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Posts posted by yungskiz

  1. water is detectable by the crosshair in the games engine, hence how it changes to "drink hp x rad x". with that in mind, add a check system to see if a fishing pole or net is equipped (a null weapon that is "fired" to fish, if water is not detected, display "you cannot fish here") and then run a script that spits out a yes or a no as to whether the fish was caught, the chance if catching could be modified by the health of the null weapon/fishing pole/net. if the script spits out a yes then you could have a leveled list of fish so its not just a generic fish every catch, theres also a check to see if water is irradiated, which makes your Geiger counter appear and also tells you how much radiation you get by drinking. this could be played in the script as well since if a fish lives in irradiated water you would think it would pick up some radiation, and that would translate into you getting some from eating the fish raw, or after being cooked at a campfire.


    this would all be text based stuff, you might be able to have the null weapons equipped for fishing more realistic by adding the 3rd person animation of swinging the pool cue weapon every time you "fire" it, but in terms of realism i dont think you could do much of a fishing simulator in new vegas.


    but the fishing rod could be a "gun" in that it is set to use ammunition, which would be fishing bait, and further your chances of catching something

  2. so i would like to be able to stay, however i would also like to be able to return at will after the questline has ended


    i like to explore


    also i think it would be cool to have infinitely re-playable bounties, like how the hitman mod works, but rewired for a bounty hunter



    this is the first im hearing about it, i figured fire base zulu would be next, my NV is broken at the moment, but im still down for more NVB

  3. i have requested that my previous post in the mod troubleshoot forum be deleted, its not any particular mod, my issue lies within the game...or steam



    ill start with a list


    legal copy of nv installed to the default directory (about to do fresh install if this keeps up)

    win 7 64 bit - 6g ram no issues running the game

    using nvse

    using 4g enabler

    using nvse plugin - NVAC new vegas anti crash, hasnt done me wrong so far.

    using FOMM


    so here is where i would post my load order, but it doesnt matter, i recently installed a no esp mod from the nexus replacing some load screens, simple change, i even uninstalled it after i booted the game up because this is where the problems started. i refuse to believe that mod caused all this, but i check the nexus after i get out of work, i downloaded two mods today, only installed one (i only do one at a time to ensure i dont mess things up) and it was running fine before i went into work...


    it seems that even if a mod is checked its not going to work in game, the only thing i have gotten to work is the pre order mercenary pack, and thats because its fused into my new vegas, i have never actually had that mod activated (i wouldnt use the items it had, i didnt when playing on xbox....no mod problems there lol), but ive been trying new game, pressing esc to check for MCM - mod configuration menu to see if my mods are loaded, and even thats not there, i have re-downloaded, deactivated and deleted mcm then reinstalled, reactivated the new download, and its still not showing up.


    i know its not just mcm and my game conflicting, in my testing i also have alternative start "loaded" so ill know right from the get go if i start at doc mitchells its still broken, other than that just the new vegas file is active.


    i have deactivated archive invalidation went in, saved then reactivated it. this did not solve the issue


    i verified the integrity of my files and i was missing almost 200 files, those downloaded, then i checked again, missing 3 files, re downloaded, did it one more time, missing 1 file, again downloading, checking one last time as i type this and now im missing 2 files, i dont think this is going to solve my issue.


    i honestly think that this is it....nothing was done that could "break" the game yet now its not working, ive run out of ideas at the moment and i have to be up at six.....


    im open to ideas, i wouldnt play nv still if it wasnt for mods, and i also cant play vanilla because my pip boy is gone, even in new games, im thinking a fresh install might do it, im going to have to learn how to package mods first, i have a bunch that can no longer be downloaded due to the site going down, and even if i never use them, id still like to have them haha, thanks for reading, i hope someone can help, i can troubleshoot all day long, but i really have nothing to work with here, also contemplating the nexus mod manager, i have it, i just like the simplicity of fomm, but i use nmm for skyrim




    update - i can verify that my fomm is not defective, i used nmm without any change in behavior. steam still downloading a single file every time i validate my files, and piriform CCcleaner detects an obsolete software key every time i do that, at this point i think im beyond mod troubleshooting and need to post this in tech support. i have been playing with mods for years, and before this, fo3, tes oblivion and tes morrowind, but this really has me stumped


    another update, posted this hoping someone could help, its turned into more of a captains log though, if anyone else has this issue I hope they might make some sense of this.


    still no idea what caused all this, I tried reinstalling the loading screen replacer, didn't help. one thing I noticed, the ONLY mod that would show up was the primary needs hud, and it was glitched, because adjustable hud was not active...checked but not loading anyway. it was bothering me so I went into the package manager and deactivated it....then I realized I had several other mods loaded in the package manager, so I deactivated all of them, ive resorted to using the ALTERNATIVE START mod as a means of checking to see if my game is still broken, low and behold after deactivating all my packages/fomods and starting a new game, I started in the alternative start chargen cell.......PROGRESS! long story short I wouldn't say problem solved, but im going to reactivate mods one by one until I find the one that breaks it



    package related for sure, not sure if I have a compatibility issue or a fomod got corrupted, hopefully I can get this fixed tomorrow once and for all, too tired to test each individual package file



    please and thank you to the moderator that stumbles upon it.


    trying to troubleshoot the issue on my own ive come to the conclusion that, based on my situation, i may find or at the least have a better chance of getting help in the tech support section

  5. ill start with a list


    legal copy of nv installed to the default directory (about to do fresh install if this keeps up)

    win 7 64 bit - 6g ram no issues running the game

    using nvse

    using 4g enabler

    using nvse plugin - NVAC new vegas anti crash, hasnt done me wrong so far.

    using FOMM


    so here is where i would post my load order, but it doesnt matter, i recently installed a no esp mod from the nexus replacing some load screens, simple change, i even uninstalled it after i booted the game up because this is where the problems started. i refuse to believe that mod caused all this, but i check the nexus after i get out of work, i downloaded two mods today, only installed one (i only do one at a time to ensure i dont mess things up) and it was running fine before i went into work...


    it seems that even if a mod is checked its not going to work in game, the only thing i have gotten to work is the pre order mercenary pack, and thats because its fused into my new vegas, i have never actually had that mod activated (i wouldnt use the items it had, i didnt when playing on xbox....no mod problems there lol), but ive been trying new game, pressing esc to check for MCM - mod configuration menu to see if my mods are loaded, and even thats not there, i have re-downloaded, deactivated and deleted mcm then reinstalled, reactivated the new download, and its still not showing up.


    i know its not just mcm and my game conflicting, in my testing i also have alternative start "loaded" so ill know right from the get go if i start at doc mitchells its still broken, other than that just the new vegas file is active.


    i have deactivated archive invalidation went in, saved then reactivated it. this did not solve the issue


    i verified the integrity of my files and i was missing almost 200 files, those downloaded, then i checked again, missing 3 files, re downloaded, did it one more time, missing 1 file, again downloading, checking one last time as i type this and now im missing 2 files, i dont think this is going to solve my issue.


    i honestly think that this is it....nothing was done that could "break" the game yet now its not working, ive run out of ideas at the moment and i have to be up at six.....


    im open to ideas, i wouldnt play nv still if it wasnt for mods, and i also cant play vanilla because my pip boy is gone, even in new games, im thinking a fresh install might do it, im going to have to learn how to package mods first, i have a bunch that can no longer be downloaded due to the site going down, and even if i never use them, id still like to have them haha, thanks for reading, i hope someone can help, i can troubleshoot all day long, but i really have nothing to work with here, also contemplating the nexus mod manager, i have it, i just like the simplicity of fomm, but i use nmm for skyrim




    update - i can verify that my fomm is not defective, i used nmm without any change in behavior. steam still downloading a single file every time i validate my files, and piriform CCcleaner detects an obsolete software key every time i do that, at this point i think im beyond mod troubleshooting and need to post this in tech support

  6. im looking for an mp9 machine pistol/smg i know its included in wmx but im looking for one of those snazzy new looking versions that a few modders have been making, heres a reference





    the standard blacktical is fine with me, the link just happens to be green, im ok with any color/pattern actually



    as for mods, the usual:


    optic - preferably non zooming/red dot

    extended magazine - from 15 upgrading to 30

    suppressor - a tube is fine but the B&T mp9 suppressor would be amazing




    i know thats airsoft, but it was the easiest to find


    thanks for reading/replying :3

  7. haha well i just meant its a library, and i thought that was the purpose of it, to add non vanilla scripts.


    but anyway i decided that bolt cutters really wouldnt be that useful, but a crowbar would be. i was able to more or less do what i described (but more of a cheat for unlocking doors since i could not implement the strength check system), but for personal use, it uses resources from a mod that has been banned from the nexus, multiple times lol

  8. bypassing the minigame was already done in the lock kicking mod, and requires a separate script library esp, like a mini version of nvse, but a melee "tool" of sorts only increased your chances of forcing the lock, that script would need to be tweaked to 100% success rate if you met the strength requirement for the lock difficulty - or have that dependent on the items condition


    realistically, i havent seen any pad locks in NV, but fence gates, lockers, and foot lockers all seem as though they would be secured that way. at any rate, the bolt cutters would have to be a melee weapon to be equipped and used, theres no actual animation for them since they require two hands, and realistically, no matter how durable they are i would not want to fend off creatures with the tool that helps me unlock things. although it is potentially a cheat...any person of average build can use them, if 5 STR could unlock very easy locks, and 10 for very hard.....it could end up a bit unbalanced

  9. so theres a lock bash mod already. it has a feature that improves your chances if holding a blunt melee weapon (or at least the tire iron).


    im all decked out with dragonskin tactical armor, and im stuck using a tire iron to bash locks....


    thought it would be neat to have a set of bolt cutters in NV that can force locks open based off the strength value.

  10. so at one point i was checking the "new files" section of the nexus every day and i got a bit behind....a lot actually.


    anyways, i saw a mod that added the 300 blackout caliber to the game....idk if caliber did that or not but whatever. i thought that was pretty cool, but its missing the sbr style rifles to fire it!


    so, would anyone be interesting in making this: http://www.gunsandammo.com/files/2013/03/Spikes-Tactical-Compressor-SBR-300-BLK_001.jpg


    the spike(s) tactical "compressor" ive always liked the look of a rail system that "hides" the muzzle device. just a tacticool firearm overall

  11. Bethesda's games have come a long way, and many of their improvements existed in the form of a mod from the previous game in the series. i was exited to hear there might be the possibility of returning to morrowind in one of the dlcs, lots of memories from that game, thats why i got into pc gaming so i could use mods.


    one mod i really miss is called ravenloft, take a look: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=4482


    it was never uploaded to the nexus, in part because at that time the nexus was just getting notoriety.


    i highly doubt anyone who has not used this mod would be interested but this really was one of THE best house mods for morrowind, and i would love to see it, or at least a rendition of it in skyrim.


    i guess im looking for the feel more than anything, ravenloft used a lot of custom textures, many would not look right in skyrim, then again they were not lore friendly back then either


    the mod was made in 2006, its been eight years....



    almost reinstalled morrowind to play it, but even with all the high res texture packs and script extender mods, not sure it would be the same





    Nice attitude about it.


    Okay detectives I need help, what mod adds a craftable item called Gecko Sight and what does it do?

    So nobody will even try to help me, fine nice "hot" dead thread.



    Thank you very much, this thread is quite dead though. The Skyrim thread are alive and well, it seems people gave up on this game once it came out.


    It is hardly dead. However yes Skyrim does get more hits as it is the most recent game. Fallout NV is about 2 years older than Skyrim..which just turned 2 recently itself. I am not sure what you expect. If someone knows the answer they will answer it. There isn't any reason to get your undies in a bunch. Feel free to go to the Beth site and ask there. It may get more traffic than here.~Lisnpup

    I don't wear any thanks, and I'm sorry if I seem rude it just that, I've never been able to have a PC to game on and now I do so I feel that being newer to modding "New Vegas" I've been on Skyrim for about awhile, and just recently was able to get this game back (owned for xbox) and on the PC it sucks most mods are dead with no support from the authors who made them since stupid Skyrim came out. (I love Skyrim) I just think it's blah. Sorry.


    mods that are dead are either finished or the author had no desire to finish it, heck, i have a dead mod because i couldnt learn texturing. modding for nv is not dead though, new mods come out every day and its 4 years old, every now and again a new mod will come out for morrowind, so as long as people and modders play the game, nothing is truly "dead".


    but anyway, to reply:

    you should wear some kind of garment underneath your pants, prevents chaffing and the like


    gecko sight sounds like something from honest hearts to me lol


    and if you dont know what gecko sight does, why do you want it? if thats the only feature you can remember from the mod, then why waste the effort searching for it?

    no disrespect intended, but really, is that the mod itself or does it do other things, im looking for the nv equivalent of starbucks, and its not going to benefit me in any way, i just want it lol



    gecko sight either highlights geckos in red tint, or gives you the ability to see like a gecko, probably not in the normal spectrum of light, and definitely not able to see bullets, tire irons, baseball bats and the occasional mini nuke shell which explains their suicide charges at well armed individuals

  13. I'm looking for a mod like hardcore mode but your followers don't die is there a mod like that ?


    im sure ive seen one, but its not necessary, you can do that without taking up load order space.


    method #1 - use the console (~ key) click your follower and type, no quotes:

    "setav health 999999" then hit enter.....or some large number, for good measure type this too:

    "sethealth 999999" this code is a leftover from the tes:morrowind days, im not sure if it still functions like it used to, but it doesnt come up invalid either.

    (i think the way it works now: the av code adjusts total possible hp, and the other adjusts current hp)

    while not unable to die, your companion has more hp than most guns can deal damage before breaking


    method #2 - use the console (~ key) click your follower and type:

    "gbo" then hit enter, this will return the base object id, then:

    "setessential type-the-base-id-here 1" enter, there may or may not be a space between set and essential, i dont remember, the spaces are important, as is the one it sets the value to true


    this sets your target to essential, they get knocked out but dont die, the issue with this, is that (to my knowledge) the "gbo" code is not native to the gamebryo engine and is a function of nvse which i highly recommend using anyway

  14. so im looking for a mod i had around a year ago, so its nothing recent. it added a coffee shop across the street from the ncr embassy on the strip.


    i lost it due to hard drive failure and that set of back up discs are long gone, along with several mods no longer on the nexus :(


    ive tried searching for coffee, shop, heck i searched for star bucks....


    im not even sure why i want it again but i do lol, i honestly think it was part of another mod

  15. ok so as far as i know there are only two ways of doing this. the first way is with the weapon mod menu. optic on, you go into a building/hallway whatever - open the mod menu and take off the scope - then go about your merry killing spree.


    the second way is how BOE did it. you have your rifle, and with a key press all of a sudden you have the same rifle but with a suppresor - the same thing could work for an optic, or the t-1/ flip to side magnifier. the way boe did it is that theres actually two weapons at play here - the original unmodified, and a second pre-modified that is equipped on the key press.


    BOE also had a way (which i did not bother to explore) to have a variable zooming optic. i kind of want to know how its done, i really want a decked out ar-10 with a specter DR on it

  16. i was wondering if anyone could make some gear in the kryptek patterns:




    i was thinking something along the lines of a retex of some of TG's armours, like keep the plate carriers and chest rigs the original colors, but be wearing kryptek jumpsuits/shirt/pants underneath




    even some jumpsuits would be cool, which brings me to another...possibly separate post worthy request.....


    i liked the equip system from morrowind (yung <- 90's kid) where each bodypart was a slot, and since that game i have missed it.


    now im not in the military but i do know that their gear is not one piece, the plate carried is not sewn into the combat shirt, and the leg rigs are not sewn into the pants. they are separate pieces.


    what would be really nice is if we could get some standalone tactical gear in new vegas, in the form of equip-able plate carriers, chest rigs, body armor ect, that way you could wear your multicam 6094 over your prewar casual wear or you could wear a generic tan chest rig over top of your *gasp* kryptek highlander combat shirt/black pants


    ive run into a few mods that add standalone gear like tactical vests, but its the same vest in different colors, but i like to have stupid amounts of variety :D


  17. if you have issues with steam then run it in offline mode. ive had my fair share of issues with steam, but there really is a fix for everything. using steam is the only way to legally play fo:nv and if your not doing so your time on this forum will be cut short.


    but the 4gb enabler that i know of and use needs to be linked to where your nv game folder is, i always wondered if it had a steam check in it to prevent non-steam users from playing the game.

  18. this would be crazy if it was possible (or is possible, never know) i honestly doubt there is a way to mod nv in such a way that it could control an external program, buuuuut the 4gb enabler allows nv to use more resources than originally allotted, so i guess thats not an issue

  19. search for modern armoy, i cant remember the authors name that took the mod up, but its not the original. this will give you the ncrs look, theres a mod for the legion called "modernized legion" this wont make them look like Koreans but it would make them look like a modern pmc. ive found both factions using some fairly random weapons, but i know theres a way within the geck to modify their inventories - by modifying the leveled list they pull from - if you were to get an m4 and an ak to start off with - like millenias mods - then just add those to the respective factions. im not 100% sure how though.....whenever i try to add an item from another mod into my mod (just personal stuff) the item never actually shows up in game

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