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Everything posted by SunWolf

  1. I think adding a timed block, and parrying, versus static blocking for ALL WEAPONS would make a lot more sense. Instead swords are used like shields and it looks pretty dumb and out dated IMO.
  2. Not the only one! I really never liked either the 3rd person, as it has its times of looking awkward, and then the 1st person is a floating hand or sword that does not move any different when walking, running, sprinting.
  3. There is a mod coming, "Total Realism Overhaul," that will have horses more as pack horses, so you can clear a dungeon and take all that is truly valuable. What would an adventurer really spend all the time to strip down every single thing, that is just ridiculous and its not like money is hard to come by. I would definitely use this mod. Hopefully, like mentioned, without clipping, as that kills some of the immersion from a.... immersion mod RitchieTheMerc, you might want to contact that modder and see if you want to join together, or make them at least compatible.
  4. This is a mod ive been hoping for! Much more immersive than a floating sword
  5. ManshOOter, I was taking a look at the main page and where you have "reduce the impact weapon skill has on overall damage of the weapons" I think is a great idea. It makes sense that getting more skilled using a particular weapon type that you will do more damage with your strikes. To look at it from a more of a whole of what skill with a weapon would mean, being skilled with a weapon would mean you can swing it much easier (less stamina and more accurate/less clumsy swings), having new ways of attacking with the weapon type (new moves, like regular attacks with directional press is its own unique move, like power attacks). The latter can be a new addition to a perk tree, but I feel better skill would be slightly more damage (the more accurate strikes), much easier to swing (less stamina, more nimble, quicker strikes). Perhaps, slow down all weapon attacks and then when a player or NPC has more skill, the quicker their strikes are? Similar to how you plan archery, but instead of weaving the bow, less wieldly/effective swings at low skill level?
  6. You can block with a torch, but you can't attack with it, as far as I remember, because it's not a weapon. So basically it just has shield flag enabled or somesuch. Blocking while dual wielding would require a weapon to be able to double as a shield, which I am not sure is possible. That's why I'm leaning towards dodging as a basic defense mechanic for dual wielders, since that at least I know can be done. Parrying could also perhaps be scripted to be a more timing intensive action requiring the player to be more accurate with when they use it, making it more difficult to use and thus an appropriate price to pay for being able to hit stuff with two weapons at once. And this IS a combat mod, or better said, combat realism and immersion is a big part of it. P.S. Just played a bit of Warband, and man, does that game have an excellent combat system... which is why timed blocks with anything but a shield is definitely something I am going to look into. It adds so much to the fights. All armor pieces in the game will be looked at. Clothing will also have a use, from environmental protection and the way it interacts with magical attacks to having an impact on basic needs dynamics. As for dual wielding and sheathing, that looks to me like an engine (hardcoded) problem, so I'm not sure anything can be done with that. I agree it's annoying. I will have to check out Warband.... For a realistic combat experience, too me, it needs to have a sense of urgency and timing when blocking, and successful strikes/blows coming from finding an opening, with a window of time to, to go for the kill. I train in Muay Thai martial arts, which is heavily focused on striking (lots of knees and elbows), but defense is at the forefront if you don't want to get seriously injured. When sparring with skilled opponents, it is damn hard to get that crease, but when you do you must take it right when it is opening. However, when facing a skilled opponent is who much larger and stronger, they can bash the defense, creating openings through sheer strength by staggering the opponent. Having that concept in Skyrim would be something. About the torch, your explanation gives me another idea, which I don't know if it is possible. Since there is a "script" that has the torch behave like a shield, but blocks like a sword (animation) and be able to bash, can you make a script where you have a "block" key for dual wielding and when that key is pressed, the off hand weapon thinks its a torch or shield, and when the key is released, it goes back to normal?
  7. I posted these ideas in the Total Realism Overhaul Mod... Ideas for More Realistic Combat: Blocking/Parrying Without a shield equipped, having a static block animation with weapons does not make any realistic sense to me and breaks the flow and rhythm of combat. I know that the proposed dodges would make for a major upgrade. However, to be able to just hold down the block without having to time makes it the same boring mechanic that has been around for ages. I think if a parry is not possible, changing blocking so that the block goes up for a second or so and then comes back down, so it at least has to be timed. I feel that a parry would make for a much more dynamic, realistic and fun experience, relying on skill (blocking skill) and timing. One idea is to use the stagger animations. If the parry is timed perfectly, the opponent staggers. If it is an effective parry, but not perfectly timed, than both parties slightly stagger. With a bad timed parry, character takes nearly full damage. The main idea for me is to skillfully create openings for killing strikes, or leaving openings to be killed by a lethal strike/blow. Something like dodge, attack (blocked), block, dodge, parry, kill. I think melee should surround around finding an opening for a multiple quick slashes (which should have a bleeding out script, shown by loss of stamina and health), devastating or killing strikes.
  8. I think there is, because the blocking with a weapon is a different animation and is less effective, so there must be something along those lines (have 0 modding experience). Some other observations/ideas on blocking/defending: I noticed that blocking with a torch is possible. So, for dual-wielding, maybe it is possible to block. If there is a separate button/key that can be assigned for it. Actually, having a seperate button for blocking with any one handed weapon would make sense. Then, a (hopefully) simple animation with the off hand to extend to emulation a push and a stagger if it is successfully connects? Again, having slight stagger and full stagger or some repercussion would make for wonderful variation and more natural combat. I know this is not a combat mod, but those things seem simple and would go a long way to re-writing the rhythm and pace of battle, where skills are necessary, but so is your skill in timing and intuition in combat. Does any of that seem possible?
  9. Ideas for More Realistic Combat: Blocking/Parrying Without a shield equipped, having a static block animation with weapons does not make any realistic sense to me and breaks the flow and rhythm of combat. I know that the proposed dodges would make for a major upgrade. However, to be able to just hold down the block without having to time makes it the same boring mechanic that has been around for ages. I think if a parry is not possible, changing blocking so that the block goes up for a second or so and then comes back down, so it at least has to be timed. I feel that a parry would make for a much more dynamic, realistic and fun experience, relying on skill (blocking skill) and timing. One idea is to use the stagger animations. If the parry is timed perfectly, the opponent staggers. If it is an effective parry, but not perfectly timed, than both parties slightly stagger. With a bad timed parry, character takes nearly full damage. The main idea for me is to skillfully create openings for killing strikes, or leaving openings to be killed by a lethal strike/blow. Any thoughts?
  10. There was a locational damage mod in Oblivion, so it should be possible
  11. Having a static block animation with weapons does not make any sense to me. I feel that a parry would make for a much more dynamic, realistic and fun experience, where depending on skill and timing either the attacker who is parried staggers (slight or major stagger depending on skill and timing) or both parties stagger from very slightly to making a major opening for a killing strike... Any thoughts?
  12. Love the expansion on the training ideas, and that there is already a vanilla archery mini game to start with. Another thing that really breaks immersion for me is being able to run down rapidly flowing rivers and down water falls. Even running in knee or waist level in a rocky stream would be a recipe for falling and smashed shins. In general, I would like to see falling down more. Also when running backwards in a fight should have a chance of falling down if there are rocks or vegetation around, or a stagger or stumble. I would actually also love to see an animation for slipping and sliding down angles that are too steep to climb. This probably isn't very spanked, but being able to grab ledges and climb up, or hop over objects, small walls ect would add so much to the immersion for me. Right now the animations are all smooth but everything is so floaty, without a sense of weight.
  13. That video exactly! Too me, not seeing an arm until mid swing, would not be weird. When I spar (martial arts), I don't expect to see my arms. I trust my strike or whatever manuever will be where I aim. In Skyrim, we have a cursor and know that our strike will come into view as it is following through.
  14. If you are planing on adding animations, it would be great if there would be a way to have more immersive 1st person view, where your arms arent just sticking out in front, but would swing as you run. As referenced, having the 3rd person camera situated at the character's eyes would make a lot of sense.
  15. I don't know if this has been stated (read probably 75% of thread), but the fact that all the generic NPCs mostly sound the same. It's like talking to a bunch of robots, and robots dont bleed realism! I had the same problem with Oblivion. There was a clever mod that varied the pitch of all NPCs and it did wonders to make each NPC feel more like unique individuals. If you can do something like that, it would go a long way. Another topic that has probably been brought up is not having the whole world level up with you. It makes sense that we are not the only ones to improve, but not right along with us. It would make more sense if it happened regardless of what I was doing. I can get to Riverwood and decide to spend most of my days chopping wood, improving my archery and training before I even think of heading out on the road or the barrows. I just sparked myself an idea :dance: haha.....what if training is more dynamic? I love the idea of learning from experienced characters/masters of the trade, but nothing is less realistic than to just spend money and get better, phantom trained.... I think all trainers having a training mini game would be AWESOME. Just add a target by an archery trainer, and training with melee fighters being a little spar session. I don't know how hard this would be, but it is just an idea and would make training so much fun, realistic, and immersive. No extra dialog would have to take place...the training option could be more descriptive, like "Train/Spar" or "Train/Target Practice." What do you think? Is it possible?
  16. It's called VAC I believe...voice activated commands....that's what I'm most interested about as well...but I need a new rig and am going to wait 6 mos to a year for the miss to develop, have it on 360 and need to still play witcher 2....
  17. All the generic characters pretty much sound exactly the same. It's like talking to a bunch of robots. I remember an oblivion mod that had variable pitch added, so everyone sounded different, was a clever way to help me feel Luke the npcs are unique....
  18. Here is something different, with the kinect vs wii remotes. But it is def possible!
  19. Just my preference. For me, its way more immersive. I love to shoot at someone, than take an alternate vantage, peek out and see that the enemy is looking for where I went and bam dead. Its more realistic to me. I really liked Mass Effects cover, felt a whole lot less sticky than GOW. I think it should be an OPTION for every shooter game. That said, I would very much be satisfied with a lean system. I will just play Oblivion with all the mods (never played but an hour or so) and wait on the mods to develop and evolve for fallout. As much as I prefer a shooter, I'd rather wait to play a better game.
  20. Thats too bad it would be so difficult. Shooting in and out of cover is my favorite part of playing shooters. Its a shame it is not in the game already.
  21. Is there a mod out there, or in the works where you can use walls and objects as cover? Similar to Mass Effect and Gears of War? I am waiting to play Fallout 3 until I come across such a mod. Thanks in advance
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