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About minlillaponny

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  1. Man får tacka! Ingen gillar att bli dödad av en liten ponny, det skapar bara mer ilska The engine seems really relative to the Fallout 4 engine. Did not have any problem with that game except some mods from Nexus. Starfield seems more hard to modify The menu is not the problem, it is the game. But i think i get the hang of it since the last update solved the most of the issues. It's not perfect, but i'm getting there soon enough. Umeå btw. Nexus har allt, även Svenskar och glöm inte att Norrland vinner alltid
  2. Hi guys. Don't know if this question has been answered before. Tried google it but could not find any proper answer. Not new to Bethesda since Fallout is my "go to game" and i know there's several bugs you have to live with Trying to run the game at 21:9 (3440x1440) and the mouse are acting funny ( slow on the Y) Found several solution on the web, but non of them works In the StarfieldCustom.ini i tried fMouseHeadingXScale=0.021 fMouseHeadingYScale = 0.05017 None of them works. It does not matter if i put fMouseHeadingYScale = 0.99999 instead, it does not change a bit. What do i do?
  3. Hmm can't recall i've done the quest so what should i do?
  4. Kinda strange when playing drunk but hat's life :smile: I've had these items for several weeks now and i can't find any mission that will use them. *Spacesuit Costume x2 *Spacesuit Costume Helmet x2 The weight is not ok and i can't drop them since they belong to a mission.
  5. Just noticed that the Quartermastery points me to Far harbor. Can't rememeber that this mission was bunden to a DLC Yeah, it's a bit of a drag that the game adds radiant quests outside of the Commonwealth even when you haven't discovered those areas yet. There's this mod to keep radiant quests inside the Commonwealth. I use it and it works like a charm. Thanks mate. I will give it a try :) The mod says -It should be noted that this mod cannot change currently selected quest targets, either ones in queue or currently active. It can only prevent future cues from selecting non-commonwealth locations as targets. which sucks, but hopefully it will prevent future missions
  6. Just noticed that the Quartermastery points me to Far harbor. Can't rememeber that this mission was bunden to a DLC
  7. Yes. Paladin Danse is a follower too me now and that question is done. Just noticed that she also says -Bring that artifact back too me........ I have no clue what too do now. No new waypoints.
  8. Sorry for late answer, been out of town for work. Anyway. The answer i get back from Haylen is random stuff like -I appreciate all the support to the brotherhood. and -Thanks for all the help.
  9. Yes again :D Can't rememeber i had this problem in the earlier run. I'm stuck at Semper Invicta - Support the Brotherhood recon team. I've been talking with Scribe Haylen, but there's only nonsene back. Any ideas?
  10. Thanks guys. Have not had the time too play until now and it worked just fine even though i played several hours after the -Emogene takes a lover mission :) Cheers
  11. No. At the amphitheater, the room where she usually sits was empty.
  12. I have no idea how to solve this. I'm missing a key and i have no clue where i can find it. https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/Ez8y https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/Ez8C https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/Ez8S
  13. I was having the same problem with my 970 strix, I had it oc'd for a little extra, and fallout seemed to make it choke and revert to base clock settings, not base overclock so like 870mhz? when the base overclock clock is 1250ish i tweaked an oc preset just for running Fallout and just mildly overclocked it and it seemed more stable. Something about the creation engine does not like oc'd cards because skyrim had the same effect causing my card to revert to base clock and spit it's cookies as well. Maybe try unclocking a bit? And just as an fyi, above 60fps in any creation engine game is just asking for issues seeing as the frame rate is tied to the physics engine, all kind of crazy stuff happens ie: opening doors causes havok object to bounce around the room in skyrim, lockpick glitch in fo4, terminal bug fo4 etc. ymmv Thanks. Gonna give it a try later when i'm home. Did not Bethesda fix that high FPS bug already?
  14. Thanks for answers. Mostly it's just to clear up my journal, but also since i hate bugs so much :)
  15. Just tried it and nothing :/ Do i maybe need a brush? To me he says -Busy, got work to do, and later turns around to paint the wall.
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