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Royce Marcotte

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About Royce Marcotte

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    United States
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    Oblivion Elderscrolls IV
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  1. Your so right, there are a lot of problems. People are having problems that I don't have and I'm having problems that other people aren't having. Very strange.
  2. Thanks yes I found it on Google...used console command but they still do not show up. (bat name) and I have the bat file in my data folder. Oh well sounds like everyone is having problems. Not sure why the creators can't fix them. But hey thanks for the info.
  3. I was wanting to add the missing Housecarls via console but no one will give me the names of the Housecarls for Windhelm,Riften or Markath. I need numbers for them in order to use the console commands. I've tried chat rooms but all they want to talk about are TV shows such as the Simpsons...Seems like they could go to a differant site if they want to discuss television.. Sorry I'm getting frustrated.. Just ask as simple question and I get round about answers. I've been told of all the cities that grant Houscarls which I already knew. The game fixes a bedroom for your Housecarl when your given one by a Yarl after they make you a Thane. I know all that. I'm not looking for a cheat I'm just trying to get around a game glich. Tried uninstalling mods that might effect getting a Housecarl and no help. Thanks for your suggestion.
  4. I have two Housecarls, one in Whiterun and one in Solitude. Missing Windhelm,Riften and Markarth. All requirements have been made and was told by Yarls of each city I was granted a housecal. Have house mods loaded and mods that add clothes to my housecarls. Not sure if Mods are the problem or not. Seam says my file integrity is fine. Hopefully someone can offer a solution. Thank you
  5. I have only 2 Housecarls: Lydia & Jordas. I've been granted Thane status in 5 Major Cities and in Windhelm the Yarl Ulfric said I was granted a Housecarl but he/she never showed up. Whats the deal? Is it because I used one of the house modification mods? Can someone at least give me the names of the other 3 Housecarls? Thank you!
  6. Why do I not receive a Housecarl for Windhelm when the Yarl Ulfric said I was granted one and who is it.? Never showed up at my house like Jodis did in Solitude?
  7. Housecarls are granted in Whiterun, Solitude, Riften, Windhelm and Markarth (my level 50 has all of them). They do not appear when you just buy houses as there are quests for the Jarls that gain you the extra Thane titles and then you get the housecarl and can come after you have already purchased a house. Strange because I was granted a Housecal in Windhelm and she or he never showed up at my house. How long do I wait. I of course have Lydia and Jordis. Never got one for Riften or Markarth. I've done everything...
  8. I like Lydia she's cool and has actually learned some magic not sure how...but it's fire and she uses it. Does anyone know if there are any more Houscarls besides Lydia and Jordis? One would think that every time you became a Thane you would be given a Houscarl but I've only got one from Whiterun and Solitude. Game seems a bit strange why would only two Cities grant Thanes. Maybe I've done something wrong or a glich in the program...Sure would appreciate an answer on this one.
  9. I chose the Stormcloaks for several reasons the top reason being I didn't like the Blackbriars they are a bunch crooks and had the support of the Empire. So I felt the Stormcloaks would change the government in that city. I didn't like the Thalmore and the Emprie had a treaty with them. After the embassy incident I was wanting to get rid of them. Restricting religion isn't a great thing to do. If the people wanted to worship Talos then let them. That's it, I'll take the side of the Empire next time just to see if anything really changes. I'm sure it just doesn't matter.
  10. Hey I totally agree with you I like Skyrim but Elder Scrolls were way better. Skyrim is just too dark and depressing for me. Elder Scrolls would be hard to beat especially with all the great mods...I do like some of the features of Skyrim better but overall It's Elder Scrolls.
  11. Greetings, Just got Skyrim and came to Tess to view mods and when I try to download I get an error "Internet Explorer can't view imiges" . All other downloads work fine. Oblivion IV and dragon age mods download fine. Any help? I'm most likely in the wrong forum for this question! Thanks.
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