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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by Senaattori89

  1. Ive encountered strange, never before seen, problem on my current Skyrim game. Ive got around 660 mods installed with 460 active plugins. And the problem is as seen in the title. All ghost enemies that "Skyrim immersive creatures" adds die as soon as they appear. Mzark, dwemer ghost guards/mages etc. As soon as I enter a cell with them they die, if I spawn any of them via console they die, if I resurrect one it dies. And it seems to be just the SIC added ghost enemies, havent seen other "spawn killed" enemies so far on my game, that's been going around 40 hours. The enemies don't seem to lose any HP, truehud and such would show it. its as if there was a sudden rule in my game that causes all the ghost-like enemies to die. D&D like "save or die" scenario except the enemies always fail the save. Anyone else with this kind of problem? Or maybe some ideas what could cause such issue? load order under spoiler tags EDIT: FIXED it! I didnt know / had not realized that "magicAttachAshPileOnDeath and Disintegrate Perk Fix" causes problems with Adamant perk overhaul. This combination caused all the instant deaths in my game. HUGE thanks for Vicn! He just randomly happened to upload file called "Script Fix - MagicAttachAshPileOnDeath" that made me realize what was wrong on my game
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