're not able to edit them. Maybe someone will deal with that with code injection
  5. You basically use a hex editor to fetch some strings out of a dll file but I guess the developers didn't bother to mention the default values in the files So there's no way to see the game's default value for, say, LockPickingAppropriateTolerance? Unfortunately no
  6. You basically use a hex editor to fetch some strings out of a dll file but I guess the developers didn't bother to mention the default values in the files
  7. I noticed that each item has a specific of possible number to cook at once. I wonder which file is responsible for this.
  8. You need to edit the .tbl files and delete their content so that the game will load your .xml file instead of the .tbl file. If you already have done that it's probably another mod you're using that is overriding your xml file
  9. In rpg_param.xml you can either set OversleepnessFillTime to a big number (the max sleeping time in hours) or OversleepnessEmptyTime to 0 (the time to reset your over sleepness)
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