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Posts posted by Maleficus04

  1. +1 from me as well. At the very least, I want to be able to see what time it is without having to sit down. I mean, what the hell?


    Edit: Any just to clarify, I know you can see it in your pipboy, but that's pretty much the same as having to go to your inventory each time to equip a weapon, instead of having a quick menu. It's just inconvenient.

  2. TLDR at the bottom.


    After having played through various parts of the game with all of the various weapons, I can say that I'm very disappointed in the capabilities of the shotgun-type weapons. Yes, they're great for shooting people at melee range and slightly further out, but when going from 10-15 feet to 25 feet suddenly drops your damage to around 1/8 or less of what it was, something is wrong.


    I'm looking for someone to make a mod that either increases the range/accuracy benefit for the current long barrel-type mods for shotguns, or adding completely new ones. I've seen a few mods out that have added completely new mods and edited old ones with various stats, so I'm pretty certain it's possible, I just don't have the knowledge to do it myself just yet.


    I'm not sure if it will even make a difference, to be honest, after using the plasma rifle with a beam splitter, having over 100 range/accuracy and still having the gun suck at medium range. It's almost like they put a percentage-based damage reduction on all shotgun style weapons, regardless of stats. Either way, I'd love to see if it would help.





    I'm requesting new and/or edited weapon mods for shotguns to make their range and accuracy better, in the hopes of making them better at medium range. Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

  3. I highly doubt that they are randomly appearing in areas you've already walked through moments ago. I think you just didn't notice then before.

    They most definitely are randomly spawning. I had this happen quite a few times in spaced out periods before I realized it was happening. You can die from mines, reload and they may be gone when you get back. On the flip side (and this happened to me like 2 minutes ago) you can completely clear what the game considers a "hostile area," load your game and have a mine that wasn't there before suddenly waiting to kill you. I'm not sure if they spawn in real time or if it's just on loads, but it's definitely happening.

  4. reloading plugin order sorted the problem for me


    Out of curiosity, what exactly did you do to accomplish that? I figured I'd just use LOOT, since I needed to do that anyway, but LOOT won't complete because one of my plugins is missing Hearthfire (even though I have Hearthfire) and since I can't get Hearthfire to show up in the mod manager, I'm kind of stuck.


    Edit: Also tried the Skyrim launcher, which is just unchecking things as soon as I leave it and TES5 Edit, which shows everything as being there, but not checked and checking them within that doesn't seem to actually help the situation at all.


    Edit 2: Okay... Now everything is magically showing up in NMM again. I can't say I'm not worried it's not just gonna happen again.

  5. I've been playing around with various mods that add recoil/spread, etc. to guns, but one thing is kind of bugging me. I can't figure out how to mod the game/weapons so that you have better accuracy when aiming down the sights, independently of the minimum weapon spread. What I mean by that is I'd like to have weapons that could have more hip fire spread, yet less aim down sights spread than another weapon.



    Weapon A has moderate spread all around.

    Weapon B has high spread while hip firing, but low spread when aiming down the sights.


    I'm not sure if it's possible to accomplish with this engine, but it's something I've really wanted to find out about. I'm aware there are game settings tied to spread. Specifically, fGunSpreadIronSightsBase and fGunSpreadIronSightsMult are tied to the percentage your spread is reduced when aiming down sights as compared to hip firing. The only problem with this is that it's a percentage system that applies to all guns (so far as I know), therefore a gun with better hip fire spread (minimum spread) will also have better aiming spread compared to another weapon with higher minimum spread.


    So, I guess my real question is... does anyone know how to affect this on a per weapon basis? Even a confirmation that it's not possible would be a helpful comment. At least then I'll know not to bother trying to figure it out.


    P.S. On a side note, I actually tried playing with the fGunSpreadIronSights settings to try to achieve a better spread reduction for all weapons while ADSing, but it didn't seem to do anything, despite having it at the end of my list. Maybe I have a script affecting it; I don't really know.

  6. I second this request, but for a different reason. Much like the "running with a bow" animation, the male walking animation makes your character look like you're a gorilla, with the way you swing your arms. A nice, non-over-the-top, natural walking animation for males would be a great contribution to the modding community.
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